# Copyright (c) 2025 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import functools
import inspect
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque
from collections.abc import Collection, Mapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import ( # use this for runtime checks
Field as _Field,
from datetime import timedelta
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath, WindowsPath
from typing import (
from omegaconf import DictConfig, ListConfig, _utils as _omegaconf_utils
from typing_extensions import (
from hydra_zen._compatibility import (
from hydra_zen.errors import (
from hydra_zen.funcs import as_default_dict, get_obj
from hydra_zen.structured_configs import _utils
from hydra_zen.structured_configs._type_guards import safe_getattr
from hydra_zen.typing import (
from hydra_zen.typing._implementations import (
Just as JustT,
from ._globals import (
from ._type_guards import (
from ._utils import merge_settings
T = TypeVar("T")
_T = TypeVar("_T")
P = ParamSpec("P")
R = TypeVar("R")
TD = TypeVar("TD", bound=DataClass_)
TC = TypeVar("TC", bound=Callable[..., Any])
TP = TypeVar("TP", bound=_HydraPrimitive)
TB = TypeVar("TB", bound=Union[_SupportedViaBuilds, frozenset[Any]])
Importable = TypeVar("Importable", bound=Callable[..., Any])
Field_Entry: TypeAlias = tuple[str, type, Field[Any]]
_JUST_CONVERT_SETTINGS = AllConvert(dataclass=True, flat_target=False)
# default zen_convert settings for `builds` and `hydrated_dataclass`
_BUILDS_CONVERT_SETTINGS = AllConvert(dataclass=True, flat_target=True)
# stores type -> value-conversion-fn
# for types with specialized support from hydra-zen
class _ConversionFn(Protocol):
def __call__(self, __x: Any, CBuildsFn: "Type[BuildsFn[Any]]") -> Any: ...
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION: dict[type, _ConversionFn] = {}
# signature param-types
_VAR_POSITIONAL: Final = inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL
_KEYWORD_ONLY: Final = inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
_VAR_KEYWORD: Final = inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD
NoneType = type(None)
_builtin_function_or_method_type = type(len)
# fmt: off
_lru_cache_type = type(functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128)(lambda: None)) # pragma: no branch
# fmt: on
_BUILTIN_TYPES: Final = (_builtin_function_or_method_type, _lru_cache_type)
del _lru_cache_type
del _builtin_function_or_method_type
# In python 3.13 the definitions for pathlib.Path, et al. were moved to the
# pathlib._locals, changing the tag for yaml serialization. Thus we monkey-patch
# omegaconf's yaml loader to handle these new strings.
_original_yaml_loader = _omegaconf_utils.get_yaml_loader
def _patched_yaml_loader(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # pragma: no cover
loader = _original_yaml_loader(*args, **kwargs)
lambda loader, node: pathlib.Path(*loader.construct_sequence(node)),
lambda loader, node: pathlib.PosixPath(*loader.construct_sequence(node)),
lambda loader, node: pathlib.WindowsPath(*loader.construct_sequence(node)),
return loader
_omegaconf_utils.get_yaml_loader = _patched_yaml_loader
def _retain_type_info(type_: type, value: Any, hydra_recursive: Optional[bool]):
# OmegaConf's type-checking occurs before instantiation occurs.
# This means that, e.g., passing `Builds[int]` to a field `x: int`
# will fail Hydra's type-checking upon instantiation, even though
# the recursive instantiation will appropriately produce `int` for
# that field. This will not be addressed by hydra/omegaconf:
# https://github.com/facebookresearch/hydra/issues/1759
# Thus we will auto-broaden the annotation when we see that a field
# is set with a structured config as a default value - assuming that
# the field isn't annotated with a structured config type.
# Each condition is included separately to ensure that our tests
# cover all scenarios
if hydra_recursive is False:
return True
elif not is_builds(value):
if _utils.is_interpolated_string(value):
# an interpolated field may resolve to a structured conf, which may
# instantiate to a value of the specified type
return False
return True
elif is_builds(type_):
return True
return False
def hydrated_dataclass(
target: Callable[..., Any],
*pos_args: SupportedPrimitive,
zen_partial: Optional[bool] = None,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = tuple(),
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
populate_full_signature: bool = False,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = None,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = None,
init: bool = True,
repr: bool = True,
eq: bool = True,
order: bool = False,
unsafe_hash: bool = True,
frozen: bool = False,
match_args: bool = True,
kw_only: bool = False,
slots: bool = False,
weakref_slot: bool = False,
) -> Callable[[type[_T]], type[_T]]:
"""A decorator that uses `builds` to create a dataclass with the appropriate
Hydra-specific fields for specifying a targeted config [1]_.
This provides similar functionality to `builds`, but enables a user to define
a config explicitly using the :func:`dataclasses.dataclass` syntax, which can
enable enhanced static analysis of the resulting config.
hydra_target : T (Callable)
The target-object to be configured. This is a required, positional-only argument.
*pos_args : SupportedPrimitive
Positional arguments passed as ``hydra_target(*pos_args, ...)`` upon instantiation.
Arguments specified positionally are not included in the dataclass' signature
and are stored as a tuple bound to in the ``_args_`` field.
zen_partial : Optional[bool]
If ``True``, then the resulting config will instantiate as
``functools.partial(hydra_target, *pos_args, **kwargs_for_target)`` rather than
``hydra_target(*pos_args, **kwargs_for_target)``. Thus this enables the
partial-configuration of objects.
Specifying ``zen_partial=True`` and ``populate_full_signature=True`` together
will populate the config's signature only with parameters that: are explicitly
specified by the user, or that have default values specified in the target's
signature. I.e. it is presumed that un-specified parameters that have no
default values are to be excluded from the config.
zen_wrappers : None | Callable | Builds | InterpStr | Sequence[None | Callable | Builds | InterpStr]
One or more wrappers, which will wrap ``hydra_target`` prior to instantiation.
E.g. specifying the wrappers ``[f1, f2, f3]`` will instantiate as::
f3(f2(f1(hydra_target)))(*args, **kwargs)
Wrappers can also be specified as interpolated strings [2]_ or targeted
zen_meta : Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]]
Specifies field-names and corresponding values that will be included in the
resulting config, but that will *not* be used to builds ``<hydra_target>``
via instantiation. These are called "meta" fields.
populate_full_signature : bool, optional (default=False)
If ``True``, then the resulting config's signature and fields will be populated
according to the signature of ``hydra_target``; values also specified in
``**kwargs_for_target`` take precedent.
This option is not available for objects with inaccessible signatures, such as
NumPy's various ufuncs.
zen_convert : Optional[ZenConvert]
A dictionary that modifies hydra-zen's value and type conversion behavior.
Consists of the following optional key-value pairs (:ref:`zen-convert`):
- `dataclass` : `bool` (default=True):
If `True` any dataclass type/instance without a
`_target_` field is automatically converted to a targeted config
that will instantiate to that type/instance. Otherwise the dataclass
type/instance will be passed through as-is.
hydra_recursive : Optional[bool], optional (default=True)
If ``True``, then Hydra will recursively instantiate all other
hydra-config objects nested within this config [3]_.
If ``None``, the ``_recursive_`` attribute is not set on the resulting config.
- ``"none"``: No conversion occurs; omegaconf containers are passed through (Default)
- ``"partial"``: ``DictConfig`` and ``ListConfig`` objects converted to ``dict`` and
``list``, respectively. Structured configs and their fields are passed without conversion.
- ``"all"``: All passed objects are converted to dicts, lists, and primitives, without a trace of OmegaConf containers.
If ``None``, the ``_convert_`` attribute is not set on the resulting config.
hydra_convert : Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]], optional (default="none")
Determines how Hydra treats the non-primitive, omegaconf-specific objects
during instantiateion [3]_.
- ``"none"``: No conversion occurs; omegaconf containers are passed through (Default)
- ``"partial"``: ``DictConfig`` and ``ListConfig`` objects converted to ``dict`` and
``list``, respectively. Structured configs and their fields are passed without conversion.
- ``"all"``: All passed objects are converted to dicts, lists, and primitives, without
a trace of OmegaConf containers.
- ``"object"``: Passed objects are converted to dict and list. Structured Configs are converted to instances of the backing dataclass / attr class.
If ``None``, the ``_convert_`` attribute is not set on the resulting config.
init : bool, optional (default=True)
If true (the default), a __init__() method will be generated. If the class
already defines __init__(), this parameter is ignored.
repr : bool, optional (default=True)
If true (the default), a `__repr__()` method will be generated. The generated
repr string will have the class name and the name and repr of each field, in
the order they are defined in the class. Fields that are marked as being
excluded from the repr are not included. For example:
`InventoryItem(name='widget', unit_price=3.0, quantity_on_hand=10)`.
eq : bool, optional (default=True)
If true (the default), an __eq__() method will be generated. This method
compares the class as if it were a tuple of its fields, in order. Both
instances in the comparison must be of the identical type.
order : bool, optional (default=False)
If true (the default is `False`), `__lt__()`, `__le__()`, `__gt__()`, and
`__ge__()` methods will be generated. These compare the class as if it were a
tuple of its fields, in order. Both instances in the comparison must be of the
identical type. If order is true and eq is false, a ValueError is raised.
If the class already defines any of `__lt__()`, `__le__()`, `__gt__()`, or
`__ge__()`, then `TypeError` is raised.
unsafe_hash : bool, optional (default=False)
If `False` (the default), a `__hash__()` method is generated according to how
`eq` and `frozen` are set.
If `eq` and `frozen` are both true, by default `dataclass()` will generate a
`__hash__()` method for you. If `eq` is true and `frozen` is false, `__hash__()
` will be set to `None`, marking it unhashable. If `eq` is false, `__hash__()`
will be left untouched meaning the `__hash__()` method of the superclass will
be used (if the superclass is object, this means it will fall back to id-based
frozen : bool, optional (default=False)
If true (the default is `False`), assigning to fields will generate an
exception. This emulates read-only frozen instances.
match_args : bool, optional (default=True)
(*New in version 3.10*) If true (the default is `True`), the `__match_args__`
tuple will be created from the list of parameters to the generated `__init__()`
method (even if `__init__()` is not generated, see above). If false, or if
`__match_args__` is already defined in the class, then `__match_args__` will
not be generated.
kw_only : bool, optional (default=False)
(*New in version 3.10*) If true (the default value is `False`), then all fields
will be marked as keyword-only.
slots : bool, optional (default=False)
(*New in version 3.10*) If true (the default is `False`), `__slots__` attribute
will be generated and new class will be returned instead of the original one.
If `__slots__` is already defined in the class, then `TypeError` is raised.
weakref_slot : bool, optional (default=False)
(*New in version 3.11*) If true (the default is `False`), add a slot named
“__weakref__”, which is required to make an instance weakref-able. It is an
error to specify `weakref_slot=True` without also specifying `slots=True`.
See Also
builds : Create a targeted structured config designed to "build" a particular object.
The provided configured value cannot be serialized by Hydra, nor does hydra-zen
provide specialized support for it. See :ref:`valid-types` for more details.
Unlike `builds`, `hydrated_dataclass` enables config fields to be set explicitly
with custom type annotations. Additionally, the resulting config' attributes
can be analyzed by static tooling, which can help to warn about errors prior
to running one's code.
For details of the annotation `SupportedPrimitive`, see :ref:`valid-types`.
.. [1] https://hydra.cc/docs/tutorials/structured_config/intro/
.. [2] https://omegaconf.readthedocs.io/en/2.1_branch/usage.html#variable-interpolation
.. [3] https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/instantiate_objects/overview/#recursive-instantiation
.. [4] https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/instantiate_objects/overview/#parameter-conversion-strategies
**Basic usage**
>>> from hydra_zen import hydrated_dataclass, instantiate
Here, we specify a config that is designed to "build" a dictionary
upon instantiation
>>> @hydrated_dataclass(target=dict, frozen=True)
... class DictConf:
... x: int = 2
... y: str = 'hello'
>>> instantiate(DictConf(x=10)) # override default `x`
{'x': 10, 'y': 'hello'}
>>> d = DictConf()
>>> # Static type checker marks the following as
>>> # an error because `d` is frozen.
