# Copyright (c) 2025 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, TypeVar, Union, overload
from typing_extensions import Literal
from hydra_zen.typing import Builds, DataclassOptions, Just
from hydra_zen.typing._implementations import _HydraPrimitive # type: ignore
from hydra_zen.typing._implementations import _SupportedViaBuilds # type: ignore
from hydra_zen.typing._implementations import DataClass_, ZenConvert
from ._implementations import ConfigComplex, DefaultBuilds
# pyright: strict
T = TypeVar("T")
TD = TypeVar("TD", bound=DataClass_)
TC = TypeVar("TC", bound=Callable[..., Any])
TP = TypeVar("TP", bound=_HydraPrimitive)
TB = TypeVar("TB", bound=Union[_SupportedViaBuilds, frozenset[Any]])
__all__ = ["just"]
def just(
obj: TP,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> TP: ...
def just(
obj: complex,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> ConfigComplex: ...
def just(
obj: TC,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> Just[TC]: ...
def just(
obj: TB,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> Builds[type[TB]]: ...
def just(
obj: TD,
zen_convert: Literal[None] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> type[Builds[type[TD]]]: ...
def just(
obj: DataClass_,
zen_convert: ZenConvert,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def just(
obj: Any,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def just(
obj: Any,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = None,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = None,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
) -> Any:
"""`just(obj)` returns a config that, when instantiated, just returns `obj`.
I.e., `instantiate(just(obj)) == obj`
`just` is designed to be idempotent. I.e., `just(obj) == just(just(obj))`
obj : Callable[..., Any] | HydraSupportedPrimitive | ZenSupportedPrimitive
A type (e.g. a class-object), function-object, or a value that is either
supported by Hydra or has auto-config support via hydra-zen.
zen_convert : Optional[ZenConvert]
A dictionary that modifies hydra-zen's value and type conversion behavior.
Consists of the following optional key-value pairs (:ref:`zen-convert`):
- `dataclass` : `bool` (default=True):
If `True` any dataclass type/instance without a
`_target_` field is automatically converted to a targeted config
that will instantiate to that type/instance. Otherwise the dataclass
type/instance will be passed through as-is.
hydra_recursive : Optional[bool], optional (default=True)
If ``True``, then Hydra will recursively instantiate all other
hydra-config objects nested within this config [2]_.
If ``None``, the ``_recursive_`` attribute is not set on the resulting config.
hydra_convert : Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]], optional (default="none")
Determines how Hydra treats the non-primitive, omegaconf-specific objects
during instantiateion [3]_.
- ``"none"``: No conversion occurs; omegaconf containers are passed through (Default)
- ``"partial"``: ``DictConfig`` and ``ListConfig`` objects converted to ``dict`` and
``list``, respectively. Structured configs and their fields are passed without conversion.
- ``"all"``: All passed objects are converted to dicts, lists, and primitives, without
a trace of OmegaConf containers.
- ``"object"``: Passed objects are converted to dict and list. Structured Configs are converted to instances of the backing dataclass / attr class.
If ``None``, the ``_convert_`` attribute is not set on the resulting config.
zen_dataclass : Optional[DataclassOptions]
A dictionary that can specify any option that is supported by
:py:func:`dataclasses.make_dataclass` other than `fields`.
The default value for `unsafe_hash` is `True`.
These options are only relevant when the input to `just` is a dataclass
instance. Otherwise, `just` does not utilize these options when auto-generating
Additionally, the `module` field can be specified to enable pickle
compatibility. See `hydra_zen.typing.DataclassOptions` for details.
out : HydraSupportedPrimitive | Builds[Type[obj]]
``out`` is ``obj`` unchanged if ``obj`` is supported natively by Hydra, otherwise ``out`` is a dynamically-generated dataclass type or instance.
.. [1] https://hydra.cc/docs/tutorials/structured_config/intro/
.. [2] https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/instantiate_objects/overview/#recursive-instantiation
.. [3] https://hydra.cc/docs/advanced/instantiate_objects/overview/#parameter-conversion-strategies
See Also
builds : Create a targeted structured config designed to "build" a particular object.
make_config: Creates a general config with customized field names, default values, and annotations.
Here, a "config" is a dynamically-generated dataclass type that is designed to be
compatible with Hydra [1]_.
The configs produced by ``just(<type_or_func>)`` introduce an explicit dependency
on hydra-zen. I.e. hydra-zen must be installed in order to instantiate any config
that used `just`.
**Basic usage**
>>> from hydra_zen import just, instantiate, to_yaml
`just`, called on a value of a type that is natively supported by Hydra,
will return that value unchanged:
>>> just(1)
>>> just({"a": False})
{"a": False}
`just` can be used to create a config that will simply import a class-object or function when the config is instantiated by Hydra.
>>> class A: pass
>>> def my_func(x: int): pass
>>> instantiate(just(A)) is A
>>> instantiate(just(my_func)) is my_func
`just` dynamically generates dataclass types, a.k.a structured configs, to describe
>>> just(A)
Just_A(_target_='hydra_zen.funcs.get_obj', path='__main__.A')
>>> just(my_func)
Just_my_func(_target_='hydra_zen.funcs.get_obj', path='__main__.my_func')
**Auto-config support**
Calling `just` on a value of a type that has
:ref:`special support from hydra-zen <additional-types>`
will return a structured config instance that, when instantiated by Hydra, returns
that value.
>>> just(1+2j)
ConfigComplex(real=1.0, imag=2.0, _target_='builtins.complex')
>>> instantiate(just(1+2j))
>>> just({1, 2, 3})
Builds_set(_target_='builtins.set', _args_=((1, 2, 3),))
>>> instantiate(just({1, 2, 3}))
{1, 2, 3}
By default, `just` will convert a dataclass instance to a corresponding targeted
config. This behavior can be modified via :ref:`zen-convert settings<zen-convert>`.
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class B:
... x: complex
>>> instantiate(just(B)) is B
>>> instantiate(just(B(2+3j))) == B(2+3j)
`just` operates recursively within sequences, mappings, and dataclass fields.
>>> z_dict = {'a': [3-4j, 1+2j]}
>>> assert instantiate(just(z_dict)) == z_dict
>>> from typing import Any
>>> @dataclass
... class C:
... x: Any
>>> instantiate(just(C(B(2+3j))))
**Auto-Application of just**
Both `builds` and `make_config` will automatically (and recursively) apply
`just` to all configured values. E.g. in the following example `just` will be
applied to both the complex-valued the list and to ``sum``.
>>> from hydra_zen import make_config
>>> Conf2 = make_config(data=[1+2j, 2+3j], reduction_fn=sum)
>>> print(to_yaml(Conf2))
- real: 1.0
imag: 2.0
_target_: builtins.complex
- real: 2.0
imag: 3.0
_target_: builtins.complex
_target_: hydra_zen.funcs.get_obj
path: builtins.sum
>>> conf = instantiate(Conf2)
>>> conf.reduction_fn(conf.data)
return DefaultBuilds.just(**locals())