# Copyright (c) 2025 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# pyright: strict
import inspect
import warnings
from collections.abc import Collection, Mapping
from functools import wraps
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import Literal
from hydra_zen.errors import HydraZenDeprecationWarning
from hydra_zen.typing import DataclassOptions, ZenWrappers
from hydra_zen.typing._builds_overloads import FullBuilds, PBuilds, StdBuilds
from hydra_zen.typing._implementations import InstOrType, ZenConvert
from ._implementations import BuildsFn, DefaultBuilds, builds
from ._utils import parse_dataclass_options
__all__ = ["make_custom_builds_fn"]
_builds_sig = inspect.signature(builds)
__BUILDS_DEFAULTS: Final[dict[str, Any]] = {
name: p.default
for name, p in _builds_sig.parameters.items()
if p.kind is p.KEYWORD_ONLY
__BUILDS_DEFAULTS["zen_exclude"] = frozenset()
# TODO: Remove deprecated options once they are phased out
__BUILDS_DEFAULTS["frozen"] = False
__BUILDS_DEFAULTS["dataclass_name"] = None
del _builds_sig
# TODO: parameterize the return types and attach this
# as a classmethod to `BuildsFn`
T = TypeVar("T")
# partial=False, pop-sig=True
def make_custom_builds_fn(
zen_partial: Literal[False, None] = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = ...,
populate_full_signature: Literal[True],
zen_exclude: Union[Collection[str], Callable[[str], bool]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
builds_fn: InstOrType[BuildsFn[T]] = DefaultBuilds,
) -> FullBuilds[T]: ...
# partial=True, pop-sig=bool
def make_custom_builds_fn(
zen_partial: Literal[True],
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = ...,
populate_full_signature: bool = ...,
zen_exclude: Union[Collection[str], Callable[[str], bool]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
builds_fn: InstOrType[BuildsFn[T]] = DefaultBuilds,
) -> PBuilds[T]: ...
# partial=False, pop-sig=False
def make_custom_builds_fn(
zen_partial: Literal[False, None] = ...,
populate_full_signature: Literal[False] = ...,
zen_exclude: Union[Collection[str], Callable[[str], bool]] = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
builds_fn: InstOrType[BuildsFn[T]] = DefaultBuilds,
) -> StdBuilds[T]: ...
# partial=False, pop-sig=bool
def make_custom_builds_fn(
zen_partial: Literal[False, None] = ...,
populate_full_signature: bool,
zen_exclude: Union[Collection[str], Callable[[str], bool]] = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
builds_fn: InstOrType[BuildsFn[T]] = DefaultBuilds,
) -> Union[FullBuilds[T], StdBuilds[T]]: ...
# partial=bool, pop-sig=False
def make_custom_builds_fn(
zen_partial: Union[bool, None],
populate_full_signature: Literal[False] = ...,
zen_exclude: Union[Collection[str], Callable[[str], bool]] = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
builds_fn: InstOrType[BuildsFn[T]] = DefaultBuilds,
) -> Union[PBuilds[T], StdBuilds[T]]: ...
# partial=bool, pop-sig=bool
def make_custom_builds_fn(
zen_partial: Union[bool, None],
populate_full_signature: bool,
zen_exclude: Union[Collection[str], Callable[[str], bool]] = ...,
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = ...,
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = ...,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = ...,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = ...,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = ...,
frozen: bool = ...,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = ...,
builds_fn: InstOrType[BuildsFn[T]] = DefaultBuilds,
) -> Union[
]: ...
def make_custom_builds_fn(
zen_partial: Optional[bool] = None,
populate_full_signature: bool = False,
zen_exclude: Union[Collection[str], Callable[[str], bool]] = frozenset(),
zen_wrappers: ZenWrappers[Callable[..., Any]] = tuple(),
zen_meta: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
hydra_recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
hydra_convert: Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]] = None,
zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = None,
frozen: bool = False,
zen_convert: Optional[ZenConvert] = None,
builds_fn: InstOrType[BuildsFn[T]] = DefaultBuilds,
) -> Union[
"""Returns the `builds` function, but with customized default values.
E.g. ``make_custom_builds_fn(hydra_convert='all')`` will return a version
of the `builds` function where the default value for ``hydra_convert``
is ``'all'`` instead of ``None``.
zen_partial : bool, optional (default=False)
Specifies a new the default value for ``builds(..., zen_partial=<..>)``
zen_wrappers : None | Callable | Builds | InterpStr | Sequence[None | Callable | Builds | InterpStr]
Specifies a new the default value for ``builds(..., zen_wrappers=<..>)``
zen_meta : Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]
Specifies a new the default value for ``builds(..., zen_meta=<..>)``
populate_full_signature : bool, optional (default=False)
Specifies a new the default value for ``builds(..., populate_full_signature=<..>)``
zen_exclude : Collection[str] | Callable[[str], bool], optional (default=[])
Specifies parameter names, or a function for checking names, to exclude
those parameters from the config-creation process.
