# Copyright (c) 2025 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# pyright: strict, reportUnnecessaryTypeIgnoreComment = true, reportUnnecessaryIsInstance = false
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Generator, Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from contextvars import copy_context
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial, wraps
from inspect import Parameter, iscoroutinefunction, signature
from typing import (
import hydra
from hydra.conf import HydraConf
from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStore
from omegaconf import DictConfig, ListConfig, OmegaConf
from typing_extensions import (
from hydra_zen import instantiate
from hydra_zen._compatibility import HYDRA_VERSION, Version
from hydra_zen.errors import HydraZenValidationError
from hydra_zen.structured_configs._implementations import DefaultBuilds
from hydra_zen.structured_configs._type_guards import safe_getattr
from hydra_zen.typing._implementations import (
from ..structured_configs._type_guards import is_dataclass
from ..structured_configs._utils import safe_name
from hydra_zen import BuildsFn
__all__ = ["zen", "store", "Zen"]
R = TypeVar("R")
P = ParamSpec("P")
P2 = ParamSpec("P2")
R2 = TypeVar("R2")
F = TypeVar("F")
F2 = TypeVar("F2", bound=Callable[..., Any])
_UNSPECIFIED_: Any = object()
_SUPPORTED_INSTANTIATION_TYPES: tuple[Any, ...] = (dict, DictConfig, list, ListConfig)
ConfigLike: TypeAlias = Union[
dict[Any, Any],
def is_instantiable(
cfg: Any,
) -> TypeGuard[ConfigLike]:
return is_dataclass(cfg) or isinstance(cfg, _SUPPORTED_INSTANTIATION_TYPES)
PreCall = Optional[Union[Callable[[Any], Any], Iterable[Callable[[Any], Any]]]]
def _flat_call(x: Iterable[Callable[P, Any]]) -> Callable[P, None]:
def f(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> None:
for fn in x:
fn(*args, **kwargs)
return f
def _identity(x: F2) -> F2:
return x
class Zen(Generic[P, R]):
"""Implements the wrapping logic that is exposed by `hydra_zen.zen`
func : Callable[Sig, R]
The function that was wrapped.
CFG_NAME : str
The reserved parameter name specifies to pass the input config through
to the inner function. Can be overwritted via subclassing. Defaults
to 'zen_cfg'
See Also
zen : A decorator that returns a function that will auto-extract, resolve, and instantiate fields from an input config based on the decorated function's signature.
# Specifies reserved parameter name specified to pass the
# config through to the task function
CFG_NAME: str = "zen_cfg"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"zen[{(safe_name(self.func))}({', '.join(self.parameters)})](cfg, /)"
def __init__(
__func: Callable[P, R],
exclude: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None,
pre_call: PreCall = None,
unpack_kwargs: bool = False,
resolve_pre_call: bool = True,
run_in_context: bool = False,
instantiation_wrapper: Union[None, Callable[[F2], F2]] = None,
) -> None:
func : Callable[Sig, R], positional-only
The function being wrapped.
unpack_kwargs: bool, optional (default=False)
If `True` a `**kwargs` field in the wrapped function's signature will be
populated by all of the input config entries that are not specified by the rest
of the signature (and that are not specified by the `exclude` argument).
pre_call : Optional[Callable[[Any], Any] | Iterable[Callable[[Any], Any]]]
One or more functions that will be called with the input config prior
to the wrapped function. An iterable of pre-call functions are called
from left (low-index) to right (high-index).
This is useful, e.g., for seeding a RNG prior to the instantiation phase
that is triggered when calling the wrapped function.
resolve_pre_call : bool, (default=True)
If `True`, the config passed to the zen-wrapped function has its
interpolated fields resolved prior to being passed to any pre-call
functions. Otherwise, the interpolation occurs after the pre-call functions
are called.
exclude : Optional[str | Iterable[str]]
Specifies one or more parameter names in the function's signature
that will not be extracted from input configs by the zen-wrapped function.
A single string of comma-separated names can be specified.
run_in_context : bool, optional (default=False)
If `True`, the zen-wrapped function - and the `pre_call` function, if
specified - is run in a copied :py:class:`contextvars.Context`; i.e.
changes made to any :py:class:`contextvars.ContextVar` will be isolated to
that call of the wrapped function.
`run_in_context` is not supported for async functions.
instantiation_wrapper : Optional[Callable[[F2], F2]], optional (default=None)
If specified, a function that wraps the task function and all
instantiation-targets before they are called.
This can be used to introduce a layer of validation or logging
to all instantiation calls in your application.
if run_in_context and iscoroutinefunction(__func):
raise TypeError(f"`{run_in_context=} is not supported for async functions.")
self.func: Callable[P, R] = __func
# Must cast to dict so that `self` is pickle-compatible.
self.parameters: Mapping[str, Parameter] = dict(
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise HydraZenValidationError(
"hydra_zen.zen can only wrap callables that possess inspectable "
if not isinstance(unpack_kwargs, bool):
raise TypeError(f"`unpack_kwargs` must be type `bool` got {unpack_kwargs}")
if not isinstance(resolve_pre_call, bool): # pragma: no cover
raise TypeError(
f"`resolve_pre_call` must be type `bool` got {resolve_pre_call}"
if not isinstance(run_in_context, bool): # pragma: no cover
raise TypeError(
f"`run_in_context` must be type `bool` got {run_in_context}"
self._instantiation_wrapper = instantiation_wrapper
self._resolve = resolve_pre_call
self._unpack_kwargs: bool = unpack_kwargs and any(
p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD for p in self.parameters.values()
self._run_in_context: bool = run_in_context
self._exclude: set[str]
if exclude is None:
self._exclude = set()
elif isinstance(exclude, str):
self._exclude = {k.strip() for k in exclude.split(",")}
self._exclude = set(exclude)
if self.CFG_NAME in self.parameters:
self._has_zen_cfg = True
self.parameters = {
name: param
for name, param in self.parameters.items()
if name != self.CFG_NAME
self._has_zen_cfg = False
self._pre_call_iterable = (
(pre_call,) if not isinstance(pre_call, Iterable) else pre_call
# validate pre-call signatures
for _f in self._pre_call_iterable:
if _f is None:
if run_in_context and isinstance(_f, Zen) and _f._run_in_context:
raise HydraZenValidationError(
f"zen-wrapped pre_call function {_f!r} cannot specify "
f"`run_in_context=True` when the main wrapper specifies it as well."
