# Copyright (c) 2025 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# pyright: strict
import sys
import types
from collections.abc import ByteString, Mapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import _MISSING_TYPE # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
from datetime import timedelta
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath, WindowsPath
from typing import (
from omegaconf import DictConfig, ListConfig
from typing_extensions import (
__all__ = [
P = ParamSpec("P")
R = TypeVar("R")
class EmptyDict(TypedDict):
T = TypeVar("T", covariant=True)
T2 = TypeVar("T2")
T3 = TypeVar("T3")
T4 = TypeVar("T4", bound=Callable[..., Any])
InstOrType: TypeAlias = Union[T, type[T]]
from dataclasses import Field # provided by typestub but not generic at runtime
class Field(Protocol[T2]):
name: str
type: type[T2]
default: T2
default_factory: Callable[[], T2]
repr: bool
hash: Optional[bool]
init: bool
compare: bool
metadata: Mapping[str, Any]
class Partial(Protocol[T2]):
"""A protocol that matches against `functools.partial`"""
__call__: Callable[..., T2]
def func(self) -> Callable[..., T2]: ...
def args(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: ...
def keywords(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
def __new__(
cls: type[Self], __func: Callable[..., T2], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> Self: ...
if TYPE_CHECKING and sys.version_info >= (3, 9): # pragma: no cover
def __class_getitem__(cls, item: Any) -> types.GenericAlias: ...
InterpStr = NewType("InterpStr", str)
class DataClass_(Protocol):
# doesn't provide __init__, __getattribute__, etc.
__dataclass_fields__: ClassVar[dict[str, Field[Any]]]
class DataClass(DataClass_, Protocol):
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: ...
def __getattribute__(self, __name: str) -> Any: ...
def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: Any) -> None: ...
class HasTarget(Protocol):
_target_: ClassVar[str]
class HasTargetInst(Protocol):
_target_: str
class Builds(DataClass, Protocol[T]):
_target_: ClassVar[str]
class BuildsWithSig(Builds[T], Protocol[T, P]):
def __init__(self, *args: P.args, **kwds: P.kwargs): ...
class Just(Builds[T], Protocol[T]):
path: str # interpolated string for importing obj
_target_: ClassVar[str] = "hydra_zen.funcs.get_obj"
class ZenPartialMixin(Protocol[T]):
_zen_target: ClassVar[str]
_zen_partial: ClassVar[Literal[True]] = True
class HydraPartialMixin(Protocol[T]):
_partial_: ClassVar[Literal[True]] = True
class ZenPartialBuilds(Builds[T], ZenPartialMixin[T], Protocol[T]):
_target_: ClassVar[str] = "hydra_zen.funcs.zen_processing"
class HydraPartialBuilds(Builds[T], HydraPartialMixin[T], Protocol[T]): ...
# Necessary, but not sufficient, check for PartialBuilds; useful for creating
# non-overlapping overloads
IsPartial: TypeAlias = Union[ZenPartialMixin[T], HydraPartialMixin[T]]
PartialBuilds: TypeAlias = Union[ZenPartialBuilds[T], HydraPartialBuilds[T]]
AnyBuilds: TypeAlias = Union[Builds[T], BuildsWithSig[T, Any]]
Importable = TypeVar("Importable", bound=Callable[..., Any])
_HydraPrimitive: TypeAlias = Union[
bool, None, int, float, str, ByteString, Path, WindowsPath, PosixPath
HydraSupportedType = Union[
# Even thought this is redundant with Sequence, it seems to
# be needed for pyright to do proper checking of tuple contents
tuple["HydraSupportedType", ...],
Mapping[Any, "HydraSupportedType"],
"""Describes types that are compatible with Hydra -- they can be used in
configs provided to Hydra."""
_SupportedViaBuilds = Union[
_SupportedPrimitive: TypeAlias = Union[
Callable[..., Any],
EmptyDict, # not covered by Mapping[..., ...]]