>>> d.x = 3 # type: ignore
FrozenInstanceError: cannot assign to field 'x'
For more detailed examples, refer to `builds`.
def wrapper(decorated_obj: Any) -> Any:
if not isinstance(decorated_obj, type):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Class instances are not supported by `hydrated_dataclass`."
# TODO: We should mutate `decorated_obj` directly like @dataclass does.
# Presently, we create an intermediate dataclass that we inherit
# from, which gets the job done for the most part but there are
# practical differences. E.g. you cannot delete an attribute that
# was declared in the definition of `decorated_obj`.
dc_options = _utils.parse_dataclass_options(
"init": init,
"repr": repr,
"eq": eq,
"order": order,
"unsafe_hash": unsafe_hash,
"frozen": frozen,
"match_args": match_args,
"kw_only": kw_only,
"slots": slots,
"weakref_slot": weakref_slot,
decorated_obj = dataclass(**dc_options)(decorated_obj) # type: ignore
if populate_full_signature:
# we need to ensure that the fields specified via the class definition
# take precedence over the fields that will be auto-populated by builds
kwargs = {
f.name: f.default if f.default is not MISSING else f.default_factory() # type: ignore
for f in fields(decorated_obj)
if not (f.default is MISSING and f.default_factory is MISSING)
and f.name not in HYDRA_FIELD_NAMES
and not f.name.startswith("_zen_")
kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
out = DefaultBuilds.builds(
"cls_name": decorated_obj.__name__,
"module": decorated_obj.__module__,
"init": init,
"repr": repr,
"eq": eq,
"order": order,
"unsafe_hash": unsafe_hash,
"frozen": frozen,
"match_args": match_args,
"kw_only": kw_only,
"slots": slots,
"weakref_slot": weakref_slot,
if decorated_obj.__doc__ is not None: # pragma: no cover
out.__doc__ = decorated_obj.__doc__
return out
return wrapper
class Just:
"""Just[T] is a config that returns T when instantiated."""
path: str
_target_: str = field(default="hydra_zen.funcs.get_obj", init=False, repr=False)
def _is_ufunc(value: Any) -> bool:
# checks without importing numpy
if (numpy := sys.modules.get("numpy")) is None: # pragma: no cover
# we do actually cover this branch some runs of our CI,
# but our coverage job installs numpy
return False
return isinstance(value, numpy.ufunc)
def _is_jax_ufunc(value: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
# checks without importing numpy
if (jnp := sys.modules.get("jax.numpy")) is None: # pragma: no cover
return False
return isinstance(value, jnp.ufunc)
def _is_numpy_array_func_dispatcher(value: Any) -> bool:
if (numpy := sys.modules.get("numpy")) is None: # pragma: no cover
return False
return isinstance(value, type(numpy.sum))
def _check_instance(*target_types: str, value: "Any", module: str): # pragma: no cover
"""Checks if value is an instance of any of the target types imported
from the specified module.
Returns `False` if module/target type doesn't exists (e.g. not installed).
This is useful for gracefully handling specialized logic for optional dependencies.
if (mod := sys.modules.get(module)) is None:
return False
types = []
for attr_name in target_types:
type_ = getattr(mod, attr_name, None)
if type_ is not None:
if not types:
return False
return isinstance(value, tuple(types))
except TypeError:
# handle singleton checking
return any(value is t for t in types)
_is_jax_compiled_func = functools.partial(
_check_instance, "CompiledFunction", "PjitFunction", module="jaxlib.xla_extension"
_is_jax_unspecified = functools.partial(
_check_instance, "UnspecifiedValue", module="jax._src.interpreters.pxla"
_is_torch_optim_required = functools.partial(
_check_instance, "required", module="torch.optim.optimizer"
_is_pydantic_BaseModel = functools.partial(
_check_instance, "BaseModel", module="pydantic"
def _check_for_dynamically_defined_dataclass_type(target_path: str, value: Any) -> None:
if target_path.startswith("types."):
raise HydraZenUnsupportedPrimitiveError(
f"Configuring {value}: Cannot auto-config an instance of a "
f"dynamically-generated dataclass type (e.g. one created from "
f"`hydra_zen.make_config` or `dataclasses.make_dataclass`). "
f"Consider disabling auto-config support for dataclasses here."
class NOTHING:
def __init__(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover
raise TypeError("`NOTHING` cannot be instantiated")
class ZenField:
ZenField(hint=Any, default=<class 'NOTHING'>, name=<class 'NOTHING'>)
Specifies a field's name and/or type-annotation and/or default value.
Designed to specify fields in `make_config`.
See the Examples section of the docstring for `make_config` for examples of using
hint : type, optional (default=Any)
default : Any, optional
name : str, optional
``default`` will be returned as an instance of :class:`dataclasses.Field`.
Mutable values (e.g. lists or dictionaries) passed to ``default`` will automatically
be "packaged" in a default-factory function [1]_.
A type passed to ``hint`` will automatically be "broadened" such that the resulting
type is compatible with Hydra's set of supported type annotations [2]_.
.. [1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html#default-factory-functions
.. [2] https://hydra.cc/docs/next/tutorials/structured_config/intro/#structured-configs-supports
See Also
make_config: create a config with customized field names, default values, and annotations.
hint: Any = Any
default: Union[Any, Field[Any]] = _utils.field(default=NOTHING)
name: Union[str, type[NOTHING]] = NOTHING
zen_convert: InitVar[Optional[ZenConvert]] = None
_builds_fn: "Union[BuildsFn[Any], Type[BuildsFn[Any]]]" = _utils.field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultBuilds) # type: ignore
def __post_init__(
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert],
) -> None:
if not isinstance(self.name, str):
if self.name is not NOTHING:
raise TypeError(f"`ZenField.name` expects a string, got: {self.name}")
convert_settings = _utils.merge_settings(zen_convert, _BUILDS_CONVERT_SETTINGS)
del zen_convert
self.hint = self._builds_fn._sanitized_type(self.hint)
if self.default is not NOTHING:
self.default = self._builds_fn._sanitized_field(
_MAKE_CONFIG_SETTINGS = AllConvert(dataclass=False, flat_target=False)
class BuildsFn(Generic[T]):
"""A class that can be modified to customize the behavior of `builds`, `just`, `kwargs_of`, and `make_config`.
These functions are exposed as class methods of `BuildsFn`.
- To customize type-refinement support, override `_sanitized_type`.
- To customize auto-config support, override `_make_hydra_compatible`.
- To customize the ability to resolve import paths, override `_get_obj_path`.
Adding type-checking support for a custom type:
To parameterize `BuildsFn` with, e.g., support for the custom types `MyTypeA` and `MyTypeB`, use::
from typing import Union
from hydra_zen.typing import CustomConfigType
class MyTypeA: ...
class MyTypeB: ...
class MyBuilds(BuildsFn[CustomConfigType[Union[MyTypeA, MyTypeB]]]):
Suppose you wrote the following type::
class Quaternion:
def __init__(
real: float = 0.0,
i: float = 0.0,
j: float = 0.0,
k: float = 0.0,
self._data = (real, i, j, k)
def __repr__(self):
return "Q" + repr(self._data)
and you want hydra-zen's config-creation functions to be able to automatically
know how to make configs from instances of this type. You do so by creating your
own subclass of :class:`~hydra_zen.BuildsFn`::
from typing import Any
from hydra_zen import BuildsFn
from hydra_zen.typing import CustomConfigType, HydraSupportedType
class CustomBuilds(BuildsFn[CustomConfigType[Quaternion]]):
def _make_hydra_compatible(cls, value: Any, **k) -> HydraSupportedType:
if isinstance(value, Quaternion):
real, i, j, k = value._data
return cls.builds(Quaternion, real=real, i=i, j=j, k=k)
return super()._make_hydra_compatible(value, **k)
Now you use the config-creation functions that are provided by `CustomBuilds` instead of those provided by `hydra_zen`::
builds = CustomBuilds.builds
just = CustomBuilds.just
kwargs_of = CustomBuilds.kwargs_of
make_config = CustomBuilds.make_config
>>> from hydra_zen import to_yaml
>>> Config = just([Quaternion(1.0), Quaternion(0.0, -12.0)])
>>> print(to_yaml(Config))
- _target_: __main__.Quaternion
real: 1.0
i: 0.0
j: 0.0
k: 0.0
- _target_: __main__.Quaternion
real: 0.0
i: -12.0
j: 0.0
k: 0.0
__slots__ = ()
_default_dataclass_options_for_kwargs_of: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None
"""Specifies the default options for `cls.kwargs_of(..., zen_dataclass)"""
def _sanitized_type(
type_: Any,
primitive_only: bool = False,
wrap_optional: bool = False,
nested: bool = False,
) -> Any: # is really type[Any]
"""Broadens a type annotation until it is compatible with Hydra.
Override this to change how `builds` refines the type annotations
of the configs that it produces.
type_ : Any
The type being sanitized.
primitive_only: bool, optional (default=False)
If true, only `bool` | `None` | `int` | `float` | str`
is permitted.
wrap_optional: bool, optional (default=False)
`True` indicates that the resulting type should be
wrapped in `Optional`.
nested: bool, optional (default=False)
`True` indicates that this function is processing a type within
a container type.
>>> sanitized_type(int)
<class 'int'>
>>> sanitized_type(frozenset) # not supported by hydra
>>> sanitized_type(int, wrap_optional=True)
typing.Union[int, NoneType]
>>> sanitized_type(List[int])
>>> sanitized_type(List[int], primitive_only=True)
>>> sanitized_type(Dict[str, frozenset])
Dict[str, Any]
if hasattr(type_, "__supertype__"):
# is NewType
return cls._sanitized_type(
# Warning: mutating `type_` will mutate the signature being inspected
# Even calling deepcopy(`type_`) silently fails to prevent this.
origin = get_origin(type_)
if origin is not None:
# Support for Annotated[x, y]
# Python 3.9+
# # type_: Annotated[x, y]; origin -> Annotated; args -> (x, y)
if origin is Annotated: # pragma: no cover
return cls._sanitized_type(
# Python 3.7-3.8
# type_: Annotated[x, y]; origin -> x
if isinstance(type_, _AnnotatedAlias): # pragma: no cover
return cls._sanitized_type(
if primitive_only: # pragma: no cover
return Any
args = get_args(type_)
if origin is Union:
# Hydra only supports Optional[<type>] unions
if len(args) != 2 or NoneType not in args:
# isn't Optional[<type>]
return Any
args = cast(tuple[type, type], args)
optional_type, none_type = args
if none_type is not NoneType:
optional_type = none_type
optional_type = cls._sanitized_type(optional_type)
if optional_type is Any: # Union[Any, T] is just Any
return Any
return cast(type, Union[optional_type, NoneType])
if origin is list or origin is List:
if args:
return list[
cls._sanitized_type(args[0], primitive_only=False, nested=True)
return list
if origin is dict or origin is Dict:
if args:
KeyType = cls._sanitized_type(
args[0], primitive_only=True, nested=True
ValueType = cls._sanitized_type(
args[1], primitive_only=False, nested=True
return dict[KeyType, ValueType]
return dict
if (origin is tuple or origin is Tuple) and not nested:
# hydra silently supports tuples of homogeneous types
# It has some weird behavior. It treats `Tuple[t1, t2, ...]` as `List[t1]`
# It isn't clear that we want to perpetrate this on our end..
# So we deal with inhomogeneous types as e.g. `Tuple[str, int]` -> `Tuple[Any, Any]`.
# Otherwise we preserve the annotation as accurately as possible
if not args:
return tuple
args = cast(tuple[type, ...], args)
unique_args = set(args)
if any(get_origin(tp) is Unpack for tp in unique_args):
# E.g. Tuple[*Ts]
return tuple[Any, ...]