Note that inherited fields cannot be excluded.
zen_convert : Optional[ZenConvert]
A dictionary that modifies hydra-zen's value and type conversion behavior.
Consists of the following optional key-value pairs (:ref:`zen-convert`):
- `dataclass` : `bool` (default=True):
If `True` any dataclass type/instance without a
`_target_` field is automatically converted to a targeted config
that will instantiate to that type/instance. Otherwise the dataclass
type/instance will be passed through as-is.
zen_dataclass : Optional[DataclassOptions]
A dictionary can specify any option that is supported by
:py:func:`dataclasses.make_dataclass` other than `fields`.
The default value for `unsafe_hash` is `True`.
Additionally, the `module` field can be specified to enable pickle
compatibility. See `hydra_zen.typing.DataclassOptions` for details.
hydra_recursive : Optional[bool], optional (default=True)
Specifies a new the default value for ``builds(..., hydra_recursive=<..>)``
hydra_convert : Optional[Literal["none", "partial", "all", "object"]], optional (default="none")
Specifies a new the default value for ``builds(..., hydra_convert=<..>)``
frozen : bool, optional (default=False)
.. deprecated:: 0.9.0
`frozen` will be removed in hydra-zen 0.10.0. It is replaced by
`zen_dataclass={'frozen': <bool>}`.
Specifies a new the default value for ``builds(..., frozen=<..>)``
builds_fn: BuildsFn[T]
The builds-function whose defaults are modified.
The function `builds`, but with customized default values.
See Also
builds : Create a targeted structured config designed to "build" a particular object.
>>> from hydra_zen import builds, make_custom_builds_fn, instantiate
**Basic usage**
The following will create a `builds` function whose default value
for ``zen_partial`` has been set to ``True``.
>>> pbuilds = make_custom_builds_fn(zen_partial=True)
I.e. using ``pbuilds(...)`` is equivalent to using
``builds(..., zen_partial=True)``.
>>> instantiate(pbuilds(int)) # calls `functools.partial(int)`
functools.partial(<class 'int'>)
You can still specify ``zen_partial`` on a per-case basis with ``pbuilds``.
>>> instantiate(pbuilds(int, zen_partial=False)) # calls `int()`
**Adding data validation to configs**
Suppose that we want to enable runtime type-checking - using beartype -
whenever our configs are being instantiated; then the following settings
for `builds` would be handy.
>>> # Note: beartype must be installed to use this feature
>>> from hydra_zen.third_party.beartype import validates_with_beartype
>>> build_a_bear = make_custom_builds_fn(
... populate_full_signature=True,
... hydra_convert="all",
... zen_wrappers=validates_with_beartype,
... )
Now all configs produced via ``build_a_bear`` will include type-checking
during instantiation.
>>> from typing_extensions import Literal
>>> def f(x: Literal["a", "b"]): return x
>>> Conf = build_a_bear(f) # a conf that includes `validates_with_beartype`
>>> instantiate(Conf, x="a") # satisfies annotation: Literal["a", "b"]
>>> instantiate(Conf, x="c") # violates annotation: Literal["a", "b"]
<Validation error: "c" is not "a" or "b">
excluded_fields = frozenset({"dataclass_name", "hydra_defaults", "builds_bases"})
fn = builds_fn.builds
del builds_fn
LOCALS = locals()
# Ensures that new defaults added to `builds` must be reflected
# in the signature of `make_custom_builds_fn`.
assert (set(__BUILDS_DEFAULTS) - excluded_fields) <= set(LOCALS)
_new_defaults = {
name: LOCALS[name] for name in __BUILDS_DEFAULTS if name not in excluded_fields
_frozen = _new_defaults.pop("frozen")
# This self-check was causing issues with type-checkers (pyright) -
# causing them to resolve the return type of this function as "unknown"
if not TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no branch
# let `builds` validate the new defaults!
fn(fn, **_new_defaults)
_zen_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = _new_defaults.pop("zen_dataclass")
if _zen_dataclass is None:
_zen_dataclass = {}
if _frozen is True:
"Specifying `builds(..., frozen=<...>)` is deprecated. Instead, "
"specify `builds(..., zen_dataclass={'frozen': <...>})"
_zen_dataclass["frozen"] = _frozen
_zen_dataclass = parse_dataclass_options(_zen_dataclass)
def wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
merged_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
_dataclass: Optional[DataclassOptions] = kwargs.pop("zen_dataclass", None)
if _dataclass is None:
_new_defaults["zen_dataclass"] = _zen_dataclass
_new_defaults["zen_dataclass"] = {**_zen_dataclass, **_dataclass}
return cast(Any, fn(*args, **merged_kwargs))
return cast(