_f_params = signature(_f).parameters # type: ignore
if (sum(p.default is p.empty for p in _f_params.values()) > 1) or len(
) == 0:
raise HydraZenValidationError(
f"pre_call function {_f} must be able to accept a single "
"positional argument"
self.pre_call: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = (
pre_call if not isinstance(pre_call, Iterable) else _flat_call(pre_call)
def _normalize_cfg(
cfg: Union[
dict[Any, Any],
) -> DictConfig:
if is_dataclass(cfg):
# ensures that default factories and interpolated fields
# are resolved
cfg = OmegaConf.structured(cfg)
elif not OmegaConf.is_config(cfg):
if not isinstance(cfg, (dict, str)):
raise HydraZenValidationError(
f"`cfg` must be a dataclass, dict/DictConfig, or "
f"dict-style yaml-string. Got {cfg}"
cfg = OmegaConf.create(cfg)
if not isinstance(cfg, DictConfig):
raise HydraZenValidationError(
f"`cfg` must be a dataclass, dict/DictConfig, or "
f"dict-style yaml-string. Got {cfg}"
return cfg
def validate(self, __cfg: Union[ConfigLike, str]) -> None:
"""Validates the input config based on the decorated function without calling said function.
cfg : dict | list | DataClass | Type[DataClass] | str
(positional only) A config object or yaml-string whose attributes will be
checked according to the signature of `func`.
`cfg` is not a valid input to the zen-wrapped function.
for _f in self._pre_call_iterable:
if isinstance(_f, Zen):
cfg = self._normalize_cfg(__cfg)
num_pos_only = sum(
p.kind is p.POSITIONAL_ONLY for p in self.parameters.values()
_args_: list[Any] = getattr(cfg, "_args_", [])
if not isinstance(_args_, Sequence):
raise HydraZenValidationError(
f"`cfg._args_` must be a sequence type (e.g. a list), got {_args_}"
if num_pos_only and len(_args_) != num_pos_only:
raise HydraZenValidationError(
f"{self.func} has {num_pos_only} positional-only arguments, but "
f"`cfg` specifies {len(getattr(cfg, '_args_', []))} positional "
f"arguments via `_args_`."
missing_params: list[str] = []
for name, param in self.parameters.items():
if name in self._exclude:
if param.kind in SKIPPED_PARAM_KINDS:
if not hasattr(cfg, name) and param.default is param.empty:
if missing_params:
raise HydraZenValidationError(
f"`cfg` is missing the following fields: {', '.join(missing_params)}"
def instantiate(self, __c: Any) -> Any:
"""Instantiates each config that is extracted by `zen` before calling the wrapped function.
Overwrite this to change `ZenWrapper`'s instantiation behavior."""
__c = instantiate(__c, _target_wrapper_=self._instantiation_wrapper)
if isinstance(__c, (ListConfig, DictConfig)):
return OmegaConf.to_object(__c)
return __c
# TODO: add "extract" option that enables returning dict of fields
def __call__(self, __cfg: Union[ConfigLike, str]) -> R:
Extracts values from the input config based on the decorated function's
signature, resolves & instantiates them, and calls the function with them.
cfg : dict | DataClass | Type[DataClass] | str
(positional only) A config object or yaml-string whose attributes will be
extracted by-name according to the signature of `func` and passed to `func`.
Attributes of types that can be instantiated by Hydra will be instantiated
prior to being passed to `func`.
func_out : R
The result of `func(<args extracted from cfg>)`
cfg = self._normalize_cfg(__cfg)
if self._resolve:
# resolves all interpolated values in-place
context = copy_context() if self._run_in_context else None
if self.pre_call is not None:
pre_call = (
if context is None
else partial(context.run, self.pre_call)
args_ = list(getattr(cfg, "_args_", []))
cfg_kwargs = {
name: (
safe_getattr(cfg, name, param.default)
if param.default is not param.empty
else safe_getattr(cfg, name)
for name, param in self.parameters.items()
if param.kind not in SKIPPED_PARAM_KINDS and name not in self._exclude
extra_kwargs = {self.CFG_NAME: cfg} if self._has_zen_cfg else {}
if self._unpack_kwargs:
names = (
for name in cfg
if name not in cfg_kwargs
and name not in self._exclude
and isinstance(name, str)
cfg_kwargs.update({name: cfg[name] for name in names})
wrapper = self._instantiation_wrapper or _identity
func: Callable[P, R] = (
wrapper(self.func) # type: ignore
if context is None
else partial(context.run, wrapper(self.func)) # type: ignore
return func(
*(self.instantiate(x) if is_instantiable(x) else x for x in args_),
name: self.instantiate(val) if is_instantiable(val) else val
for name, val in cfg_kwargs.items()
) # type: ignore
def hydra_main(
config_path: Optional[str] = _UNSPECIFIED_,
config_name: Optional[str] = None,
version_base: Optional[str] = _UNSPECIFIED_,
) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
Generates a Hydra-CLI for the wrapped function. Equivalent to `hydra.main(zen(func), [...])()`
config_path : Optional[str]
The config path, an absolute path to a directory or a directory relative to
the declaring python file. If `config_path` is not specified no directory is
added to the config search path.
Specifying `config_path` via `Zen.hydra_main` is only supported for
Hydra 1.3.0+.
config_name : Optional[str]
The name of the config (usually the file name without the .yaml extension)
version_base : Optional[str]
There are three classes of values that the version_base parameter supports,
given new and existing users greater control of the default behaviors to
- If the version_base parameter is not specified, Hydra 1.x will use defaults compatible with version 1.1. Also in this case, a warning is issued to indicate an explicit version_base is preferred.