has_ellipses = Ellipsis in unique_args
# E.g. Tuple[int, int, int] or Tuple[int, ...]
_unique_type = (
cls._sanitized_type(args[0], primitive_only=False, nested=True)
if len(unique_args) == 1 or (len(unique_args) == 2 and has_ellipses)
else Any
if has_ellipses:
return tuple[_unique_type, ...]
return tuple[(_unique_type,) * len(args)]
return Any
if isinstance(type_, type) and issubclass(type_, Path):
type_ = Path
if isinstance(type_, (ParamSpecArgs, ParamSpecKwargs)): # pragma: no cover
# Python 3.7 - 3.9
# these aren't hashable -- can't check for membership in set
return Any
if isinstance(type_, InitVar):
return cls._sanitized_type(
if (
type_ is Any
or type_ in _supported_types
or is_dataclass(type_)
or (isinstance(type_, type) and issubclass(type_, Enum))
if wrap_optional and type_ is not Any: # pragma: no cover
# normally get_type_hints automatically resolves Optional[...]
# when None is set as the default, but this has been flaky
# for some pytorch-lightning classes. So we just do it ourselves...
# It might be worth removing this later since none of our standard tests
# cover it.
type_ = Optional[type_]
return type_
return Any
def _get_obj_path(cls, target: Any) -> str:
"""Used to get the `_target_` value for the resulting config.
Override this to control how `builds` determines the _target_ field
in the configs that it produces."""
name = _utils.safe_name(target, repr_allowed=False)
if name == _utils.UNKNOWN_NAME:
if is_generic_type(target): # pragma: no cover
return cls._get_obj_path(target.__origin__)
raise AttributeError(f"{target} does not have a `__name__` attribute")
module = getattr(target, "__module__", None)
qualname: Union[str, None] = getattr(target, "__qualname__", None)
if (qualname is not None and "<" in qualname) or module is None:
# NumPy's ufuncs do not have an inspectable `__module__` attribute, so we
# check to see if the object lives in NumPy's top-level namespace.
# or..
# Qualname produced a name from a local namespace.
# E.g. jax.numpy.add.__qualname__ is '_maybe_bool_binop.<locals>.fn'
# Thus we defer to the name of the object and look for it in the
# top-level namespace of the known suspects
# or...
# module is None, which is apparently a thing..:
# __module__ is None for both numpy.random.rand and random.random
# don't use qualname for obfuscated paths
if getattr(sys.modules.get(new_module), name, None) is target:
module = new_module
raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"{name} is not importable")
if not _utils.is_classmethod(target):
if (
(inspect.isfunction(target) or isinstance(target, type))
and isinstance(qualname, str)
and "." in qualname
and all(x.isidentifier() for x in qualname.split("."))
# This looks like it is a staticmethod or a class defined within
# a class namespace. E.g. qualname: SomeClass.func or
# SomeClass.NestedClass
return f"{module}.{qualname}"
return f"{module}.{name}"
# __qualname__ reflects name of class that originally defines classmethod.
# Does not point to child in case of inheritance.
# obj.__self__ -> parent object
# obj.__name__ -> name of classmethod
return f"{cls._get_obj_path(target.__self__)}.{target.__name__}"
def _just(cls, obj: Any) -> Just:
return Just(path=cls._get_obj_path(obj))
def _mutable_value(cls, x: _T, *, zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = None) -> _T:
"""Used to set a mutable object as a default value for a field
in a dataclass.
This is an alias for ``field(default_factory=lambda: type(x)(x))``
Note that ``type(x)(...)`` serves to make a copy
>>> from hydra_zen import mutable_value
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
See https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html#mutable-default-values
>>> @dataclass # doctest: +SKIP
... class HasMutableDefault:
... a_list: list = [1, 2, 3] # error: mutable default
Using `mutable_value` to specify the default list:
>>> @dataclass
... class HasMutableDefault:
... a_list: list = mutable_value([1, 2, 3]) # ok
>>> x = HasMutableDefault()
>>> x.a_list.append(-1) # does not append to `HasMutableDefault.a_list`
>>> x
HasMutableDefault(a_list=[1, 2, 3, -1])
>>> HasMutableDefault()
HasMutableDefault(a_list=[1, 2, 3])"""
cast = type(x) # ensure that we return a copy of the default value
settings = _utils.merge_settings(zen_convert, _BUILDS_CONVERT_SETTINGS)
del zen_convert
if cast in {list, tuple, dict}:
x = cls._sanitize_collection(x, convert_dataclass=settings["dataclass"])
return field(default_factory=lambda: cast(x)) # type: ignore
return field(default_factory=lambda: x)
def _make_hydra_compatible(
value: object,
allow_zen_conversion: bool = True,
error_prefix: str = "",
field_name: str = "",
structured_conf_permitted: bool = True,
convert_dataclass: bool,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = None,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
) -> HydraSupportedType:
"""Converts `value` to Hydra-supported type or to a config whose fields are recursively supported by `_make_hydra_compatible`. Otherwise
raises `HydraZenUnsupportedPrimitiveError`.
Override this method to add support for adding auto-config support to custom
Hydra supports the following types:
`bool`, `None`, `int`, `float`, `str`, `ByteString`, `pathlib.Path`,
`dataclasses.MISSING`. As well as lists, tuples, dicts, and omegaconf
containers containing the above.
from hydra_zen.wrapper import Zen
# Common primitives supported by Hydra.
# We check exhaustively for all Hydra-supported primitives below but seek to
# speedup checks for common types here.
if value is None or type(value) in {str, int, bool, float}:
return cast(Union[None, str, int, float, bool], value)
# non-str collection
if hasattr(value, "__iter__"):
value = cls._sanitize_collection(
if zen_dataclass is None:
zen_dataclass = {}
# non-targeted dataclass instance
if (
and convert_dataclass
and not is_builds(value)
and (is_dataclass(value) and not isinstance(value, type))
# Auto-config dataclass instance
# TODO: handle position-only arguments
_val_fields = fields(value)
if set(inspect.signature(type(value)).parameters) != {
f.name for f in _val_fields if f.init
raise HydraZenUnsupportedPrimitiveError(
f"Configuring {value}: Cannot auto-config a dataclass instance whose "
f"type has an Init-only field. Consider using "
f"`builds({type(value).__name__}, ...)` instead."
converted_fields = {}
for _field in _val_fields:
if _field.init and hasattr(value, _field.name):
_val = safe_getattr(value, _field.name)
converted_fields[_field.name] = cls._make_hydra_compatible(
out = cls.builds(
safe_getattr(out, TARGET_FIELD_NAME), value
return out
# importable callable (function, type, or method)
if (
and callable(value)
and (
or (
not is_dataclass(value)
or (convert_dataclass and not is_builds(value))
and (inspect.isclass(value) or is_generic_type(value))
or inspect.ismethod(value)
or isinstance(value, _BUILTIN_TYPES)
or _is_ufunc(value)
or _is_numpy_array_func_dispatcher(value=value)
or _is_jax_compiled_func(value=value)
or _is_jax_ufunc(value=value)
# `value` is importable callable -- create config that will import
# `value` upon instantiation
out = cls._just(value)
if convert_dataclass and is_dataclass(value):
safe_getattr(out, JUST_FIELD_NAME), value
return out
if isinstance(value, Zen):
pre_call = [cls.just(f) for f in value._pre_call_iterable if f]
if not pre_call: # pragma: no cover
pre_call = None
elif len(pre_call) == 1: # pragma: no cover
pre_call = pre_call[0]
return cls.builds(
value.func, # type: ignore
exclude=list(value._exclude), # type: ignore
pre_call=pre_call, # type: ignore
unpack_kwargs=value._unpack_kwargs, # type: ignore
resolve_pre_call=value._resolve, # type: ignore
run_in_context=value._run_in_context, # type: ignore
instantiation_wrapper=value._instantiation_wrapper, # type: ignore
resolved_value = value
type_of_value = type(resolved_value)
# hydra-zen supported primitives from stdlib
# Note: we don't use isinstance because we don't permit subclasses of supported
# primitives
if allow_zen_conversion and type_of_value in ZEN_SUPPORTED_PRIMITIVES:
type_ = type(resolved_value)
conversion_fn = ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[type_]
resolved_value = conversion_fn(resolved_value, CBuildsFn=cls)
type_of_value = type(resolved_value)
if type_of_value in HYDRA_SUPPORTED_PRIMITIVES or (
and (
or isinstance(resolved_value, (Enum, ListConfig, DictConfig))
return resolved_value # type: ignore
# pydantic objects
pydantic = sys.modules.get("pydantic")
if pydantic is not None: # pragma: no cover
if _check_instance("FieldInfo", module="pydantic.fields", value=value):
_val = (
value.default_factory() # type: ignore
if value.default_factory is not None # type: ignore
else value.default # type: ignore
if _check_instance(
"UndefinedType", module="pydantic.fields", value=_val
return MISSING
return cls._make_hydra_compatible(
if _is_pydantic_BaseModel(value=value):
return cls.builds(type(value), **value.__dict__)
if isinstance(value, str) or _check_instance(
"AnyUrl", module="pydantic", value=value
# Supports pydantic.AnyURL
_v = str(value)
if type(_v) is str: # pragma: no branch
return _v
else: # pragma: no cover
del _v
# support for torch/jax MISSING proxies
if _is_torch_optim_required(value=value) or _is_jax_unspecified(
): # pragma: no cover
return MISSING
# `value` could no be converted to Hydra-compatible representation.
# Raise error
if field_name:
field_name = f", for field `{field_name}`,"
err_msg = (
+ f" The configured value {value}{field_name} is not supported by Hydra -- "
f"serializing or instantiating this config would ultimately result in an error."
if structured_conf_permitted:
err_msg += (
f"\n\nConsider using `hydra_zen.builds({type(value)}, ...)` create "
"a config for this particular value."
raise HydraZenUnsupportedPrimitiveError(err_msg)
def _sanitize_collection(
x: _T,
convert_dataclass: bool,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = None,
) -> _T:
"""Pass contents of lists, tuples, or dicts through sanitized_default_values"""
type_x = type(x)
if type_x in {list, tuple}:
return type_x(
for _x in x # type: ignore
elif type_x is dict:
return {
# Hydra doesn't permit structured configs for keys, thus we only
# support its basic primitives here.
error_prefix="Configuring dictionary key:",
): cls._make_hydra_compatible(
for k, v in x.items() # type: ignore
# pass-through
return x
def _sanitized_field(
value: Any,
init: bool = True,
allow_zen_conversion: bool = True,
error_prefix: str = "",
field_name: str = "",
convert_dataclass: bool,
) -> Field[Any]:
value = cls._make_hydra_compatible(
type_value = type(value)
if (
type_value in _utils.KNOWN_MUTABLE_TYPES
) or (
and not isinstance(value, type)
and value.__hash__ is None
return cast(
mutable_value(value, zen_convert={"dataclass": convert_dataclass}),
return _utils.field(default=value, init=init)
def _get_sig_obj(cls, target: Any) -> Any:
"""Return the signature object for `target`.
