# Copyright (c) 2025 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Provides annotation overloads for various hydra functions, using the types defined in `hydra_zen.typing`.
This enables tools like IDEs to be more incisive during static analysis and to provide users with additional
context about their code.
.. code::
from hydra_zen import builds, instantiate
DictConfig = builds(dict, a=1, b=2) # type: Type[Builds[Type[dict]]]
# static analysis tools can provide useful type information
# about the object that is instantiated from the config
out = instantiate(DictConfig) # type: dict
# pyright: strict
# pyright: reportPrivateUsage=false
import pathlib
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from functools import partial, wraps
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload
from hydra.utils import instantiate as hydra_instantiate
from omegaconf import MISSING, DictConfig, ListConfig, OmegaConf
from .structured_configs._implementations import (
from .typing import Builds, Just, Partial
from .typing._implementations import DataClass_, HasTarget, InstOrType, IsPartial
__all__ = ["instantiate", "to_yaml", "save_as_yaml", "load_from_yaml", "MISSING"]
T = TypeVar("T")
F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any])
def _call_target(
_target_: F,
_partial_: bool,
args: tuple[Any, ...],
kwargs: dict[str, Any],
full_key: str,
target_wrapper: Callable[[F], F],
) -> Any: # pragma: no cover
"""Call target (type) with args and kwargs."""
import functools
from hydra._internal.instantiate._instantiate2 import (
from hydra.errors import InstantiationException
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from hydra_zen.funcs import zen_processing
args, kwargs = _extract_pos_args(args, kwargs)
# detaching configs from parent.
# At this time, everything is resolved and the parent link can cause
# issues when serializing objects in some scenarios.
for arg in args:
if OmegaConf.is_config(arg):
for v in kwargs.values():
if OmegaConf.is_config(v):
except Exception as e:
msg = (
f"Error in collecting args and kwargs for '{_convert_target_to_string(_target_)}':"
+ f"\n{repr(e)}"
if full_key:
msg += f"\nfull_key: {full_key}"
raise InstantiationException(msg) from e
orig_target = _target_
if _target_ is zen_processing:
kwargs["_zen_target_wrapper"] = target_wrapper
_target_ = target_wrapper(_target_)
if _partial_:
return functools.partial(_target_, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
msg = (
f"Error in creating partial({_convert_target_to_string(orig_target)}, ...) object:"
+ f"\n{repr(e)}"
if full_key:
msg += f"\nfull_key: {full_key}"
raise InstantiationException(msg) from e
return _target_(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
msg = f"Error in call to target '{_convert_target_to_string(orig_target)}':\n{repr(e)}"
if full_key:
msg += f"\nfull_key: {full_key}"
raise InstantiationException(msg) from e
class _TightBind: # pragma: no cover
def instantiate(
config: _TightBind,
*args: Any,
_target_wrapper_: Union[Callable[[F], F], None] = ...,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Any: ...
def instantiate(
config: InstOrType[ConfigPath],
*args: Any,
_target_wrapper_: Union[Callable[[F], F], None] = ...,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> pathlib.Path: ...
def instantiate(
config: InstOrType[ConfigComplex],
*args: Any,
_target_wrapper_: Union[Callable[[F], F], None] = ...,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> complex: ...
def instantiate(
config: InstOrType[Just[T]],
*args: Any,
_target_wrapper_: Union[Callable[[F], F], None] = ...,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> T: ...
def instantiate(
config: InstOrType[IsPartial[Callable[..., T]]],
*args: Any,
_target_wrapper_: Union[Callable[[F], F], None] = ...,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Partial[T]: ...
def instantiate(
config: InstOrType[Builds[Callable[..., T]]],
*args: Any,
_target_wrapper_: Union[Callable[[F], F], None] = ...,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> T: ...
def instantiate(
config: Union[
dict[Any, Any],
*args: Any,
_target_wrapper_: Union[Callable[[F], F], None] = ...,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Any: ...
def instantiate(
config: Any,
*args: Any,
_target_wrapper_: Union[Callable[[F], F], None] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
Instantiates the target of a targeted config.
This is an alias of :func:`hydra.utils.instantiate` [1]_.