SupportedPrimitive: TypeAlias = Union[
# Even thought this is redundant with Sequence, it seems to
# be needed for pyright to do proper checking of tuple contents
tuple["SupportedPrimitive", ...],
# Mutable generic containers need to be invariant, so
# we have to settle for Sequence/Mapping. While this
# is overly permissive in terms of sequence-type, it
# at least affords quality checking of sequence content
# Mapping is covariant only in value
Mapping[Any, "SupportedPrimitive"],
"""Describes types that are natively supported by hydra-zen's config-creation
CustomConfigType: TypeAlias = Union[
tuple["CustomConfigType[T2]", ...],
Mapping[Any, "CustomConfigType[T2]"],
"""The type `CustomConfigType[MyType]` describes: `MyType`, all hydra-zen config-compatible types, and all hydra-zen compatible containers containing said types.
This is use for parameterizing `hydra_zen.BuildsFn` with custom type information. Example::
from hydra_zen import BuildsFn
from hydra_zen.typing import CustomConfigType
class MyType: ...
class BadType: ...
class MyBuilds(BuildsFn[CustomConfigType[MyType]]):
builds = MyBuilds.builds
builds(dict, x=MyType(), y=[1, MyType()]) # type-checker: OK
builds(dict, x=BadType(), y=[1, MyType()]) # type-checker: Bad!
builds(dict, x=MyType(), y=[1, BadType()]) # type-checker: Bad!
ZenWrapper: TypeAlias = Union[
Builds[Callable[[T4], T4]],
PartialBuilds[Callable[[T4], T4]],
Just[Callable[[T4], T4]],
type[Builds[Callable[[T4], T4]]],
type[PartialBuilds[Callable[[T4], T4]]],
type[Just[Callable[[T4], T4]]],
Callable[[T4], T4],
ZenWrappers: TypeAlias = Union[ZenWrapper[T4], Sequence[ZenWrapper[T4]]]
DefaultsList = list[
str, DataClass_, type[DataClass_], Mapping[str, Union[None, str, Sequence[str]]]
# Lists all zen-convert settings and their types. Not part of public API
class AllConvert(TypedDict, total=True):
dataclass: bool
flat_target: bool
# used for runtime type-checking
convert_types: Final = {"dataclass": bool, "flat_target": bool}
GroupName: TypeAlias = Optional[str]
NodeName: TypeAlias = str
Node: TypeAlias = Any
# TODO: make immutable
class StoreEntry(TypedDict):
name: NodeName
group: GroupName
package: Optional[str]
provider: Optional[str]
node: Node
class ZenConvert(TypedDict, total=False):
"""A TypedDict that provides a type-checked interface for specifying zen-convert
options that configure the hydra-zen config-creation functions (e.g., `builds`,
`just`, and `make_config`).
Note that, at runtime, `ZenConvert` is simply a dictionary with type-annotations.
There is no enforced runtime validation of its keys and values.
flat_target: bool
If `True` (default), `builds(builds(f))` is equivalent to `builds(f)`. I.e. the
second `builds` call will use the `_target_` field of its input, if it exists.
dataclass : bool
If `True` (default) any dataclass type/instance without a `_target_` field is
automatically converted to a targeted config that will instantiate to that type/
instance. Otherwise the dataclass type/instance will be passed through as-is.
Note that this only works with statically-defined dataclass types, whereas
:func:`~hydra_zen.make_config` and :py:func:`dataclasses.make_dataclass`
dynamically generate dataclass types. Additionally, this feature is not
compatible with a dataclass instance whose type possesses an `InitVar` field.
>>> from hydra_zen.typing import ZenConvert as zc
>>> zc()
>>> zc(dataclass=True)
{"dataclass": True}
>>> # static type-checker will raise, but runtime will not
>>> zc(apple=1) # type: ignore
{"apple": 1}
**Configuring dataclass auto-config behaviors**
>>> from hydra_zen import instantiate as I
>>> from hydra_zen import builds, just
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class B:
... x: int
>>> b = B(x=1)
>>> I(just(b))
>>> I(just(b, zen_convert=zc(dataclass=False))) # returns omegaconf.DictConfig
{"x": 1}
>>> I(builds(dict, y=b))
{'y': B(x=1)}
>>> I(builds(dict, y=b, zen_convert=zc(dataclass=False))) # returns omegaconf.DictConfig
{'y': {'x': 1}}
>>> I(make_config(y=b)) # returns omegaconf.DictConfig
{'y': {'x': 1}}
>>> I(make_config(y=b, zen_convert=zc(dataclass=True), hydra_convert="all"))
{'y': B(x=1)}
Auto-config support does not work with dynamically-generated dataclass types
>>> just(make_config(z=1))
HydraZenUnsupportedPrimitiveError: ...