`inspect.signature` has inconsistent/buggy behaviors across
versions, so we implement our own."""
if not inspect.isclass(target):
return target
# This implements the same method prioritization as
# `inspect.signature` for Python >= 3.9.1
if "__new__" in target.__dict__:
return target.__new__
if "__init__" in target.__dict__:
return target.__init__
if len(target.__mro__) > 2:
for parent in target.__mro__[1:-1]:
if "__new__" in parent.__dict__:
return target.__new__
elif "__init__" in parent.__dict__:
return target.__init__
return getattr(target, "__init__", target)
# partial=False, pop-sig=True; no *args, **kwargs, nor builds_bases
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: type[BuildsWithSig[type[R], P]],
zen_partial: Literal[False, None] = ...,
populate_full_signature: Literal[True],
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[()] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
) -> type[BuildsWithSig[type[R], P]]: ...
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Callable[P, R],
zen_partial: Literal[False, None] = ...,
populate_full_signature: Literal[True],
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[()] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
) -> type[BuildsWithSig[type[R], P]]: ...
# partial=False, pop-sig=bool
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: type[AnyBuilds[Importable]],
*pos_args: T,
zen_partial: Literal[False, None] = ...,
populate_full_signature: bool = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
**kwargs_for_target: T,
) -> type[Builds[Importable]]: ...
# partial=False, pop-sig=bool
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Importable,
*pos_args: T,
zen_partial: Literal[False, None] = ...,
populate_full_signature: bool = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
**kwargs_for_target: T,
) -> type[Builds[Importable]]: ...
# partial=True, pop-sig=bool
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: type[AnyBuilds[Importable]],
*pos_args: T,
zen_partial: Literal[True],
populate_full_signature: bool = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
**kwargs_for_target: T,
) -> type[PartialBuilds[Importable]]: ...
# partial=True, pop-sig=bool
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Importable,
*pos_args: T,
zen_partial: Literal[True],
populate_full_signature: bool = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
**kwargs_for_target: T,
) -> type[PartialBuilds[Importable]]: ...
# partial=bool, pop-sig=False
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: type[AnyBuilds[Importable]],
*pos_args: T,
zen_partial: Optional[bool] = ...,
populate_full_signature: Literal[False] = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
**kwargs_for_target: T,
) -> Union[type[Builds[Importable]], type[PartialBuilds[Importable]]]: ...
# partial=bool, pop-sig=False
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Importable,
*pos_args: T,
zen_partial: Optional[bool] = ...,
populate_full_signature: Literal[False] = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
**kwargs_for_target: T,
) -> Union[type[Builds[Importable]], type[PartialBuilds[Importable]]]: ...
# partial=bool, pop-sig=bool
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Union[Callable[P, R], type[Builds[Importable]], Importable],
*pos_args: T,
zen_partial: Optional[bool],
populate_full_signature: bool = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = ...,
dataclass_name: Optional[str] = ...,
builds_bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
**kwargs_for_target: T,
) -> Union[
type[BuildsWithSig[type[R], P]],
]: ...
def builds(
cls: type[Self],
*pos_args: Union[
Callable[P, R],
type[BuildsWithSig[type[R], P]],
zen_partial: Optional[bool] = None,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = tuple(),
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]] = None,
populate_full_signature: bool = False,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = None,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = None,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = None,
builds_bases: Union[tuple[type[DataClass_], ...], tuple[()]] = (),
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
**kwargs_for_target: Any,
) -> Union[
type[BuildsWithSig[type[R], P]],
"""builds(hydra_target, /, *pos_args, zen_partial=None, zen_wrappers=(), zen_meta=None, populate_full_signature=False, zen_exclude=(), hydra_recursive=None, hydra_convert=None, hydra_defaults=None, builds_bases=(),
zen_dataclass=None, **kwargs_for_target)
`builds(target, *args, **kw)` returns a Hydra-compatible config that, when
instantiated, returns `target(*args, **kw)`.
I.e., `instantiate(builds(target, *args, **kw)) == target(*args, **kw)`
Consult the Notes section for more details, and the Examples section to see
the various features of `builds` in action.
hydra_target : T (Callable)
The target object to be configured. This is a required, **positional-only**
*pos_args : SupportedPrimitive
Positional arguments passed as ``<hydra_target>(*pos_args, ...)`` upon
Arguments specified positionally are not included in the config's signature
and are stored as a tuple bound to in the ``_args_`` field.
**kwargs_for_target : SupportedPrimitive
The keyword arguments passed as ``<hydra_target>(..., **kwargs_for_target)``
upon instantiation.
The arguments specified here determine the signature of the resulting
config, unless ``populate_full_signature=True`` is specified (see below).
Named parameters of the forms that have the prefixes ``hydra_``, ``zen_`` or
``_zen_`` are reserved to ensure future-compatibility, and thus cannot be
specified by the user.
zen_partial : Optional[bool]
If ``True``, then the resulting config will instantiate as
``functools.partial(<hydra_target>, *pos_args, **kwargs_for_target)``. Thus
this enables the partial-configuration of objects.
Specifying ``zen_partial=True`` and ``populate_full_signature=True`` together
will populate the config's signature only with parameters that: are explicitly
specified by the user, or that have default values specified in the target's
signature. I.e. it is presumed that un-specified parameters that have no
default values are to be excluded from the config.
zen_wrappers : None | Callable | Builds | InterpStr | Sequence[None | Callable | Builds | InterpStr]
One or more wrappers, which will wrap ``hydra_target`` prior to instantiation.
E.g. specifying the wrappers ``[f1, f2, f3]`` will instantiate as::
f3(f2(f1(<hydra_target>)))(*args, **kwargs)
Wrappers can also be specified as interpolated strings [2]_ or targeted
zen_meta : Optional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]]
Specifies field-names and corresponding values that will be included in the
resulting config, but that will *not* be used to instantiate
``<hydra_target>``. These are called "meta" fields.
populate_full_signature : bool, optional (default=False)
If ``True``, then the resulting config's signature and fields will be
populated according to the signature of ``<hydra_target>``; values also
specified in ``**kwargs_for_target`` take precedent.
This option is not available for objects with inaccessible signatures, such
as NumPy's various ufuncs.
zen_exclude : Collection[str | int] | Callable[[str], bool], optional (default=[])
Specifies parameter names and/or indices, or a function for checking names,
to exclude those parameters from the config-creation process.
Note that inherited fields cannot be excluded.
zen_convert : Optional[ZenConvert]
A dictionary that modifies hydra-zen's value and type conversion behavior.
Consists of the following optional key-value pairs (:ref:`zen-convert`):
- `dataclass` : `bool` (default=True):
If `True` any dataclass type/instance without a
`_target_` field is automatically converted to a targeted config
that will instantiate to that type/instance. Otherwise the dataclass
type/instance will be passed through as-is.
- `flat_target`: `bool` (default=True)
If `True` (default), `builds(builds(f))` is equivalent to `builds(f)`. I.e. the second `builds` call will use the `_target_` field of its input, if it exists.
builds_bases : Tuple[Type[DataClass], ...]
Specifies a tuple of parent classes that the resulting config inherits from.
hydra_recursive : Optional[bool], optional (default=True)
If ``True``, then Hydra will recursively instantiate all other
hydra-config objects nested within this config [3]_.
If ``None``, the ``_recursive_`` attribute is not set on the resulting config.
hydra_convert : Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]], optional (default="none")
Determines how Hydra handles the non-primitive, omegaconf-specific objects passed to
``<hydra_target>`` [4]_.
- ``"none"``: No conversion occurs; omegaconf containers are passed through (Default)
- ``"partial"``: ``DictConfig`` and ``ListConfig`` objects converted to ``dict`` and
``list``, respectively. Structured configs and their fields are passed without conversion.
- ``"all"``: All passed objects are converted to dicts, lists, and primitives, without
a trace of OmegaConf containers.
- ``"object"``: Passed objects are converted to dict and list. Structured Configs are converted to instances of the backing dataclass / attr class.
If ``None``, the ``_convert_`` attribute is not set on the resulting config.
hydra_defaults : None | list[str | dict[str, str | list[str] | None ]], optional (default = None)
A list in an input config that instructs Hydra how to build the output config
[6]_ [7]_. Each input config can have a Defaults List as a top level element. The
Defaults List itself is not a part of output config.
zen_dataclass : Optional[DataclassOptions]
A dictionary that can specify any option that is supported by
:py:func:`dataclasses.make_dataclass` other than `fields`.
The default value for `unsafe_hash` is `True`.
`target` can be specified as a string to override the `_target_` field
set on the dataclass type returned by `builds`.
The `module` field can be specified to enable pickle
compatibility. See `hydra_zen.typing.DataclassOptions` for details.
frozen : bool, optional (default=False)
.. deprecated:: 0.9.0
`frozen` will be removed in hydra-zen 0.10.0. It is replaced by
`zen_dataclass={'frozen': <bool>}`.
If ``True``, the resulting config will create frozen (i.e. immutable) instances.
I.e. setting/deleting an attribute of an instance will raise
:py:class:`dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError` at runtime.
dataclass_name : Optional[str]
.. deprecated:: 0.9.0
`dataclass_name` will be removed in hydra-zen 0.10.0. It is replaced by
`zen_dataclass={'cls_name': <str>}`.
If specified, determines the name of the returned class object.
Config : Type[Builds[Type[T]]] | Type[PartialBuilds[Type[T]]]
A dynamically-generated structured config (i.e. a dataclass type) that
describes how to build ``hydra_target``.
The provided configured value cannot be serialized by Hydra, nor does
hydra-zen provide specialized support for it. See :ref:`valid-types` for
more details.
The following pseudo code conveys the core functionality of `builds`:
.. code-block:: python
from dataclasses import make_dataclass
def builds(self,target, populate_full_signature=False, **kw):
# Dynamically defines a Hydra-compatible dataclass type.
# Akin to doing:
# @dataclass
# class Builds_thing:
# _target_: str = get_import_path(target)
# # etc.
_target_ = get_import_path(target)
if populate_full_signature:
sig = get_signature(target)
kw = {**sig, **kw} # merge w/ preference for kw
type_annots = [get_hints(target)[k] for k in kw]
fields = [("_target_", str, _target_)]
fields += [
for hint, (field_name, v) in zip(type_annots, kw.items())
Config = make_dataclass(f"Builds_{target}", fields)
return Config
The resulting "config" is a dynamically-generated dataclass type [5]_ with
Hydra-specific attributes attached to it [1]_. It possesses a `_target_`
attribute that indicates the import path to the configured target as a string.
Using any of the ``zen_xx`` features will result in a config that depends
explicitly on hydra-zen. I.e. hydra-zen must be installed in order to
instantiate the resulting config, including its yaml version.
For details of the annotation `SupportedPrimitive`, see :ref:`valid-types`.
Type annotations are inferred from the target's signature and are only
retained if they are compatible with Hydra's limited set of supported
annotations; otherwise an annotation is automatically 'broadened' until
it is made compatible with Hydra.
`builds` provides runtime validation of user-specified arguments against
the target's signature. E.g. specifying mis-named arguments or too many
arguments will cause `builds` to raise.
.. [1] https://hydra.cc/docs/tutorials/structured_config/intro/
.. [2] https://omegaconf.readthedocs.io/en/2.1_branch/usage.html#variable-interpolation
.. [3] https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/instantiate_objects/overview/#recursive-instantiation
.. [4] https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/instantiate_objects/overview/#parameter-conversion-strategies
.. [5] https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html
.. [6] https://hydra.cc/docs/tutorials/structured_config/defaults/
.. [7] https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/defaults_list/
See Also
instantiate: Instantiates a configuration created by `builds`, returning the instantiated target.
make_custom_builds_fn: Returns a new `builds` function with customized default values.
make_config: Creates a general config with customized field names, default values, and annotations.
get_target: Returns the target-object from a targeted structured config.
just: Produces a config that, when instantiated by Hydra, "just" returns the un-instantiated target-object.
to_yaml: Serialize a config as a yaml-formatted string.