- If the version_base parameter is None, then the defaults are chosen for the current minor Hydra version. For example for Hydra 1.2, then would imply config_path=None and hydra.job.chdir=False.
- If the version_base parameter is an explicit version string like "1.1", then the defaults appropriate to that version are used.
hydra_main : Callable[[Any], Any]
Equivalent to `hydra.main(zen(func), [...])()`
kw = dict(config_name=config_name)
# For relative config paths, Hydra looks in the directory relative to the file
# in which the task function is defined. Unfortunately, it is only able to
# follow wrappers starting in Hydra 1.3.0. Thus `Zen.hydra_main` cannot
# handle string config_path entries until Hydra 1.3.0
if (config_path is _UNSPECIFIED_ and HYDRA_VERSION < Version(1, 2, 0)) or (
isinstance(config_path, str)
or (config_path is _UNSPECIFIED_ and version_base == "1.1")
and HYDRA_VERSION < Version(1, 3, 0)
): # pragma: no cover
"Specifying config_path via hydra_zen.zen(...).hydra_main "
"is only supported for Hydra 1.3.0+"
if Version(1, 3, 0) <= HYDRA_VERSION and isinstance(config_path, str):
# Here we create an on-the-fly wrapper so that Hydra can trace
# back through the wrapper to the original task function
# We could give `Zen` as `__wrapped__` attr, but this messes with
# things like `inspect.signature`.
# A downside of this is that `wrapper` is not pickle-able.
def wrapper(cfg: Any):
return self(cfg)
target = wrapper
target = self
if config_path is not _UNSPECIFIED_:
kw["config_path"] = config_path
if version_base is not _UNSPECIFIED_: # pragma: no cover
kw["version_base"] = version_base
return hydra.main(**kw)(target)()
def zen(
__func: Callable[P, R],
unpack_kwargs: bool = ...,
pre_call: PreCall = ...,
ZenWrapper: type[Zen[Any, Any]] = ...,
resolve_pre_call: bool = ...,
run_in_context: bool = ...,
exclude: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = ...,
instantiation_wrapper: Optional[Callable[[F2], F2]] = ...,
) -> Zen[P, R]: ...
def zen(
__func: Literal[None] = None,
unpack_kwargs: bool = ...,
pre_call: PreCall = ...,
resolve_pre_call: bool = ...,
ZenWrapper: type[Zen[Any, Any]] = ...,
run_in_context: bool = ...,
exclude: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = ...,
instantiation_wrapper: Optional[Callable[[F2], F2]] = ...,
) -> Callable[[Callable[P2, R2]], Zen[P2, R2]]: ...
def zen(
__func: Optional[Callable[P, R]] = None,
unpack_kwargs: bool = False,
pre_call: PreCall = None,
exclude: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None,
resolve_pre_call: bool = True,
run_in_context: bool = False,
ZenWrapper: type[Zen[Any, Any]] = Zen,
instantiation_wrapper: Optional[Callable[[F2], F2]] = None,
) -> Union[Callable[[Callable[P2, R2]], Zen[P2, R2]], Zen[P, R]]:
r"""zen(func, /, pre_call, ZenWrapper)
A wrapper that returns a function that will auto-extract, resolve, and
instantiate fields from an input config based on the wrapped function's signature.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> fn = lambda x, y, z : x+y+z
>>> wrapped_fn = zen(fn)
>>> cfg = dict(x=1, y=builds(int, 4), z="${y}", unused=100)
>>> wrapped_fn(cfg) # x=1, y=4, z=4
The main purpose of `zen` is to enable a user to write/use Hydra-agnostic functions
as the task functions for their Hydra app. See "Notes" for more details.
func : Callable[Sig, R], positional-only
The function being wrapped.
unpack_kwargs: bool, optional (default=False)
If `True` a `**kwargs` field in the wrapped function's signature will be
populated by all of the input config entries that are not specified by the rest
of the signature (and that are not specified by the `exclude` argument).
pre_call : Optional[Callable[[Any], Any] | Iterable[Callable[[Any], Any]]]
One or more functions that will be called with the input config prior
to the wrapped function. An iterable of pre-call functions are called
from left (low-index) to right (high-index).
This is useful, e.g., for seeding a RNG prior to the instantiation phase
that is triggered when calling the wrapped function.
resolve_pre_call : bool, (default=True)
If `True`, the config passed to the zen-wrapped function has its interpolated
fields resolved prior to being passed to any pre-call functions. Otherwise, the
interpolation occurs after the pre-call functions are called.
exclude : Optional[str | Iterable[str]]
Specifies one or more parameter names in the function's signature
that will not be extracted from input configs by the zen-wrapped function.
A single string of comma-separated names can be specified.
run_in_context : bool, optional (default=False)
If `True`, the zen-wrapped function - and the `pre_call` function, if
specified - is run in a copied :py:class:`contextvars.Context`; i.e.
changes made to any :py:class:`contextvars.ContextVar` will be isolated to
that call of the wrapped function.
`run_in_context` is not supported for async functions.
ZenWrapper : Type[hydra_zen.wrapper.Zen], optional (default=Zen)
If specified, a subclass of `Zen` that customizes the behavior of the wrapper.
instantiation_wrapper : Optional[Callable[[F2], F2]], optional (default=None)
If specified, a function that wraps the task function and all
instantiation-targets before they are called.
This can be used to introduce a layer of validation or logging
to all instantiation calls in your application.
wrapped : Zen[Sig, R]
A callable with signature `(conf: ConfigLike, \\) -> R`
The wrapped function is an instance of `hydra_zen.wrapper.Zen` and accepts
a single Hydra config (a dataclass, dictionary, or omegaconf container). The
parameters of the wrapped function's signature determine the fields that are
extracted from the config; only those fields that are accessed will be resolved
and instantiated.
See Also
hydra_zen.wrapper.Zen : Implements the wrapping logic that is exposed by `hydra_zen.zen`.