>>> I(just(make_config(z=1), zen_convert=zc(dataclass=False)))
{'z': 1}
A dataclass with a `_target_` field will not be converted:
>>> @dataclass
... class BuildsStr:
... _target_: str = 'builtins.str'
>>> BuildsStr is just(BuildsStr)
>>> (builds_str := BuildsStr()) is just(builds_str)
flat_target: bool
dataclass: bool
class _AllPyDataclassOptions(TypedDict, total=False):
cls_name: str
namespace: Optional[dict[str, Any]]
bases: tuple[type[DataClass_], ...]
init: bool
repr: bool
eq: bool
order: bool
unsafe_hash: bool
frozen: bool
class _Py310Dataclass(_AllPyDataclassOptions, total=False):
# py310+
match_args: bool
kw_only: bool
slots: bool
class _Py311Dataclass(_Py310Dataclass, total=False):
weakref_slot: bool
class _Py312Dataclass(_Py311Dataclass, total=False):
module: Optional[str]
if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
_StrictDataclassOptions = _AllPyDataclassOptions
elif sys.version_info < (3, 11):
_StrictDataclassOptions = _Py310Dataclass
elif sys.version_info < (3, 12): # pragma: no cover
_StrictDataclassOptions = _Py311Dataclass
else: # pragma: no cover
_StrictDataclassOptions = _Py312Dataclass
class StrictDataclassOptions(_StrictDataclassOptions):
cls_name: Required[str] # type: ignore
class DataclassOptions(_Py312Dataclass, total=False):
"""Specifies dataclass-creation options via `builds`, `just` et al.
Note that, unlike :func:`dataclasses.make_dataclass`, the default value for
`unsafe_hash` is `True` for hydra-zen's dataclass-generating functions.
See the documentation for :func:`dataclasses.make_dataclass` for more details [1]_.
Options that are not supported by the local Python version will be ignored by
hydra-zen's config-creation functions.
cls_name : str, optional
If specified, determines the name of the returned class object. Otherwise the
name is inferred by hydra-zen.
module : str, default='typing'
If specified, sets the `__module__` attribute of the resulting dataclass.
Specifying the module string-path in which the dataclass was generated, and
specifying `cls_name` as the symbol that references the dataclass, will enable
pickle-compatibility for that dataclass. See the Examples section for
target : str, optional (unspecified by default)
If specified, overrides the `_target_` field set on the resulting dataclass.
init : bool, optional (default=True)
If true (the default), a __init__() method will be generated. If the class
already defines __init__(), this parameter is ignored.
repr : bool, optional (default=True)
If true (the default), a `__repr__()` method will be generated. The generated
repr string will have the class name and the name and repr of each field, in
the order they are defined in the class. Fields that are marked as being
excluded from the repr are not included. For example:
`InventoryItem(name='widget', unit_price=3.0, quantity_on_hand=10)`.
eq : bool, optional (default=True)
If true (the default), an __eq__() method will be generated. This method
compares the class as if it were a tuple of its fields, in order. Both
instances in the comparison must be of the identical type.
order : bool, optional (default=False)
If true (the default is `False`), `__lt__()`, `__le__()`, `__gt__()`, and
`__ge__()` methods will be generated. These compare the class as if it were a
tuple of its fields, in order. Both instances in the comparison must be of the
identical type. If order is true and eq is false, a ValueError is raised.
If the class already defines any of `__lt__()`, `__le__()`, `__gt__()`, or
`__ge__()`, then `TypeError` is raised.
unsafe_hash : bool, optional (default=False)
If `False` (the default), a `__hash__()` method is generated according to how
`eq` and `frozen` are set.