These examples describe:
- Basic usage
- Creating a partial config
- Auto-populating parameters
- Composing configs via inheritance
- Runtime validation performed by builds
- Using meta-fields
- Using zen-wrappers
- Creating a pickle-compatible config
- Creating a frozen config
- Support for partial'd targets
A helpful utility for printing examples
>>> from hydra_zen import builds, instantiate, to_yaml
>>> def pyaml(x):
... # for pretty printing configs
... print(to_yaml(x))
**Basic Usage**
Lets create a basic config that describes how to 'build' a particular dictionary.
>>> Conf = builds(dict, a=1, b='x')
The resulting config is a dataclass with the following signature and attributes:
>>> Conf # signature: Conf(a: Any = 1, b: Any = 'x')
<class 'types.Builds_dict'>
>>> pyaml(Conf)
_target_: builtins.dict
a: 1
b: x
The `instantiate` function is used to enact this build – to create the dictionary.
>>> instantiate(Conf) # calls: `dict(a=1, b='x')`
{'a': 1, 'b': 'x'}
The default parameters that we provided can be overridden.
>>> new_conf = Conf(a=10, b="hi") # an instance of our dataclass
>>> instantiate(new_conf) # calls: `dict(a=10, b='hi')`
{'a': 10, 'b': 'hi'}
Positional arguments are supported.
>>> Conf = builds(len, [1, 2, 3])
>>> Conf._args_ # type: ignore
[1, 2, 3]
>>> instantiate(Conf)
**Creating a Partial Config**
`builds` can be used to partially-configure a target. Let's
create a config for the following function
>>> def a_two_tuple(x: int, y: float): return x, y
such that we only configure the parameter ``x``.
>>> PartialConf = builds(a_two_tuple, x=1, zen_partial=True) # configures only `x`
>>> pyaml(PartialConf)
_target_: __main__.a_two_tuple
_partial_: true
x: 1
Instantiating this config will return ``functools.partial(a_two_tuple, x=1)``.
>>> partial_func = instantiate(PartialConf)
>>> partial_func
functools.partial(<function a_two_tuple at 0x00000220A7820EE0>, x=1)
And thus the remaining parameter can be provided post-instantiation.
>>> partial_func(y=22.0) # providing the remaining parameter
(1, 22.0)
**Auto-populating parameters**
The configurable parameters of a target can be auto-populated in our config.
Suppose we want to configure the following function.
>>> def bar(x: bool, y: str = 'foo'): return x, y
The following config will have a signature that matches ``bar``; the
annotations and default values of the parameters of ``bar`` are explicitly
incorporated into the config.
>>> # signature: `Builds_bar(x: bool, y: str = 'foo')`
>>> Conf = builds(bar, populate_full_signature=True)
>>> pyaml(Conf)
_target_: __main__.bar
x: ???
'y': foo
`zen_exclude` can be used to name parameter to be excluded from the
auto-population process:
>>> Conf2 = builds(bar, populate_full_signature=True, zen_exclude=["y"])
>>> pyaml(Conf2)
_target_: __main__.bar
x: ???
to exclude parameters by index:
>>> Conf2 = builds(bar, populate_full_signature=True, zen_exclude=[-1])
>>> pyaml(Conf2)
_target_: __main__.bar
x: ???
or to specify a pattern - via a function - for excluding parameters:
>>> Conf3 = builds(bar, populate_full_signature=True,
... zen_exclude=lambda name: name.startswith("x"))
>>> pyaml(Conf3)
_target_: __main__.bar
'y': foo
Annotations will be used by Hydra to provide limited runtime type-checking
during instantiation. Here, we'll pass a float for ``x``, which expects a
boolean value.
>>> instantiate(Conf(x=10.0)) # type: ignore
ValidationError: Value '10.0' is not a valid bool (type float)
full_key: x
**Composing configs via inheritance**
Because a config produced via `builds` is simply a class-object, we can
compose configs via class inheritance.
>>> ParentConf = builds(dict, a=1, b=2)
>>> ChildConf = builds(dict, b=-2, c=-3, builds_bases=(ParentConf,))
>>> instantiate(ChildConf)
{'a': 1, 'b': -2, 'c': -3}
>>> issubclass(ChildConf, ParentConf) # type: ignore
.. _builds-validation:
**Runtime validation performed by builds**
Misspelled parameter names and other invalid configurations for the target’s
signature will be caught by `builds` so that such errors are caught prior to
>>> def func(a_number: int): pass
>>> builds(func, a_nmbr=2) # misspelled parameter name
TypeError: Building: func ..
>>> builds(func, 1, 2) # too many arguments
TypeError: Building: func ..
>>> BaseConf = builds(func, a_number=2)
>>> builds(func, 1, builds_bases=(BaseConf,)) # too many args (via inheritance)
TypeError: Building: func ..
>>> # value type not supported by Hydra
>>> builds(int, (i for i in range(10))) # type: ignore
hydra_zen.errors.HydraZenUnsupportedPrimitiveError: Building: int ..
.. _meta-field:
**Using meta-fields**
Meta-fields are fields that are included in a config but are excluded by the
instantiation process. Thus arbitrary metadata can be attached to a config.
Let's create a config whose fields reference a meta-field via
relative-interpolation [2]_.
>>> Conf = builds(dict, a="${.s}", b="${.s}", zen_meta=dict(s=-10))
>>> instantiate(Conf)
{'a': -10, 'b': -10}
>>> instantiate(Conf, s=2)
{'a': 2, 'b': 2}
.. _zen-wrapper:
**Using zen-wrappers**
Zen-wrappers enables us to make arbitrary changes to ``<hydra_target>``, its inputs,
and/or its outputs during the instantiation process.
Let's use a wrapper to add a unit-conversion step to a config. We'll modify a
config that builds a function, which converts a temperature in Fahrenheit to
Celsius, and add a wrapper to it so that it will convert from Fahrenheit to
Kelvin instead.
>>> def faren_to_celsius(temp_f): # our target
... return ((temp_f - 32) * 5) / 9
>>> def change_celcius_to_kelvin(celc_func): # our wrapper
... def wraps(*args, **kwargs):
... return 273.15 + celc_func(*args, **kwargs)
... return wraps
>>> AsCelcius = builds(faren_to_celsius)
>>> AsKelvin = builds(faren_to_celsius, zen_wrappers=change_celcius_to_kelvin)
>>> instantiate(AsCelcius, temp_f=32)
>>> instantiate(AsKelvin, temp_f=32)
**Creating a pickle-compatible config**
The dynamically-generated classes created by `builds` can be made pickle-compatible
by specifying the name of the symbol that it is assigned to and the module in which
it was defined.
.. code-block:: python
# contents of mylib/foo.py
from pickle import dumps, loads
DictConf = builds(dict,
zen_dataclass={'module': 'mylib.foo',
'cls_name': 'DictConf'})
assert DictConf is loads(dumps(DictConf))
**Creating a frozen config**
Let's create a config object whose instances will by "frozen" (i.e., immutable).
>>> RouterConfig = builds(dict, ip_address=None, zen_dataclass={'frozen': True})
>>> my_router = RouterConfig(ip_address="") # an immutable instance
Attempting to overwrite the attributes of ``my_router`` will raise.
>>> my_router.ip_address = ""
FrozenInstanceError: cannot assign to field 'ip_address'
**Support for partial'd targets**
Specifying ``builds(functools.partial(<target>, ...), ...)`` is supported; `builds`
will automatically "unpack" a partial'd object that is passed as its target.
>>> import functools
>>> partiald_dict = functools.partial(dict, a=1, b=2)
>>> Conf = builds(partiald_dict) # signature: (a = 1, b = 2)
>>> instantiate(Conf) # equivalent to calling: `partiald_dict()`
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> instantiate(Conf(a=-4)) # equivalent to calling: `partiald_dict(a=-4)`
{'a': -4, 'b': 2}
zen_convert_settings = _utils.merge_settings(
if zen_dataclass is None:
zen_dataclass = {}
# initial validation
manual_target_path = zen_dataclass.pop("target", None)
target_repr = zen_dataclass.pop("target_repr", True)
if "frozen" in kwargs_for_target:
"Specifying `builds(..., frozen=<...>)` is deprecated. Instead, "
"specify `builds(..., zen_dataclass={'frozen': <...>})"
zen_dataclass["frozen"] = kwargs_for_target.pop("frozen")
if "dataclass_name" in kwargs_for_target:
"Specifying `builds(..., dataclass_name=<...>)` is deprecated. "
"Instead specify `builds(..., zen_dataclass={'cls_name': <...>})"
zen_dataclass["cls_name"] = kwargs_for_target.pop("dataclass_name")
if not builds_bases:
builds_bases = zen_dataclass.get("bases", ())
dataclass_options = _utils.parse_dataclass_options(zen_dataclass)
dataclass_name = dataclass_options.pop("cls_name", None)
module = dataclass_options.pop("module", None)
del zen_convert
if not pos_args and not kwargs_for_target:
# `builds()`
raise TypeError(
"builds() missing 1 required positional argument: 'hydra_target'"
elif not pos_args:
# `builds(hydra_target=int)`
raise TypeError(
"builds() missing 1 required positional-only argument: 'hydra_target'"
"\nChange `builds(hydra_target=<target>, ...)` to `builds(<target>, ...)`"
target, *_pos_args = pos_args
if isinstance(target, functools.partial):
# partial'd args must come first, then user-specified args
# otherwise, the parial'd args will take precedent, which
# does not align with the behavior of partial itself
_pos_args = list(target.args) + _pos_args
kwargs_for_target = {**target.keywords, **kwargs_for_target}
target = target.func
BUILDS_ERROR_PREFIX = _utils.building_error_prefix(target)
del pos_args
zen_exclude: Union[Callable[[str], bool], Collection[Union[str, int]]] = (
kwargs_for_target.pop("zen_exclude", frozenset())
zen_index_exclude: set[int] = set()
if (
not isinstance(zen_exclude, Collection) or isinstance(zen_exclude, str)
) and not callable(zen_exclude):
raise TypeError(
f"`zen_exclude` must be a non-string collection of strings and/or ints"
f" or callable[[str], bool]. Got {zen_exclude}"
if isinstance(zen_exclude, Collection):
_strings = []
for item in zen_exclude:
if isinstance(item, int):
elif isinstance(item, str):
raise TypeError(
f"`zen_exclude` must only contain ints or "
f"strings. Got {zen_exclude}"
zen_exclude = frozenset(_strings).__contains__
if not callable(target):
raise TypeError(
+ "In `builds(<target>, ...), `<target>` must be callable/instantiable"
if not isinstance(populate_full_signature, bool):
raise TypeError(
f"`populate_full_signature` must be a boolean type, got: "
if zen_partial is not None and not isinstance(zen_partial, bool):
raise TypeError(f"`zen_partial` must be a boolean type, got: {zen_partial}")
hydra_recursive=hydra_recursive, hydra_convert=hydra_convert
if any(not (is_dataclass(_b) and isinstance(_b, type)) for _b in builds_bases):
raise TypeError("All `build_bases` must be a tuple of dataclass types")
if zen_meta is None:
zen_meta = {}
if not isinstance(zen_meta, Mapping):
raise TypeError(
f"`zen_meta` must be a mapping (e.g. a dictionary), got: {zen_meta}"
if any(not isinstance(_key, str) for _key in zen_meta):
raise TypeError(
f"`zen_meta` must be a mapping whose keys are strings, got key(s):"
f" {','.join(str(_key) for _key in zen_meta if not isinstance(_key, str))}"
target_path: str
if manual_target_path is None:
if (
and isinstance(target, type)
and is_builds(target)
and is_dataclass(target)
# pass through _target_ field
target_path = get_target_path(target)
assert isinstance(target_path, str)
target_path = cls._get_obj_path(target)
target_path = manual_target_path
if zen_wrappers is not None:
if not isinstance(zen_wrappers, Sequence) or isinstance(zen_wrappers, str):
zen_wrappers = (zen_wrappers,)
validated_wrappers: Sequence[Union[str, Builds[Any]]] = []
for wrapper in zen_wrappers:
if wrapper is None:
# We are intentionally keeping each condition branched
# so that test-coverage will be checked for each one
if isinstance(wrapper, functools.partial):
wrapper = ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[functools.partial](
wrapper, CBuildsFn=cls
if is_builds(wrapper):
# If Hydra's locate function starts supporting importing literals
# – or if we decide to ship our own locate function –
# then we should get the target of `wrapper` and make sure it is callable
if is_just(wrapper):
# `zen_wrappers` handles importing string; we can
# eliminate the indirection of Just and "flatten" this
# config
safe_getattr(wrapper, JUST_FIELD_NAME)
if hydra_recursive is False:
"A structured config was supplied for `zen_wrappers`. Its parent config has "
"`hydra_recursive=False`.\n If this value is not toggled to `True`, the config's "
"instantiation will result in an error"
elif callable(wrapper):
elif isinstance(wrapper, str):
# Assumed that wrapper is either a valid omegaconf-style interpolation string
# or a "valid" path for importing an object. The latter seems hopeless for validating:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/47538106/6592114