The following pseudo code conveys the core functionality of `zen`:
.. code-block:: python
from hydra_zen import instantiate as inst
def zen(func):
sig = get_signature(func)
def wrapped(cfg):
cfg = resolve_interpolated_fields(cfg)
kwargs = {p: inst(getattr(cfg, p)) for p in sig}
return func(**kwargs)
return wrapped
The presence of a parameter named "zen_cfg" in the wrapped function's signature
will cause `zen` to pass the full, resolved config to that field. This specific
parameter name can be overridden via `Zen.CFG_NAME`.
Specifying `config_path` via `Zen.hydra_main` is only supported for Hydra 1.3.0+.
**Basic Usage**
>>> from hydra_zen import zen, make_config, builds
>>> def f(x, y): return x + y
>>> zen_f = zen(f)
The wrapped function – `zen_f` – accepts a single argument: a Hydra-compatible
config that has the attributes "x" and "y":
>>> zen_f
zen[f(x, y)](cfg, /)
"Configs" – dataclasses, dictionaries, and omegaconf containers – are acceptable
inputs to zen-wrapped functions. Interpolated fields will be resolved and
sub-configs will be instantiated. Excess fields in the config are unused.
>>> zen_f(make_config(x=1, y=2, z=999)) # z is not used
>>> zen_f(dict(x=2, y="${x}")) # y will resolve to 2
>>> zen_f(dict(x=2, y=builds(int, 10))) # y will instantiate to 10
The wrapped function can be accessed directly
>>> zen_f.func
<function __main__.f(x, y)>
>>> zen_f.func(-1, 1)
`zen` is compatible with partial'd functions.
>>> from functools import partial
>>> pf = partial(lambda x, y: x + y, x=10)
>>> zpf = zen(pf)
>>> zpf(dict(y=1))
>>> zpf(dict(x='${y}', y=1))
One can specify `exclude` to prevent particular variables from being extracted from
a config:
>>> def g(x=1, y=2): return (x, y)
>>> cfg = {"x": -10, "y": -20}
>>> zen(g)(cfg) # extracts x & y from config to call f
(-10, -20)
>>> zen(g, exclude="x")(cfg) # extracts y from config to call f(x=1, ...)
(1, -20)
>>> zen(g, exclude="x,y")(cfg) # defers to f's defaults
(1, 2)
Populating a `**kwargs` field via `unpack_kwargs=True`:
>>> def h(a, **kw):
... return a, kw
>>> cfg = dict(a=1, b=22)
>>> zen(h, unpack_kwargs=False)(cfg)
(1, {})
>>> zen(h, unpack_kwargs=True)(cfg)
(1, {'b': 22})
**Passing Through The Full Input Config**
Some task functions require complete access to the full config to gain access to
sub-configs. One can specify the field named `zen_config` in their task function's
signature to signal `zen` that it should pass the full config to that parameter .
>>> def zf(x: int, zen_cfg):
... return x, zen_cfg
>>> zen(zf)(dict(x=1, y="${x}", foo="bar"))
(1, {'x': 1, 'y': 1, 'foo': 'bar'})
**Including a pre-call function**
Given that a zen-wrapped function will automatically extract and instantiate config
fields upon being called, it can be necessary to include a pre-call step that
occurs prior to any instantiation. `zen` can be passed one or more pre-call
functions that will be called with the input config as a precursor to calling the
decorated function.
Consider the following scenario where the instantiating the input config involves
drawing a random value, which we want to be made deterministic with a configurable
seed. We will use a pre-call function to seed the RNG prior to the instantiation.
>>> import random
>>> from hydra_zen import builds, zen
>>> def func(rand_val: int): return rand_val
>>> cfg = dict(
... seed=0,
... rand_val=builds(random.randint, 0, 10),
... )
>>> wrapped = zen(func, pre_call=lambda cfg: random.seed(cfg.seed))
>>> def f1(rand_val: int):
... return rand_val
>>> zf1 = zen(pre_call=lambda cfg: random.seed(cfg.seed))(f1)
>>> [zf1(cfg) for _ in range(10)]
[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
**Using `zen` instead of `@hydra.main`**
The object returned by zen provides a convenience method – `Zen.hydra_main` –
to generate a CLI for a zen-wrapped task function:
.. code-block:: python
# example.py
from hydra_zen import zen, store
def task(x: int, y: int):
print(x + y)
if __name__ == "__main__":
zen(task).hydra_main(config_name="my_app", config_path=None, version_base="1.2")
.. code-block:: console
$ python example.py x=1 y=2
**Validating input configs**
An input config can be validated against a zen-wrapped function – without calling
said function – via the `.validate` method.
>>> def f2(x: int): ...
>>> zen_f = zen(f2)
>>> zen_f.validate({"x": 1}) # OK
>>> zen_f.validate({"y": 1}) # Missing x
HydraZenValidationError: `cfg` is missing the following fields: x
Validation propagates through zen-wrapped pre-call functions:
>>> zen_f2 = zen(f2, pre_call=zen(lambda seed: None))
>>> zen_f2.validate({"x": 1, "seed": 10}) # OK
>>> zen_f2.validate({"x": 1}) # Missing seed as required by pre-call
HydraZenValidationError: `cfg` is missing the following fields: seed
if __func is not None:
return cast(
Zen[P, R],
def wrap(f: Callable[P2, R2]) -> Zen[P2, R2]:
out = cast(
Zen[P2, R2],
return out
return wrap
def default_to_config(
target: Union[
Callable[..., Any],
dict[Any, Any],
CustomBuildsFn: type["BuildsFn[Any]"] = DefaultBuilds,
**kw: Any,
) -> Union[DataClass_, type[DataClass_], ListConfig, DictConfig]:
"""Creates a config that describes `target`.