If `eq` and `frozen` are both true, by default `dataclass()` will generate a
`__hash__()` method for you. If `eq` is true and `frozen` is false, `__hash__()
` will be set to `None`, marking it unhashable. If `eq` is false, `__hash__()`
will be left untouched meaning the `__hash__()` method of the superclass will
be used (if the superclass is object, this means it will fall back to id-based
frozen : bool, optional (default=False)
If true (the default is `False`), assigning to fields will generate an
exception. This emulates read-only frozen instances.
match_args : bool, optional (default=True)
(*New in version 3.10*) If true (the default is `True`), the `__match_args__`
tuple will be created from the list of parameters to the generated `__init__()`
method (even if `__init__()` is not generated, see above). If false, or if
`__match_args__` is already defined in the class, then `__match_args__` will
not be generated.
kw_only : bool, optional (default=False)
(*New in version 3.10*) If true (the default value is `False`), then all fields
will be marked as keyword-only.
slots : bool, optional (default=False)
(*New in version 3.10*) If true (the default is `False`), `__slots__` attribute
will be generated and new class will be returned instead of the original one.
If `__slots__` is already defined in the class, then `TypeError` is raised.
weakref_slot : bool, optional (default=False)
(*New in version 3.11*) If true (the default is `False`), add a slot named
“__weakref__”, which is required to make an instance weakref-able. It is an
error to specify `weakref_slot=True` without also specifying `slots=True`.
module : str | None
If module is defined, the __module__ attribute of the dataclass is set to that value. By default, it is set to the module name of the caller.
.. [1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html
.. [2] https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html#mutable-default-values
This is a typed dictionary, which provides static type information (e.g. type
checking and auto completion options) to tooling. Note, however, that it provides
no runtime checking of its keys and values.
>>> from hydra_zen.typing import DataclassOptions as Opts
>>> from hydra_zen import builds, make_config, make_custom_builds_fn
Creating a frozen config.
>>> conf = make_config(x=1, zen_dataclass=Opts(frozen=True))()
>>> conf.x = 2
FrozenInstanceError: cannot assign to field 'x'
Creating a pickle-compatible config:
The dynamically-generated classes created by `builds`, `make_config`, and `just`
can be made pickle-compatible by specifying the name of the symbol that it is
assigned to and the module in which it was defined.
.. code-block:: python
# contents of mylib/foo.py
from pickle import dumps, loads
from hydra_zen import builds
DictConf = builds(dict,
zen_dataclass={'module': 'mylib.foo',
'cls_name': 'DictConf'})
assert DictConf is loads(dumps(DictConf))
Using namespace to add a method to a config instance.
>>> conf = make_config(
... x=100,
... zen_dataclass=Opts(
... namespace=dict(add_x=lambda self, y: self.x + y),
... ),
... )()
>>> conf.add_x(2)
Dataclasse objects created by hydra-zen's config-creation functions will be created
with `unsafe_hash=True` by default. This is in contrast with the default behavior of
:py:func:`dataclasses.dataclass`. This is to help ensure smooth compatibility
through Python 3.11, which changed the mutability checking rules for dataclasses
>>> from dataclasses import make_dataclass
>>> DataClass = make_dataclass(fields=[], cls_name="A")
>>> DataClass.__hash__
>>> Conf = make_config(x=2)
>>> Conf.__hash__
<function types.__create_fn__.<locals>.__hash__(self)>
>>> UnHashConf = make_config(x=2, zen_dataclass=Opts(unsafe_hash=False))
>>> UnHashConf.__hash__
module: Optional[str]
target: str
target_repr: bool
def _permitted_keys(typed_dict: Any) -> frozenset[str]:
return typed_dict.__required_keys__ | typed_dict.__optional_keys__
DEFAULT_DATACLASS_OPTIONS = DataclassOptions(unsafe_hash=True)
PERMITTED_DATACLASS_OPTIONS = _permitted_keys(DataclassOptions)
_permitted_keys(_Py312Dataclass) - {"module"}
) - _permitted_keys(StrictDataclassOptions)
del _AllPyDataclassOptions, _Py310Dataclass, _Py311Dataclass, _Py312Dataclass