# so we can't make any assurances here.
raise TypeError(
f"`zen_wrappers` requires a callable, targeted config, or a string, got: {wrapper}"
del zen_wrappers
validated_wrappers = tuple(validated_wrappers)
validated_wrappers = ()
# Check for reserved names
for _name in chain(kwargs_for_target, zen_meta):
if _name in HYDRA_FIELD_NAMES:
err_msg = f"The field-name specified via `builds(..., {_name}=<...>)` is reserved by Hydra."
if _name != TARGET_FIELD_NAME:
raise ValueError(
+ f" You can set this parameter via `builds(..., hydra_{_name[1:-1]}=<...>)`"
raise ValueError(err_msg)
if _name.startswith(("hydra_", "_zen_", "zen_")):
raise ValueError(
f"The field-name specified via `{_name}=<...>` is reserved by hydra-zen."
" You can manually create a dataclass to utilize this name in a structured config."
# list[tuple[str, type] | tuple[str, type, Any]]
target_field: list[Union[tuple[str, Any], tuple[str, Any, Any]]]
# zen_partial behavior:
# If zen_partial is not None: zen_partial dictates if output is PartialBuilds
# If zen_partial is None:
# - closest parent with partial-flag specified determines
# if output is PartialBuilds
# - if no parent, output is Builds
# If _partial_=True is inherited but zen-processing is used
# then set _partial_=False, _zen_partial=zen_partial
base_hydra_partial: Optional[bool] = (
None # state of closest parent with _partial_
base_zen_partial: Optional[bool] = (
None # state of closest parent with _zen_partial
# reflects state of closest parent that has partial field specified
parent_partial: Optional[bool] = None
for base in builds_bases:
_set_this_iteration = False
if base_hydra_partial is None:
base_hydra_partial = safe_getattr(base, PARTIAL_FIELD_NAME, None)
if parent_partial is None:
parent_partial = base_hydra_partial
_set_this_iteration = True
if base_zen_partial is None:
base_zen_partial = safe_getattr(base, ZEN_PARTIAL_FIELD_NAME, None)
if parent_partial is None or (
_set_this_iteration and base_zen_partial is not None
parent_partial = parent_partial or base_zen_partial
del _set_this_iteration
if zen_partial is None:
# zen_partial is inherited
zen_partial = parent_partial
del parent_partial
requires_partial_field = zen_partial is not None
requires_zen_processing: Final[bool] = (
or bool(validated_wrappers)
or any(uses_zen_processing(b) for b in builds_bases)
if base_zen_partial:
assert requires_zen_processing
del base_zen_partial
if not requires_zen_processing and requires_partial_field:
target_field = [
_utils.field(default=target_path, init=False, repr=target_repr),
_utils.field(default=bool(zen_partial), init=False),
elif requires_zen_processing:
# target is `hydra_zen.funcs.zen_processing`
target_field = [
_utils.field(default=ZEN_PROCESSING_LOCATION, init=False),
_utils.field(default=target_path, init=False),
if requires_partial_field:
_utils.field(default=bool(zen_partial), init=False),
if base_hydra_partial:
# Must explicitly set _partial_=False to prevent inheritance
_utils.field(default=False, init=False),
if zen_meta:
tuple[str, ...],
_utils.field(default=tuple(zen_meta), init=False),
if validated_wrappers:
if zen_meta:
# Check to see
validated_wrappers, zen_meta=zen_meta, target=target
if len(validated_wrappers) == 1:
# we flatten the config to avoid unnecessary list
Union[str, Builds[Any]],
tuple[Union[str, Builds[Any]], Any],
_utils.field(default=validated_wrappers[0], init=False),
Union[str, Builds[Any]],
tuple[Union[str, Builds[Any]], Any],
_utils.field(default=validated_wrappers, init=False),
target_field = [
_utils.field(default=target_path, init=False, repr=target_repr),
del base_hydra_partial
del requires_partial_field
base_fields = target_field
if hydra_recursive is not None:
_utils.field(default=hydra_recursive, init=False),
if hydra_convert is not None:
_utils.field(default=hydra_convert, init=False),
if hydra_defaults is not None:
if not _utils.valid_defaults_list(hydra_defaults):
raise HydraZenValidationError(
f"`hydra_defaults` must be type `None | list[str | dict[str, str | list[str] | None ]]`"
f", Got: {repr(hydra_defaults)}"
hydra_defaults = cls._sanitize_collection(
hydra_defaults, convert_dataclass=False
default_factory=lambda: list(hydra_defaults),
if _pos_args:
tuple[Any, ...],
for x in _pos_args
_sig_target = cls._get_sig_obj(target)
pydantic = sys.modules.get("pydantic")
# We want to rely on `inspect.signature` logic for raising
# against an uninspectable sig, before we start inspecting
# class-specific attributes below.
signature_params = dict(inspect.signature(target).parameters) # type: ignore
except ValueError:
if populate_full_signature:
raise ValueError(
+ f"{target} does not have an inspectable signature. "
f"`builds({_utils.safe_name(target)}, populate_full_signature=True)` is not supported"
signature_params: dict[str, inspect.Parameter] = {}
# We will turn off signature validation for objects that didn't have
# a valid signature. This will enable us to do things like `build(dict, a=1)`
target_has_valid_signature: bool = False
# Dealing with this bug: https://bugs.python.org/issue40897
# In Python < 3.9.1, `inspect.signature will look first to
# any implementation __new__, even if it is inherited and if
# there is a "fresher" __init__.
# E.g. anything that inherits from `typing.Generic` and
# does not implement its own __new__ will have a reported sig
# of (*args, **kwargs)
# This looks specifically for the scenario that the target
# has inherited from a parent that implements __new__ and
# the target implements only __init__.
if pydantic is not None and (
_sig_target is pydantic.BaseModel.__init__
# pydantic v2.0
or is_dataclass(target)
and hasattr(target, "__pydantic_config__")
elif _sig_target is not target:
_params = tuple(inspect.signature(_sig_target).parameters.items())
if (
_params and _params[0][1].kind is not _VAR_POSITIONAL
): # pragma: no cover
# Exclude self/cls
# There are weird edge cases
# where the first arg is *args, not self.
_params = _params[1:]
else: # pragma: no cover
signature_params = {k: v for k, v in _params}
del _params
target_has_valid_signature: bool = True
if is_dataclass(target) or (
pydantic is not None
and isinstance(target, type)
and issubclass(target, pydantic.BaseModel)
# Update `signature_params` so that any param with `default=<factory>`
# has its default replaced with `<factory>()`
# If this is a mutable value, `builds` will automatically re-pack
# it using a default factory
if is_dataclass(target):
_fields = {f.name: f for f in fields(target)}
_fields = target.__fields__ # type: ignore
_update = {}
for name, param in signature_params.items():
if name not in _fields:
# field is InitVar
f = _fields[name]
if f.default_factory is not MISSING and f.default_factory is not None:
_update[name] = inspect.Parameter(
if (
and TARGET_FIELD_NAME in signature_params
del _update
del _fields
# `get_type_hints` properly resolves forward references, whereas annotations from
# `inspect.signature` do not
type_hints = get_type_hints(_sig_target)
del _sig_target
# We don't need to pop self/class because we only make on-demand
# requests from `type_hints`
except (
TypeError, # ufuncs, which do not have inspectable type hints
NameError, # Unresolvable forward reference
AttributeError, # Class doesn't have "__new__" or "__init__"
type_hints: dict[str, Any] = {}
sig_by_kind: dict[Any, list[inspect.Parameter]] = {
for p in signature_params.values():
# these are the names of the only parameters in the signature of `target` that can
# be referenced by name
nameable_params_in_sig: set[str] = {
for p in chain(
sig_by_kind[_POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD], sig_by_kind[_KEYWORD_ONLY]
if not _pos_args and builds_bases:
# pos_args is potentially inherited
for _base in builds_bases:
_pos_args = safe_getattr(_base, POS_ARG_FIELD_NAME, ())
# validates
_pos_args = tuple(
x, allow_zen_conversion=False, convert_dataclass=False
for x in _pos_args
if _pos_args:
fields_set_by_bases: set[str] = {
for _base in builds_bases
for _field in fields(_base)
if _field.name not in HYDRA_FIELD_NAMES
and not _field.name.startswith("_zen_")
# Validate that user-specified arguments satisfy target's signature.
# Should catch:
# - bad parameter names
# - too many parameters-by-position
# - multiple values specified for parameter (via positional and by-name)
# We don't raise on an under-specified signature because it is possible that the
# resulting dataclass will simply be inherited from and extended.
# The issues we catch here cannot be fixed downstream.
if target_has_valid_signature:
if not sig_by_kind[_VAR_KEYWORD]:
# check for unexpected kwargs
if not set(kwargs_for_target) <= nameable_params_in_sig:
_unexpected = set(kwargs_for_target) - nameable_params_in_sig
raise TypeError(
+ f"The following unexpected keyword argument(s) was specified for {target_path} "
f"via `builds`: {', '.join(_unexpected)}"
if not fields_set_by_bases <= nameable_params_in_sig and not (
fields_set_by_bases - nameable_params_in_sig
) <= set(zen_meta):
# field inherited by base is not present in sig
# AND it is not excluded via `zen_meta`
_unexpected = fields_set_by_bases - nameable_params_in_sig
raise TypeError(
+ f"The following unexpected keyword argument(s) for {target_path} "
f"was specified via inheritance from a base class: "
f"{', '.join(_unexpected)}"
if _pos_args:
named_args = set(kwargs_for_target).union(fields_set_by_bases)
# indicates that number of parameters that could be specified by name,
# but are specified by position
_num_nameable_args_by_position = max(
0, len(_pos_args) - len(sig_by_kind[_POSITIONAL_ONLY])
if named_args:
# check for multiple values for arg, specified both via positional and kwarg
# E.g.: def f(x, y): ...
# f(1, 2, y=3) # multiple values for `y`
for param in sig_by_kind[_POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD][
if param.name in named_args:
raise TypeError(
+ f"Multiple values for argument {param.name} were specified for "
f"{target_path} via `builds`"