By default, `instantiate` will recursively instantiate nested configurations [1]_.
config : Builds[Type[T] | Callable[..., T]]
The targeted config whose target will be instantiated/called.
*args: Any
Override values, specified by-position. Take priority over
the positional values provided by ``config``.
**kwargs : Any
Override values, specified by-name. Take priority over
the named values provided by ``config``.
_target_wrapper_ : Callable[[F], F] | None, optional (default=None)
If specified, this wrapper is applied to _all_ targets during
instantiation. This can be used to add custom validation/parsing
to the config-instantiation process.
I.e., For any target reached during recursive instantiation,
`_target_wrapper_(target)(*args, **kwargs)` will be called rather than
`target(*args, **kwargs)`.
instantiated : T
The instantiated target. Instantiated using the values provided
by ``config`` and/or overridden via ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``.
See Also
builds: Returns a config, which describes how to instantiate/call ``<hydra_target>``.
just: Produces a config that, when instantiated by Hydra, "just" returns the un-instantiated target-object
This is an alias for ``hydra.utils.instantiate``, but adds additional static type
During instantiation, Hydra performs runtime validation of data based on a limited set of
type-annotations that can be associated with the fields of the provided config [2]_ [3]_.
Hydra supports a string-based syntax for variable interpolation, which enables configured
values to be set in a self-referential and dynamic manner [4]_.
.. [1] https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/instantiate_objects/overview
.. [2] https://omegaconf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/structured_config.html#simple-types
.. [3] https://omegaconf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/structured_config.html#runtime-type-validation-and-conversion
.. [4] https://omegaconf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#variable-interpolation
>>> from hydra_zen import builds, instantiate, just
**Basic Usage**
Instantiating a config that targets a class/type.
>>> ConfDict = builds(dict, x=1) # a targeted config
>>> instantiate(ConfDict) # calls `dict(x=1)`
{'x': 1}
Instantiating a config that targets a function.
>>> def f(z): return z
>>> ConfF = builds(f, z=22) # a targeted config
>>> instantiate(ConfF) # calls `f(z=22)`
Providing a manual override, via ``instantiate(..., **kwargs)``
>>> instantiate(ConfF, z='foo') # calls `f(z='foo')`
Recursive instantiation through nested configs.
>>> inner = builds(dict, b="hi")
>>> outer = builds(dict, a=inner)
>>> instantiate(outer) # calls `dict(a=dict(b='hi))`
{'a': {'b': 'hi'}}
**Leveraging Variable Interpolation**
Hydra provides a powerful language for absolute and relative
interpolated variables among configs [4]_. Let's make a config
where multiple fields reference the field ``name`` via absolute
>>> from hydra_zen import make_config
>>> Conf = make_config("name", a="${name}", b=builds(dict, x="${name}"))
Resolving the interpolation key: ``name``
>>> instantiate(Conf, name="Jeff")
{'a': 'Jeff', 'b': {'x': 'Jeff'}, 'name': 'Jeff'}
**Runtime Data Validation via Hydra**
>>> def g(x: float): return x # note the annotation: float
>>> Conf_g = builds(g, populate_full_signature=True)
>>> instantiate(Conf_g, x=1.0)
Passing a non-float to ``x`` will produce a validation error upon instantiation
>>> instantiate(Conf_g, x='hi')
ValidationError: Value 'hi' could not be converted to Float
full_key: x
Only a subset of primitive types are supported by Hydra's validation system [2]_.
See :ref:`data-val` for more general data validation capabilities via hydra-zen.
if _target_wrapper_ is None:
return hydra_instantiate(config, *args, **kwargs)
from hydra._internal.instantiate import _instantiate2 as inst
old = inst._call_target
new_call_target = cast(
F, partial(_call_target, target_wrapper=_target_wrapper_)
inst._call_target = new_call_target
return hydra_instantiate(config, *args, **kwargs)
inst._call_target = old
def _apply_just(fn: F) -> F:
def wrapper(cfg: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
if not is_dataclass(cfg):
cfg = DefaultBuilds.just(cfg)
return fn(cfg, *args, **kwargs)
return cast(F, wrapper)
def to_yaml(cfg: Any, *, resolve: bool = False, sort_keys: bool = False) -> str:
Serialize a config as a yaml-formatted string.