This function is designed to selectively apply `hydra_zen.builds` or
`hydra_zen.just` in a way that permits maximum compatibility with common
inputs to `hydra_zen.ZenStore`. It behavior can be summarized based on the type of
- OmegaConf containers and dataclass *instances* are returned unchanged
- A dataclass type is processed as `builds(target, **kw, populate_full_signature=True, builds_bases=(target,))`
- Lists and dictionaries are processed by `hydra_zen.just`
- All other inputs are processed as `builds(target, **kw, populate_full_signature=True)`
target : Callable[..., Any] | DataClass | Type[DataClass] | list | dict
CustomBuildsFn : Type[BuildsFn[Any]], optional (default=DefaultBuilds)
Provides the config-creation functions (`builds`, `just`) used
by this function.
**kw : Any
Keyword arguments to be passed to `builds`.
target_config : DataClass | Type[DataClass] | list | dict
Lists and dictionaries
>>> from hydra_zen.wrapper import default_to_config
>>> default_to_config([1, {"z": 2+2j}])
[1, {'z': ConfigComplex(real=2.0, imag=2.0, _target_='builtins.complex')}]
Dataclass types
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class A:
... x: int
... y: int
>>> Builds_A = default_to_config(A, y=22)
>>> Builds_A(x=1)
Builds_A(x=1, y=22, _target_='__main__.A')
>>> issubclass(Builds_A, A)
A function
>>> from hydra_zen import to_yaml
>>> def func(x: int, y: int): ...
>>> print(to_yaml(default_to_config(func)))
_target_: __main__.func
x: ???
'y': ???
kw = kw.copy()
if is_dataclass(target):
if isinstance(target, type):
if issubclass(target, HydraConf):
# don't auto-config HydraConf
return target
if not kw and CustomBuildsFn._get_obj_path(target).startswith("types."): # type: ignore
# handles dataclasses returned by make_config()
return target
kw.setdefault("populate_full_signature", True)
kw.setdefault("builds_bases", (target,))
return CustomBuildsFn.builds(target, **kw)
if kw:
raise ValueError(
"store(<dataclass-instance>, [...]) does not support specifying "
"keyword arguments"
return target
elif isinstance(target, (dict, list)):
# TODO: convert to OmegaConf containers?
return CustomBuildsFn.just(target)
elif isinstance(target, (DictConfig, ListConfig)):
return target
t = cast(Callable[..., Any], target)
kw.setdefault("populate_full_signature", True)
return cast(type[DataClass_], CustomBuildsFn.builds(t, **kw))
class _HasName(Protocol):
__name__: str
# TODO: Should we automatically snake-case?
def get_name(target: _HasName) -> str:
name = getattr(target, "__name__", None)
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot infer config store entry name for {target}. It does not have a "
f"`__name__` attribute. Please manually specify `store({target}, "
f"name=<some name>, [...])`"
return name
# Arguments for ZenStore.__call__
# This default dict enables us to easily update/merge the default arguments for a
# specific ZenStore instance, in support of self-partialing behavior.
_StoreCallSig = TypedDict(
"name": Union[NodeName, Callable[[Any], NodeName]],
"group": Union[GroupName, Callable[[Any], GroupName]],
"package": Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Any], str]]],
"provider": Optional[str],
"__kw": dict[str, Any], # kwargs passed to to_config
"to_config": Callable[[Any], Any],
# TODO: make frozen dict
defaults: Final = _StoreCallSig(
_DEFAULT_KEYS: Final[frozenset[str]] = frozenset(
_StoreCallSig.__required_keys__ - {"__kw"}
class _Deferred:
__slots__ = ("to_config", "target", "kw")
def __init__(
self, to_config: Callable[[F], Node], target: F, kw: dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
self.to_config = to_config
self.target = target
self.kw = kw
def __call__(self) -> Any:
return self.to_config(self.target, **self.kw)
def _resolve_node(entry: StoreEntry, copy: bool) -> StoreEntry:
"""Given an entry, updates the entry so that its node is not deferred, and returns
the entry. This function is a passthrough for an entry whose node is not deferred"""
item = entry["node"]
if isinstance(item, _Deferred):
entry["node"] = item()
if copy:
entry = entry.copy()
return entry
class ZenStore:
"""An abstraction over Hydra's store, for creating multiple, isolated config stores.
Whereas Hydra exposes a single global config store that provides no warnings when
store entries are overwritted, `ZenStore` instances are isolated, do not populate
the global store unless instructed to, and they protect users from unwittingly
overwriting store entries.
`hydra_zen.store` is available as a pre-instantiated globally-available store,
which is initialized as:
.. code-block:: python
store = ZenStore(
Internally, each `ZenStore` instance holds a mapping of::
tuple[group, name] -> {node: Dataclass | omegaconf.Container,
name: str,
group: str,
package: Optional[str],
provider: Optional[str]}
**Auto-config capabilities**
`ZenStore` is also designed to consolidate the config-creation and storage process;
it can be used to automatically apply config-creation a function (e.g.,
`~hydra_zen.builds`) to a target in order to auto-generate a config for the
target, which is then stored.
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Via auto-config
.. code-block:: python
from hydra_zen import store
def func(x, y): ...
store(func, x=2, y=3)
.. tab-item:: Via manually-specified config
.. code-block:: python
from hydra_zen import builds, store
def func(x, y): ...
store(builds(func, x=2, y=3, populate_full_signature=True), name="func")
It can also be used to decorate config-targets and dataclasses, enabling "inline"
config creation and storage patterns.
These auto config-creation capabilities are designed to be deferred until a
config is actually accessed by users or added to Hydra's global config store. This
enables store-decorator patterns to be used within library code without slowing
down import times.