if not sig_by_kind[
] and _num_nameable_args_by_position > len(
# Too many positional args specified.
# E.g.: def f(x, y): ...
# f(1, 2, 3)
_num_positional = len(sig_by_kind[_POSITIONAL_ONLY]) + len(
_num_with_default = sum(
p.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty
for p in signature_params.values()
_permissible = (
if not _num_with_default
else f"{_num_positional - _num_with_default} to {_num_positional}"
raise TypeError(
+ f"{target_path} takes {_permissible} positional args, but "
f"{len(_pos_args)} were specified via `builds`"
# Create valid dataclass fields from the user-specified values
# user_specified_params: arg-name -> (arg-name, arg-type, field-w-value)
# - arg-type: taken from the parameter's annotation in the target's signature
# and is resolved to one of the type annotations supported by hydra if possible,
# otherwise, is Any
# - arg-value: mutable values are automatically specified using default-factory
user_specified_named_params: dict[str, tuple[str, type, Any]] = {
name: (name, type_hints.get(name, Any), value)
for name, value in kwargs_for_target.items()
if not zen_exclude(name)
# support negative indices
zen_index_exclude = {ind % len(signature_params) for ind in zen_index_exclude}
if populate_full_signature is True:
# Populate dataclass fields based on the target's signature.
# A user-specified parameter value (via `kwargs_for_target`) takes precedent over
# the default value from the signature
# Fields with default values must come after those without defaults,
# so we will collect these as we loop through the parameters and
# add them to the fields at the end.
# Parameter ordering should only differ from the target's signature
# if the user specified a value for a parameter that had no default
_fields_with_default_values: list[Field_Entry] = []
# we need to keep track of what user-specified params we have set
_seen: set[str] = set()
for n, param in enumerate(signature_params.values()):
if n in zen_index_exclude or zen_exclude(param.name):
if n + 1 <= len(_pos_args):
# Positional parameters are populated from "left to right" in the signature.
# We have already done validation, so we know that positional params aren't redundant
# with named params (including inherited params).
if param.name not in nameable_params_in_sig:
# parameter cannot be specified by name
if param.name in user_specified_named_params:
# user-specified parameter is preferred
# any parameter whose default value is None is automatically
# annotated with `Optional[...]`. This improves flexibility with
# Hydra's type-validation
param_field = (
type_hints.get(param.name, Any),
if param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty:
if not zen_partial:
# No default value specified in signature or by the user.
# We don't include these fields if the user specified a partial build
# because we assume that they want to fill these in by using partial
param_field += (param.default,)
if sig_by_kind[_VAR_KEYWORD]:
# if the signature has **kwargs, then we need to add any user-specified
# parameters that have not already been added
for name, entry in user_specified_named_params.items()
if name not in _seen
if zen_meta:
_meta_names = set(zen_meta)
if _meta_names & nameable_params_in_sig:
raise ValueError(
f"`builds(..., zen_meta=<...>)`: `zen_meta` cannot not specify "
f"names that exist in the target's signature: "
f"{','.join(_meta_names & nameable_params_in_sig)}"
if _meta_names & set(user_specified_named_params):
raise ValueError(
f"`builds(..., zen_meta=<...>)`: `zen_meta` cannot not specify "
f"names that are common with those specified in **kwargs_for_target: "
f"{','.join(_meta_names & set(user_specified_named_params))}"
# We don't check for collisions between `zen_meta` names and the
# names of inherited fields. Thus `zen_meta` can effectively be used
# to "delete" names from a config, via inheritance.
base_fields.extend((name, Any, value) for name, value in zen_meta.items())
if dataclass_name is None:
if zen_partial is not True:
dataclass_name = f"Builds_{_utils.safe_name(target)}"
dataclass_name = f"PartialBuilds_{_utils.safe_name(target)}"
# validate that fields set via bases are OK; cannot perform zen-casting
# on fields
for base in builds_bases:
for field_ in fields(base):
if field_.default is not MISSING:
# performs validation
field_name=field_.name + " (set via inheritance)",
del field_
# sanitize all types and configured values
sanitized_base_fields: list[
Union[tuple[str, Any], tuple[str, Any, Field[Any]]]
] = []
for item in base_fields:
name = item[0]
type_ = item[1]
if len(item) == 2:
sanitized_base_fields.append((name, cls._sanitized_type(type_)))
assert len(item) == 3, item
value = item[-1]
if not isinstance(value, _Field):
_field = cls._sanitized_field(
_field = value
# If `.default` is not set, then `value` is a Hydra-supported mutable
# value, and thus it is "sanitized"
sanitized_value = safe_getattr(_field, "default", value)
sanitized_type = (
cls._sanitized_type(type_, wrap_optional=sanitized_value is None)
if _retain_type_info(
else Any
sanitized_base_fields.append((name, sanitized_type, _field))
del value
del _field
del sanitized_value
dataclass_options["cls_name"] = dataclass_name
dataclass_options["bases"] = builds_bases
assert _utils.parse_strict_dataclass_options(dataclass_options)
out = make_dataclass(fields=sanitized_base_fields, **dataclass_options)
if module is not None:
out.__module__ = module
out.__doc__ = (
f"A structured config designed to {'partially ' if zen_partial else ''}"
f"initialize/call `{target_path}` upon instantiation by hydra."
if hasattr(target, "__doc__"): # pragma: no branch
target_doc = target.__doc__
if target_doc:
out.__doc__ += (
f"\n\nThe docstring for {_utils.safe_name(target)} :\n\n"
+ target_doc
assert requires_zen_processing is uses_zen_processing(out)
# _partial_=True should never be relied on when zen-processing is being used.
assert not (
requires_zen_processing and safe_getattr(out, PARTIAL_FIELD_NAME, False)
return cast(
Union[type[Builds[Importable]], type[BuildsWithSig[type[R], P]]], out
def just(
obj: TP,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> TP: ...
def just(
obj: complex,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> "ConfigComplex": ...
def just(
obj: TC,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> JustT[TC]: ...
def just(
obj: TB,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> Builds[type[TB]]: ...
def just(
obj: TD,
zen_convert: Literal[None] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> type[Builds[type[TD]]]: ...
def just(
obj: DataClass_,
zen_convert: ZenConvert,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def just(
obj: Any,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def just(
obj: Any,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = None,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = None,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
) -> Any:
"""`just(obj)` returns a config that, when instantiated, just returns `obj`.
I.e., `instantiate(just(obj)) == obj`
`just` is designed to be idempotent. I.e., `just(obj) == just(just(obj))`
See the docstring for `hydra_zen.just`
convert_settings = merge_settings(zen_convert, _JUST_CONVERT_SETTINGS)
del zen_convert
hydra_recursive=hydra_recursive, hydra_convert=hydra_convert
if zen_dataclass is None:
zen_dataclass = {}
return cls._make_hydra_compatible(
def make_config(
*fields_as_args: Union[str, ZenField],
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = None,
hydra_defaults: Optional[DefaultsList] = None,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...] = (),
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = None,
**fields_as_kwargs: Union[T, ZenField],
) -> type[DataClass]:
Returns a config with user-defined field names and, optionally,
associated default values and/or type annotations.
See the docstring for hydra_zen.make_config
convert_settings = _utils.merge_settings(zen_convert, _MAKE_CONFIG_SETTINGS)
convert_settings = cast(ZenConvert, convert_settings)
del zen_convert
if zen_dataclass is None:
zen_dataclass = {}
# initial validation
if "frozen" in fields_as_kwargs:
"Specifying `builds(frozen=<...>)` is deprecated. Instead, "
"specify `builds(zen_dataclass={'frozen': <...>})"
zen_dataclass["frozen"] = fields_as_kwargs.pop("frozen") # type: ignore
if "config_name" in fields_as_kwargs:
"Specifying `make_config(config_name=<...>)` is deprecated. "
"Instead specify `make_config(zen_dataclass={'cls_name': <...>})"
zen_dataclass["cls_name"] = fields_as_kwargs.pop("config_name") # type: ignore
if not bases:
bases = zen_dataclass.get("bases", ())
zen_dataclass.setdefault("cls_name", "Config")
dataclass_options = _utils.parse_dataclass_options(zen_dataclass)
for _field in fields_as_args:
if not isinstance(_field, (str, ZenField)):
raise TypeError(
f"`fields_as_args` can only consist of field-names (i.e. strings) or "
f"`ZenField` instances. Got: "
f"{', '.join(str(x) for x in fields_as_args if not isinstance(x, (str, ZenField)))}"
if isinstance(_field, ZenField) and _field.name is NOTHING:
raise ValueError(
f"All `ZenField` instances specified in `fields_as_args` must have a "
f"name associated with it. Got: {_field}"
for name, _field in fields_as_kwargs.items():
if isinstance(_field, ZenField):
if _field.name is not NOTHING and _field.name != name:
raise ValueError(
f"`fields_as_kwargs` specifies conflicting names: the kwarg {name} "
f"is associated with a `ZenField` with name {_field.name}"
_field.name = name
if fields_as_args:
all_names = [
f.name if isinstance(f, ZenField) else f for f in fields_as_args
if len(all_names) != len(set(all_names)):
raise ValueError(
f"`fields_as_args` cannot specify the same field-name multiple times."
f" Got multiple entries for:"
f" {', '.join(str(n) for n, count in Counter(all_names).items() if count > 1)}"
for _name in all_names:
if isinstance(_name, str) and _name.startswith("_zen_"):
raise ValueError(
f"The field-name specified via `{_name}=<...>` is reserved by hydra-zen."
" You can manually create a dataclass to utilize this name in a structured config."
del all_names
if "defaults" in fields_as_kwargs:
if hydra_defaults is not None:
raise TypeError(
"`defaults` and `hydra_defaults` cannot be specified simultaneously"
_defaults = fields_as_kwargs.pop("defaults")
if not isinstance(_defaults, ZenField): # pragma: no branch
hydra_defaults = _defaults # type: ignore
# validate hydra-args via `builds`
# also check for use of reserved names
_tmp: Any = None
**{k: _tmp for k in fields_as_kwargs},
normalized_fields: dict[str, ZenField] = {}
for _field in fields_as_args:
if isinstance(_field, str):
normalized_fields[_field] = ZenField(
assert isinstance(_field.name, str)
normalized_fields[_field.name] = _field
for name, value in fields_as_kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(value, ZenField):
normalized_fields[name] = ZenField(
normalized_fields[name] = value
# fields without defaults must come first
config_fields: list[Union[tuple[str, type], tuple[str, type, Any]]] = [
(str(f.name), f.hint)
for f in normalized_fields.values()
if f.default is NOTHING
[ # type: ignore
# f.default: Field
# f.default.default: Any
if _retain_type_info(
else Any
for f in normalized_fields.values()
if f.default is not NOTHING
if hydra_recursive is not None:
_utils.field(default=hydra_recursive, init=False),
if hydra_convert is not None:
_utils.field(default=hydra_convert, init=False),
if hydra_defaults is not None:
hydra_defaults = cls._sanitize_collection(
hydra_defaults, convert_dataclass=False
default_factory=lambda: list(hydra_defaults), init=False
dataclass_options["bases"] = bases
module = dataclass_options.pop("module", None)
assert _utils.parse_strict_dataclass_options(
), dataclass_options
out = make_dataclass(fields=config_fields, **dataclass_options)
if module is not None:
out.__module__ = module
if hasattr(out, ZEN_TARGET_FIELD_NAME) and not uses_zen_processing(out):
raise ValueError(
f"{out.__name__} inherits from base classes that overwrite some fields "
f"associated with zen-processing features. As a result, this config will "
f"not instantiate correctly."
if safe_getattr(out, PARTIAL_FIELD_NAME, False) and uses_zen_processing(out):
raise ValueError(
f"{out.__name__} specifies both `{PARTIAL_FIELD_NAME}=True` and `"
f"{ZEN_PARTIAL_FIELD_NAME}=True`. This config will not instantiate "
f"correctly. This is typically caused by inheriting from multiple, "
f"conflicting configs."
return cast(type[DataClass], out)
# cover zen_exclude=() -> (1, 2, 3)
def kwargs_of(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Callable[P, Any],
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
zen_exclude: tuple[()],
) -> type[BuildsWithSig[type[dict[str, Any]], P]]: ...
def kwargs_of(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Callable[Concatenate[Any, P], Any],
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
zen_exclude: tuple[Literal[0]],
) -> type[BuildsWithSig[type[dict[str, Any]], P]]: ...
def kwargs_of(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Callable[Concatenate[Any, Any, P], Any],
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
zen_exclude: tuple[Literal[0], Literal[1]],
) -> type[BuildsWithSig[type[dict[str, Any]], P]]: ...
def kwargs_of(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Callable[Concatenate[Any, Any, Any, P], Any],
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
zen_exclude: tuple[Literal[0], Literal[1], Literal[2]],
) -> type[BuildsWithSig[type[dict[str, Any]], P]]: ...
