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Welcome to hydra-zen’s documentation!#

hydra-zen is a Python library that makes the Hydra framework simpler and more elegant to use. Use hydra-zen to design your project to be:

  • Configurable: Change deeply-nested parameters and swap out entire pieces of your program, all from the command line.

  • Repeatable: each run of your code will be self-documenting; the full configuration of your software is saved alongside your results.

  • Scalable: launch multiple runs of your software, be it on your local machine or across multiple nodes on a cluster.

hydra-zen eliminates all hand-written yaml configs from your Hydra project. It does so by providing functions that dynamically and automatically generate dataclass-based configs for your code. It also provides a custom config-store API and task-function wrapper, which help to eliminate most of the Hydra-specific boilerplate from your project.

hydra-zen is fully compatible with Hydra, and is appropriate for use in both rapid prototypes and production-grade code. It is also great for designing your data science and machine learning research to be reproducible. hydra-zen provides specialized support for using NumPy, Jax, PyTorch, and Lightning (a.k.a PyTorch-Lightning) in your Hydra application.

hydra-zen at a glance#

Suppose you have the following library code.

Some library code that we want to be able to configure and run from the CLI.#
# Contents of

# Note: no Hydra/hydra-zen specific code here!

def relu(x): ...
def sigmoid(x): ...

class Model:
    def __init__(self, activation, nlayers, logits = False) -> None:
        self.summary = f"Model:\n-{activation=}\n-{nlayers=}\n-{logits=}"

class DataLoader:
    def __init__(self, batch_size = 10, shuffle_batch = True):
        self.summary = f"DataLoader:\n-{batch_size=}\n-{shuffle_batch=}\n"

def train_fn(model: Model, dataloader: DataLoader, num_epochs: int = -1):
    print(f"Training with {num_epochs=}\n")
    print(model.summary, end="\n\n")

We want to be able to configure and run the train_fn from the commandline, while being able to modify all aspects of its inputs, including parameters nested in Model and DataLoader.

hydra_zen makes short work of this: we can create and store custom configurations for all parts of this library code and generate a CLI that reflects the resulting hierarchical config.

Using hydra-zen to create a configurable CLI for running train_fn#
# Contents of

from hydra_zen import just, store

from baby_torch import DataLoader, Model, relu, sigmoid

# Automatically generate and store configs for `Model`
model_store = store(group="model")
model_store(Model, name="generic")
model_store(Model, nlayers=100, name="big")
model_store(Model, nlayers=2, name="tiny")

# Configure that relu/sigmoid should "just" be imported,
# not initialized during run.
activation_store = store(group="model/activation")
activation_store(just(relu), name="relu")
activation_store(just(sigmoid), name="sigmoid")

data_store = store(group="dataloader")
data_store(DataLoader, name="train")
data_store(DataLoader, shuffle_batch=False, name="test")

# Configure the top-level function that will be executed from
# the CLI; provide the default model & dataloader configs to
# use.
        # default config:
        #    - 'big' model using relu activation
        #    - train-mode dataloader
        {"model": "big"},
        {"model/activation": "relu"},
        {"dataloader": "train"},

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from hydra_zen import zen


    # Generate the CLI For train_fn
    # Hydra will accept configuration options from
    # the CLI and merge them with the stored configs.
    # hydra-zen then instantiates these configs
    # -- creating the Model & DataLoader instances --
    # and passes them to train_fn, running the training code.
    # Hydra records the exact, reproducible config
    # for each run, and saves the results in an
    # auto-generated, configurable output dir

Now we can configure and run train_fn from the CLI exposed by

Running the default config.#
$ python
Training with num_epochs=-1

-activation=<function relu at 0x0000016B9C10F280>

Training for 2 epochs using sigmoid activation.#
$ python num_epochs=2 model/activation=sigmoid
Training with num_epochs=2

-activation=<function sigmoid at 0x00000185640D4280>

Using tiny model with logits, and use batch size of 22.#
$ python model=tiny model.logits=True dataloader.batch_size=22
Training with num_epochs=-1

-activation=<function relu at 0x0000016B9C10F280>


Each run’s reproducible configuration will be saved as a yaml file; by default Hydra places these in a time-stamped directory.

Viewing the serialized yaml file: training for 2 epochs w/ sigmoid.#
$ less outputs/2023-03-11/12-13-14/.hydra/config.yaml
_target_: baby_torch.train_fn
  _target_: baby_torch.Model
    path: baby_torch.sigmoid
    _target_: hydra_zen.funcs.get_obj
  nlayers: 100
  logits: false
  _target_: baby_torch.DataLoader
  batch_size: 10
  shuffle_batch: true
num_epochs: 2

hydra-zen works with arbitrary Python code bases; this example happens to mimic a machine learning application but hydra-zen is ultimately application agnostic.

You can read more about hydra-zen’s config store and its auto-config capabilities here.

Attention, Hydra users:

If you are already using Hydra, let’s cut to the chase: the most important benefit of using hydra-zen is that it automatically and dynamically generates structured configs for you.

Creating a structured config without hydra-zen#
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

def foo(bar: int, baz: list[str], qux: float = 1.23):

class FooConf:
    _target_: str = ""
    bar: int = 2
    baz: list[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ["abc"])
    qux: float = 1.23
Creating an equivalent structured config with hydra-zen#
from hydra_zen import builds

def foo(bar: int, baz: list[str], qux: float = 1.23):

ZenFooConf = builds(foo, bar=2, baz=["abc"], populate_full_signature=True)

This means that it is much easier and safer to write and maintain the configs for your Hydra applications:

  • Write all of your configs in Python. No more yaml files!

  • Write less, stop repeating yourself, and get more out of your configs.

  • Get automatic type-safety via builds()’s signature inspection.

  • Validate your configs before launching your application.

  • Leverage auto-config support for additional types, like functools.partial, that are not natively supported by Hydra.

hydra-zen also also provides Hydra users with powerful, novel functionality. With it, we can:


hydra-zen is lightweight: its only dependencies are hydra-core and typing-extensions. To install it, run:

$ pip install hydra-zen

If instead you want to try out the features in the upcoming version, you can install the latest pre-release of hydra-zen with:

$ pip install --pre hydra-zen

Learning About hydra-zen#

Our docs are divided into four sections: Tutorials, How-Tos, Explanations, and Reference.

If you want to get a bird’s-eye view of what hydra-zen is all about, or if you are completely new to Hydra, check out our Tutorials. For folks who are savvy Hydra users, our How-Tos and Reference materials can help acquaint you with the unique capabilities that are offered by hydra-zen. Finally, Explanations provide readers with taxonomies, design principles, recommendations, and other articles that will enrich their understanding of hydra-zen and Hydra.

Note that each page in our reference documentation features extensive examples and explanations of how the various components of hydra-zen work. Check it out!


Indices and tables#