**Self-partialing patterns**
A `ZenStore` instance can be called repeatedly - without a config target - with
different options to incrementally change the store's default configurations. E.g.
the following are effectively equivalent
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Self-partialing pattern
.. code-block:: python
from hydra_zen import store
book_store = store(group="books")
romance_store = book_store(provider="genre: romance")
fantasy_store = book_store(provider="genre: fantasy")
romance_store({"title": "heartfelt"})
romance_store({"title": "lustfully longingness"})
fantasy_store({"title": "elvish cookbook"})
fantasy_store({"title": "dwarves can't jump"})
.. tab-item:: Manual pattern
.. code-block:: python
from hydra_zen import store
{"title": "heartfelt"},
provider="genre: romance",
{"title": "lustfully longingness"},
provider="genre: romance",
{"title": "elvish cookbook"},
provider="genre: fantasy",
{"title": "dwarves can't jump"},
provider="genre: fantasy",
**Configuring Hydra itself**
Special support is provided for overriding Hydra's configuration; the name and
group of the store entry is inferred to be 'config' and 'hydra', respectively,
when an instance/subclass of `HydraConf` is being stored. E.g., specifying
.. code-block:: python
from hydra.conf import HydraConf, JobConf
from hydra_zen import store
is equivalent to writing the following manually
.. code-block:: python
store(HydraConf(job=JobConf(chdir=True)), name="config", group="hydra", provider="hydra_zen")
Additionally, overwriting the store entry for `HydraConf` will not raise an error
even if `ZenStore(overwrite_ok=False)` is specified.
(Some helpful boilerplate code for these examples)
>>> from hydra_zen import to_yaml, store, ZenStore
>>> def pyaml(x):
... # for pretty printing configs
... print(to_yaml(x))
**Basic usage**
Let's add a config to hydra-zen's pre-instantiated `ZenStore` instance. Each store
entry must have an associated name. Optionally, a group, package, and/or provider
may be specified for the entry as well.
>>> config1 = {'name': 'Roger', 'age': 24}
>>> config2 = {'name': 'Rita', 'age': 27}
>>> _ = store(config1, name="roger", group="profiles")
>>> _ = store(config2, name="rita", group="profiles")
>>> store
{'profiles': ['roger', 'rita']}
A store's entries are keyed by their `(group, name)` pairs (the default group is
>>> store["profiles", "roger"] # (group, name) -> config node
{'name': 'Roger', age: 24}
By default, the stored config(s) will be "enqueued" for addition to Hydra's config
store. The method `.add_to_hydra_store()` must be called to add the enqueued
configs to Hydra's central store.
>>> store.has_enqueued()
>>> store.add_to_hydra_store() # adds all enqueued entries to Hydra's global store
>>> store.has_enqueued()
By default, attempting to overwrite an entry will result in an error.
>>> store({}, name="rita", group="profiles") # same name and group as above
ValueError: (name=rita group=profiles): Hydra config store entry already exists.
Specify `overwrite_ok=True` to enable replacing config store entries
We can create a distinct store that has an independent internal repository of
>>> new_store = ZenStore("new_store")
>>> _ = new_store([1, 2, 3], name="backbone")
>>> store
{'profiles': ['roger', 'rita']}
>>> new_store
{None: ['backbone']}
.. _store-autoconf:
**Auto-config capabilities**
The input to a store is processed by the store's `to_config` function prior to
creating the stored config node. This defaults to
`hydra_zen.wrapper.default_to_config`, which applies `hydra_zen.builds` or
`hydra_zen.just` to inputs based on their types.
For instance, consider the following function:
>>> def sum_it(a: int, b: int): return a + b
We can pass `sum_it` directly to our store to leverage auto-config and auto-naming
capabilities. Here, `builds(sum_it, a=1, b=2)` will be called under the hood by
`new_store` to create the config for `sum_it`.
>>> store2 = ZenStore()
>>> _ = store2(sum_it, a=1, b=2) # entry name defaults to `sum_it.__name__`
>>> config = store2[None, "sum_it"]
>>> pyaml(config)
_target_: __main__.sum_it
a: 1
b: 2
Refer to `hydra_zen.wrapper.default_to_config` for more details about the default
auto-config behaviors of `ZenStore`.
**Support for decorator patterns**
`ZenStore.__call__` is a pass-through and can be used as a decorator. Let's add two
store entries for `func` by decorating it.
>>> store = ZenStore()
>>> @store(a=1, b=22, name="func1")
... @store(a=-10, name="func2")
... def func(a: int, b: int):
... return a - b
Each application of `@store` utilizes the store's auto-config capability
to create and store a config inline. I.e. the above snippet is equivalent to
>>> from hydra_zen import builds
>>> store(builds(func, a=1, b=22), name="func1")
>>> store(builds(func, a=-10,
... populate_full_signature=True
... ),
... name="func2",
... )
>>> func(10, 3) # the decorated function is left unchanged
>>> pyaml(store[None, "func1"])
_target_: __main__.func
a: 1
b: 22
>>> pyaml(store[None, "func2"])
_target_: __main__.func
b: ???
a: -10
Note that, by default, the application of `to_config` via the store **is deferred
until that entry is actually accessed**. This offsets the runtime cost of
constructing configs for the decorated function so that it need not be paid until
the config is actually accessed by the store.
.. _self-partial:
**Customizable store defaults via 'self-partialing' patterns**
The default values for a store's `__call__` parameters – `group`, `to_config`, etc.
– can easily be customized. Simply call the store with those new values and
without specifying an object to be stored. This will return a "mirrored" store
instance – with the same internal state as the original store – with updated
For example, let's create a store where we want to store multiple configs under a
`'math'` group and under a `'functools'` group, respectively.
>>> import math
>>> import functools
>>> new_store = ZenStore()
>>> math_store = new_store(group="math") # overwrites group default
>>> tool_store = new_store(group="functools") # overwrites group default
`math_store` and `tool_store` both share the same internal state as `new_store`, but
have overwritten default values for the `group`.
>>> math_store(math.floor) # equivalent to: `new_store(math.floor, group="math")`
>>> math_store(math.ceil)
>>> tool_store(functools.lru_cache)
>>> tool_store(functools.wraps)
See that `new_store` has entries under these corresponding groups:
>>> new_store
{'math': ['floor', 'ceil'], 'functools': ['lru_cache', 'wraps']}
These "self-partialing" patterns can be chained indefinitely and can be used to set
partial defaults for the `to_config` function.