This is an alias of ``omegaconf.Omegaconf.to_yaml``.
cfg : Any
A valid configuration object, supported either by Hydra or hydra-zen
resolve : bool, optional (default=False)
If `True`, interpolated fields in `cfg` will be resolved in the yaml.
sort_keys : bool, optional (default=False)
If `True`, the yaml's entries will alphabetically ordered.
yaml : str
See Also
save_as_yaml: Save a config to a yaml-format file.
load_from_yaml: Load a config from a yaml-format file.
>>> from hydra_zen import builds, make_config, to_yaml
**Basic usage**
The yaml of a config with both an un-configured field
and a configured field:
>>> c1 = make_config("a", b=1)
>>> print(to_yaml(c1))
a: ???
b: 1
The yaml of a targeted config:
>>> c2 = builds(dict, y=10)
>>> print(to_yaml(c2))
_target_: builtins.dict
'y': 10
hydra-zen's additional supported types can be specified as well
>>> print(to_yaml(1+2j))
real: 1.0
imag: 2.0
_target_: builtins.complex
**Specifying resolve**
The following is a config with interpolated fields.
>>> c3 = make_config(a=builds(dict, b="${c}"), c=1)
>>> print(to_yaml(c3, resolve=False))
_target_: builtins.dict
b: ${c}
c: 1
>>> print(to_yaml(c3, resolve=True))
_target_: builtins.dict
b: 1
c: 1
**Specifying sort_keys**
>>> c4 = make_config("b", "a") # field order: b then a
>>> print(to_yaml(c4, sort_keys=False))
b: ???
a: ???
>>> print(to_yaml(c4, sort_keys=True))
a: ???
b: ???
return OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg=cfg, resolve=resolve, sort_keys=sort_keys)
def save_as_yaml(
config: Any, f: Union[str, pathlib.Path, IO[Any]], resolve: bool = False
) -> None:
Save a config to a yaml-format file
This is an alias of ``omegaconf.Omegaconf.save`` [1]_.
config : Any
A config object.
f : str | pathlib.Path | IO[Any]
The path of the file file, or a file object, to be written to.
resolve : bool, optional (default=None)
If ``True`` interpolations will be resolved in the config prior to serialization [2]_.
See Examples section of `to_yaml` for details.
See Also
to_yaml: Serialize a config as a yaml-formatted string.
load_from_yaml: Load a config from a yaml-format file.
.. [1] https://omegaconf.readthedocs.io/en/2.0_branch/usage.html#save-load-yaml-file
.. [2] https://omegaconf.readthedocs.io/en/2.0_branch/usage.html#variable-interpolation
>>> from hydra_zen import make_config, save_as_yaml, load_from_yaml
**Basic usage**
>>> Conf = make_config(a=1, b="foo")
>>> save_as_yaml(Conf, "test.yaml") # file written to: test.yaml
>>> load_from_yaml("test.yaml")
{'a': 1, 'b': 'foo'}
return OmegaConf.save(config=config, f=f, resolve=resolve)
def load_from_yaml(
file_: Union[str, pathlib.Path, IO[Any]]
) -> Union[DictConfig, ListConfig]:
Load a config from a yaml-format file
This is an alias of ``omegaconf.OmegaConf.load``.
file_ : str | pathlib.Path | IO[Any]
The path to the yaml-formatted file, or the file object, that the config
will be loaded from.
loaded_conf : DictConfig | ListConfig
See Also
save_as_yaml: Save a config to a yaml-format file.
to_yaml: Serialize a config as a yaml-formatted string.
.. [1] https://omegaconf.readthedocs.io/en/2.0_branch/usage.html#save-load-yaml-file
>>> from hydra_zen import make_config, save_as_yaml, load_from_yaml
**Basic usage**
>>> Conf = make_config(a=1, b="foo")
>>> save_as_yaml(Conf, "test.yaml") # file written to: test.yaml
>>> load_from_yaml("test.yaml")
{'a': 1, 'b': 'foo'}
return OmegaConf.load(file_)