# no zen-exclude
def kwargs_of(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Callable[P, Any],
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
zen_exclude: Literal[None] = ...,
) -> type[BuildsWithSig[type[dict[str, Any]], P]]: ...
def kwargs_of(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Callable[P, Any],
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
zen_exclude: Union["Collection[Union[str, int]]", Callable[[str], bool]],
) -> type[Builds[type[dict[str, Any]]]]: ...
def kwargs_of(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Callable[P, Any],
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
zen_exclude: Union[
None, "Collection[Union[str, int]]", Callable[[str], bool]
] = ...,
**kwarg_overrides: T,
) -> type[Builds[type[dict[str, Any]]]]: ...
def kwargs_of(
cls: type[Self],
__hydra_target: Union[
Callable[P, Any],
Callable[Concatenate[Any, P], Any],
Callable[Concatenate[Any, Any, P], Any],
Callable[Concatenate[Any, Any, Any, P], Any],
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
zen_exclude: Union[
None, "Collection[Union[str, int]]", Callable[[str], bool]
] = None,
**kwarg_overrides: T,
) -> Union[
type[BuildsWithSig[type[dict[str, Any]], P]], type[Builds[type[dict[str, Any]]]]
"""Returns a config whose signature matches that of the provided target.
Instantiating the config returns a dictionary.
__hydra_target : Callable[P, Any]
An object with an inspectable signature.
zen_exclude : Collection[str | int] | Callable[[str], bool], optional (default=[])
Specifies parameter names and/or indices, or a function for checking names,
to exclude those parameters from the config-creation process.
**kwarg_overrides : T
Named overrides for the parameters' default values.
type[Builds[type[dict[str, Any]]]]
>>> from inspect import signature
>>> from hydra_zen import kwargs_of, instantiate
>>> Config = kwargs_of(lambda x, y: None)
>>> signature(Config)
<Signature (x:Any, y: Any) -> None>
>>> config = Config(x=1, y=2)
>>> config
kwargs_of_lambda(x=1, y=2)
>>> instantiate(config)
{'x': 1, 'y': 2}
Excluding the first parameter from the target's signature:
>>> Config = kwargs_of(lambda *, x, y: None, zen_exclude=(0,))
>>> signature(Config) # note: type checkers sees that x is removed as well
<Signature (y: Any) -> None>
>>> instantiate(Config(y=88))
{'y': 88}
Overwriting a default
>>> Config = kwargs_of(lambda *, x, y: None, y=22)
>>> signature(Config)
<Signature (x: Any, y: Any = 22) -> None>
base_zen_detaclass: DataclassOptions = (
if cls._default_dataclass_options_for_kwargs_of
else {}
if zen_dataclass is None:
zen_dataclass = {}
zen_dataclass = {**base_zen_detaclass, **zen_dataclass}
zen_dataclass["target"] = "builtins.dict"
"cls_name", f"kwargs_of_{_utils.safe_name(__hydra_target)}"
zen_dataclass.setdefault("target_repr", False)
if zen_exclude is None:
zen_exclude = ()
return cls.builds( # type: ignore
zen_exclude=zen_exclude, # type: ignore
**kwarg_overrides, # type: ignore
class DefaultBuilds(BuildsFn[SupportedPrimitive]):
_default_dataclass_options_for_kwargs_of = {}
builds: Final = DefaultBuilds.builds
kwargs_of: Final = DefaultBuilds.kwargs_of
class ConfigComplex:
real: Any
imag: Any
_target_: str = field(default=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(complex), init=False)
CBuildsFn: InitVar[type[BuildsFn[Any]]]
def __post_init__(self, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]) -> None:
del CBuildsFn
class ConfigPath:
_args_: tuple[str]
_target_: str = field(default=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(Path), init=False)
CBuildsFn: InitVar[type[BuildsFn[Any]]]
def __post_init__(self, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]) -> None: # pragma: no cover
del CBuildsFn
def get_target_path(obj: Union[HasTarget, HasTargetInst]) -> Any:
Returns the import-path from a targeted config.
obj : HasTarget
An object with a ``_target_`` attribute.
target_str : str
The import path stored on the config object.
TypeError: ``obj`` does not have a ``_target_`` attribute.
if is_old_partial_builds(obj):
# obj._partial_target_ is `Just[obj]`
return get_target(getattr(obj, "_partial_target_"))
elif uses_zen_processing(obj):
elif is_just(obj):
field_name = JUST_FIELD_NAME
elif is_builds(obj):
field_name = TARGET_FIELD_NAME
raise TypeError(
f"`obj` must specify a target; i.e. it must have an attribute named"
f" points to a target-object or target-string"
target = safe_getattr(obj, field_name)
return target
def get_target(obj: InstOrType[Builds[_T]]) -> _T: ...
def get_target(obj: HasTargetInst) -> Any: ...
def get_target(obj: HasTarget) -> Any: ...
def get_target(obj: Union[HasTarget, HasTargetInst]) -> Any:
Returns the target-object from a targeted config.
obj : HasTarget
An object with a ``_target_`` attribute.
target : Any
The target object of the config.
Note that this will import the object using the import
path specified by the config.
TypeError: ``obj`` does not have a ``_target_`` attribute.
**Basic usage**
`get_target` works on all variety of configs produced by `builds` and
>>> from hydra_zen import builds, just, get_target
>>> get_target(builds(int))
<class 'int'>
>>> get_target(builds(int, zen_partial=True))
<class 'int'>
>>> get_target(just(str))
<class 'str'>
It works for manually-defined configs:
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class A:
... _target_: str = "builtins.dict"
>>> get_target(A())
<class 'dict'>
and for configs loaded from yamls.
>>> from hydra_zen import load_from_yaml, save_as_yaml
>>> class B: pass
>>> Conf = builds(B)
>>> save_as_yaml(Conf, "config.yaml")
>>> loaded_conf = load_from_yaml("config.yaml")
Note that the target of ``loaded_conf`` can be accessed without
instantiating the config.
>>> get_target(loaded_conf) # type: ignore
target = get_target_path(obj=obj)
if isinstance(target, str):
target = get_obj(path=target)
# Hydra 1.1.0 permits objects-as-_target_ instead of strings
# https://github.com/facebookresearch/hydra/issues/1017
pass # makes sure we cover this branch in tests
return target
def mutable_value(
x: _T,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = None,
BuildsFunction: type[BuildsFn[Any]] = BuildsFn[Any],
) -> _T:
"""Used to set a mutable object as a default value for a field
in a dataclass.
This is an alias for ``field(default_factory=lambda: type(x)(x))``
Note that ``type(x)(...)`` serves to make a copy
>>> from hydra_zen import mutable_value
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
See https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html#mutable-default-values
>>> @dataclass # doctest: +SKIP
... class HasMutableDefault:
... a_list: list = [1, 2, 3] # error: mutable default
Using `mutable_value` to specify the default list:
>>> @dataclass
... class HasMutableDefault:
... a_list: list = mutable_value([1, 2, 3]) # ok
>>> x = HasMutableDefault()
>>> x.a_list.append(-1) # does not append to `HasMutableDefault.a_list`
>>> x
HasMutableDefault(a_list=[1, 2, 3, -1])
>>> HasMutableDefault()
HasMutableDefault(a_list=[1, 2, 3])"""
return BuildsFunction._mutable_value(x, zen_convert=zen_convert)
def convert_complex(
value: complex, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]
) -> Builds[type[complex]]:
return cast(
ConfigComplex(real=value.real, imag=value.imag, CBuildsFn=CBuildsFn),
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[complex] = convert_complex
if Path in ZEN_SUPPORTED_PRIMITIVES: # pragma: no cover
def convert_path(value: Path, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]) -> Builds[type[Path]]:
return cast(
Builds[type[Path]], ConfigPath(_args_=(str(value),), CBuildsFn=CBuildsFn)
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[Path] = convert_path
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[PosixPath] = convert_path
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[WindowsPath] = convert_path
def _unpack_partial(
value: Partial[_T], CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]
) -> PartialBuilds[type[_T]]:
target = cast(type[_T], value.func)
return CBuildsFn.builds(target, *value.args, **value.keywords, zen_partial=True)()
class ConfigFromTuple:
_args_: tuple[Any, ...]
_target_: str
CBuildsFn: InitVar[type[BuildsFn[Any]]]
def __post_init__(self, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]) -> None:
self._args_ = (
class ConfigFromDict:
_args_: Any
_target_: str
CBuildsFn: InitVar[type[BuildsFn[Any]]]
def __post_init__(self, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]) -> None:
self._args_ = (
class ConfigRange:
start: InitVar[int]
stop: InitVar[int]
step: InitVar[int]
_target_: str = field(default=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(range), init=False)
_args_: tuple[int, ...] = field(default=(), init=False, repr=False)
CBuildsFn: InitVar[type[BuildsFn[Any]]]
def __post_init__(
self, start: int, stop: int, step: int, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]
) -> None:
del CBuildsFn
self._args_ = (start, stop, step)
class ConfigTimeDelta:
CBuildsFn: InitVar[type[BuildsFn[Any]]]
days: float = 0.0
seconds: float = 0.0
microseconds: float = 0.0
milliseconds: float = 0.0
minutes: float = 0.0
hours: float = 0.0
weeks: float = 0.0
_target_: str = field(default=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(timedelta), init=False)
def __post_init__(self, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]) -> None:
del CBuildsFn
class ConfigFromDefaultDict:
dict_: dict[Any, Any]
default_factory: Any = field(init=False)
CBuildsFn: InitVar[type[BuildsFn[Any]]]
_target_: str = BuildsFn._get_obj_path(as_default_dict)
def __post_init__(self, CBuildsFn: type[BuildsFn[Any]]) -> None:
assert isinstance(self.dict_, defaultdict)
self.default_factory = CBuildsFn.just(self.dict_.default_factory)
out = CBuildsFn._make_hydra_compatible(
assert isinstance(out, dict)
self.dict_ = out
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[defaultdict] = lambda dict_, CBuildsFn: ConfigFromDefaultDict(
dict_, CBuildsFn
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[set] = partial(
ConfigFromTuple, _target_=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(set)
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[frozenset] = partial(
ConfigFromTuple, _target_=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(frozenset)
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[deque] = partial(
ConfigFromTuple, _target_=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(deque)
if bytes in ZEN_SUPPORTED_PRIMITIVES: # pragma: no cover
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[bytes] = partial(
ConfigFromTuple, _target_=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(bytes)
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[bytearray] = partial(
ConfigFromTuple, _target_=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(bytearray)
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[range] = lambda value, CBuildsFn: ConfigRange(
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[timedelta] = lambda value, CBuildsFn: ConfigTimeDelta(
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[Counter] = partial(
ConfigFromDict, _target_=BuildsFn._get_obj_path(Counter)
ZEN_VALUE_CONVERSION[functools.partial] = _unpack_partial