>>> profile_store = new_store(group="profile")
>>> schemaless = profile_store(schema="<none>")
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @profile_store(name="admin", has_root=True)
>>> @schemaless(name="test_admin", has_root=True)
>>> @schemaless(name="test_user", has_root=False)
>>> @dataclass
>>> class Profile:
>>> username: str
>>> schema: str
>>> has_root: bool
>>> pyaml(new_store["profile", "admin"])
username: ???
schema: ???
has_root: true
_target_: __main__.Profile
>>> pyaml(new_store["profile", "test_admin"])
username: ???
schema: <none>
has_root: true
_target_: __main__.Profile
**Manipulating and updating a store**
A store can be copied, updated, and merged. Its entries can have their groups
remapped, and individual entries can be deleted. See the docs for the corresponding
methods for details and examples.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
name: Optional[str] = None,
deferred_to_config: bool = True,
deferred_hydra_store: bool = True,
overwrite_ok: bool = False,
warn_node_kwarg: bool = True,
) -> None:
name : Optional[str]
The name for this store.
deferred_to_config : bool, default=True
If `True` (default), this store will a not apply `to_config` to the
target until that specific entry is accessed by the store.
deferred_hydra_store : bool, default=True
If `True` (default), this store will not add entries to Hydra's global
config store until `store.add_to_hydra_store` is called explicitly.
overwrite_ok : bool, default=False
If `False` (default), attempting to overwrite entries in this store and
trying to use this store to overwrite entries in Hydra's global store
will raise a `ValueError`.
warn_node_kwarg: bool, default=True
If `True` specifying a `node` kwarg in `ZenStore.__call__` will emit a
This helps to protect users from mistakenly self-partializing a store
with `store(node=Config)` instead of actually storing the node with
if not isinstance(deferred_to_config, bool):
raise TypeError(
f"deferred_to_config must be a bool, got {deferred_to_config}"
if not isinstance(overwrite_ok, bool):
raise TypeError(f"overwrite_ok must be a bool, got {overwrite_ok}")
if not isinstance(deferred_hydra_store, bool):
raise TypeError(
f"deferred_hydra_store must be a bool, got {deferred_hydra_store}"
self.name: str = "custom_store" if name is None else name
# The following attributes are mirrored across store instances that are
# created via the 'self-partialing' process
self._internal_repo: dict[tuple[GroupName, NodeName], StoreEntry] = {}
# Internal repo entries that have yet to be added to Hydra's config store
self._queue: set[tuple[GroupName, NodeName]] = set()
self._deferred_to_config = deferred_to_config
self._deferred_store = deferred_hydra_store
self._overwrite_ok = overwrite_ok
# Contains the current default arguments for `self.__call__`
self._defaults: _StoreCallSig = defaults.copy()
self._warn_node_kwarg = warn_node_kwarg
def __repr__(self) -> str:
# TODO: nicer repr?
groups_contents: DefaultDict[Optional[str], list[str]] = defaultdict(list)
for grp, name in self._internal_repo:
return f"{self.name}\n{repr(dict(groups_contents))}"
def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool:
"""Returns `True` if two stores share identical internal repos and queues.
>>> from hydra_zen import ZenStore
>>> store1 = ZenStore()
>>> store2 = ZenStore()
>>> store1_a = store1(group='a')
>>> _ = store1_a(dict(x=1), name="foo")
>>> store1 == store1_a
>>> store1 == store2
if not isinstance(__o, ZenStore):
return False
return __o._internal_repo is self._internal_repo and __o._queue is self._queue
# TODO: support *to_config_pos_args
def __call__(
__target: F,
name: Union[NodeName, Callable[[F], NodeName]] = ...,
group: Union[GroupName, Callable[[F], GroupName]] = ...,
package: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[F], str]]] = ...,
provider: Optional[str] = ...,
to_config: Callable[[F], Node] = default_to_config,
**to_config_kw: Any,
) -> F: ...
def __call__(
self: Self,
__target: Literal[None] = None,
name: Union[NodeName, Callable[[Any], NodeName]] = ...,
group: Union[GroupName, Callable[[Any], GroupName]] = ...,
package: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Any], str]]] = ...,
provider: Optional[str] = ...,
to_config: Callable[[Any], Node] = ...,
**to_config_kw: Any,
) -> Self: ...
def __call__(self: Self, __target: Optional[F] = None, **kw: Any) -> Union[F, Self]:
"""__call__(target : Optional[T] = None, /, name: NodeName | Callable[[Any], NodeName]] = ..., group: GroupName | Callable[[T], GroupName]] = None, package: Optional[str | Callable[[T], str]]] | None], provider: Optional[str], to_config: Callable[[T], Node] = ..., **to_config_kw: Any) -> T | ZenStore
Store a config or :ref:`customize the default values <self-partial>` of the store.
obj : Optional[T]
The object to be stored. This is a **positional-only** argument.
If `obj` is not specified, then the provided arguments are used to create a
mirrored store instance with updated default arguments.
name : NodeName | Callable[[T], NodeName]
The entry's name, or a callable that will be called as
`(obj) -> entry-name`. The default is `lambda obj: obj.__name__`.
Store entries are keyed off of `(group, name)`.
group : Optional[GroupName | Callable[[T], GroupName]]
The entry's group's name, or a callable that will be called as
`(obj) -> entry-group`. The default is `None`. Subgroups can be
specified using / within the group name.
Store entries are keyed off of `(group, name)`.
to_config : Callable[[T], Node] = default_to_config
Called on `obj` to produce the entry's "node" (the config).
Refer to `hydra_zen.wrapper.default_to_config` for the default
behavior. Specify `lambda x: x` to have `obj` be stored directly
as the entry's node.
By default the call to `to_config` is deferred until the entry
is actually accessed by the store.
package : Optional[str | Callable[[Any], str]]
The entry's package. Default is `None`.
provider : Optional[str]
An optional provider name for the entry.
**to_config_kw : Any
Additional arguments that will be passed to `to_config`.
T | ZenStore
If `obj` was specified, it is returned unchanged. Otherwise a new instance
of `ZenStore` is return, which mirrors the internal state of this store and
has updated default arguments.
if __target is None:
if self._warn_node_kwarg and "node" in kw:
"hydra-zen's store API does not use the `node` keyword. To store a "
"config, specify it as a positional argument: `store(<config>)`."
"\n\nIf the use of `node` was intentional, you can suppress this "
"warning by using a store that is initialized via `ZenStore"
_s = type(self)(
_s._defaults = self._defaults.copy()
# Important: mirror internal state *by reference* to ensure `_s` and
# `self` remain in sync
_s._internal_repo = self._internal_repo
_s._queue = self._queue
new_defaults: _StoreCallSig = {k: kw[k] for k in _DEFAULT_KEYS if k in kw} # type: ignore
new_defaults["__kw"] = {
**{k: kw[k] for k in set(kw) - _DEFAULT_KEYS},
return _s
to_config = kw.get("to_config", self._defaults["to_config"])
name = kw.get("name", self._defaults["name"])
group = kw.get("group", self._defaults["group"])
package = kw.get("package", self._defaults["package"])
provider = kw.get("provider", self._defaults["provider"])
if (
isinstance(__target, HydraConf)
or isinstance(__target, type)
and issubclass(__target, HydraConf)
# User is re-configuring Hydra's config; we provide "smart" defaults
# for the entry's name, group, and package
if "name" not in kw and "group" not in kw: # pragma: no branch
# only apply when neither name nor group are specified
name = "config"
group = "hydra"
if "provider" not in kw: # pragma: no branch
provider = "hydra_zen"
_name: NodeName = name(__target) if callable(name) else name # type: ignore
if not isinstance(_name, str):
raise TypeError(f"`name` must be a string, got {_name}")
del name
_group: GroupName = group(__target) if callable(group) else group # type: ignore
if _group is not None and not isinstance(_group, str):
raise TypeError(f"`group` must be a string or None, got {_group}")
del group
_pkg = package(__target) if callable(package) else package
if _pkg is not None and not isinstance(_pkg, str):
raise TypeError(f"`package` must be a string or None, got {_pkg}")
del package
merged_kw = {
**{k: kw[k] for k in set(kw) - _DEFAULT_KEYS},
if self._deferred_to_config:
node = _Deferred(
__target, # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType]
node = to_config(__target, **merged_kw)
entry = StoreEntry(
self._set_entry(entry, overwrite=self._overwrite_ok)
return cast(Union[F, Self], __target)
def copy(self: Self, store_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Self:
"""Returns a copy of the store with the same overridden defaults.
store_name : str | None, optional (default=None)
>>> from hydra_zen import ZenStore
>>> s1 = ZenStore()(group="G")
>>> s1({}, name="a")
>>> s2 = s1.copy()
>>> s2({}, name="b")
>>> s1
{'G': ['a']}
>>> s2
{'G': ['a', 'b']}
cp = deepcopy(self)
cp.name = store_name if store_name is not None else self.name + "_copy"
return cp
def copy_with_mapped_groups(
self: Self,
old_group_to_new_group: Union[
Mapping[GroupName, GroupName], Callable[[GroupName], GroupName]
store_name: Optional[str] = None,
overwrite_ok: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> Self:
"""Create a copy of a store whose entries' groups have been updated according to the provided mapping.
old_group_to_new_group : Mapping[GroupName, GroupName] | Callable[[GroupName], GroupName]
A mapping or callable that transforms an old group name to a new one.
Groups in the store that are not included in the mapping are unaffected.
A `GroupName` is `str | None`.
store_name : Optional[None]
If specified, the name of the new store.
overwrite_ok : Optional[bool]:
If specified, determines if the mapping can overwrite existing store
entries. Otherwise, defers to `ZenStore(overwrite_ok)`.
A copy of `self` with remapped groups.
>>> from hydra_zen import ZenStore
Creating an initial store
>>> s1 = ZenStore("s1")
>>> s1({}, group=None, name="a")
>>> s1({}, group="A/1", name="b")
>>> s1({}, group="A/2", name="c")
>>> s1
{None: ['a'], 'A/1': ['b'], 'A/2': ['c']}
Replacing group "A/1" with "B", via a mapping
>>> s2 = s1.copy_with_mapped_groups({"A/1": "B"}, store_name="s2")
>>> s2
{None: ['a'], 'A/2': ['c'], 'B': ['b']}
Placing all entries under group "A/" within a new inner group "p", via a
>>> s3 = s1.copy_with_mapped_groups(
... lambda g: g + "/p" if g and g.startswith("A/") else g, store_name="s3"
... )
>>> s3
{None: ['a'], 'A/1/p': ['b'], 'A/2/p': ['c']}
overwrite = overwrite_ok if overwrite_ok is not None else self._overwrite_ok
map_fn: Callable[[GroupName], GroupName] = (
(lambda x: old_group_to_new_group.get(x, x))
if isinstance(old_group_to_new_group, Mapping)
else old_group_to_new_group
copy = self.copy(store_name)
for (group, name), entry in tuple(copy._internal_repo.items()):
new_group = map_fn(group)
if new_group != group:
del copy[group, name]
entry["group"] = new_group
copy._set_entry(entry, overwrite=overwrite)
return copy
def groups(self) -> Sequence[GroupName]:
"""Returns a sorted list of the groups registered with this store"""
set_: set[GroupName] = {group for group, _ in self._internal_repo}
if None in set_:
no_none = cast(set[str], set_)
return [None] + sorted(no_none)
no_none = cast(set[str], set_)
return sorted(no_none)
def enqueue_all(self) -> None:
"""Add all of the store's entries to the queue to be added to hydra's store.
>>> from hydra_zen import ZenStore
>>> store = ZenStore(deferred_hydra_store=True)
>>> store({"a": 1}, name)
>>> store.has_enqueued()
>>> store.add_to_hydra_store()
>>> store.has_enqueued()
>>> store.enqueue_all()
>>> store.has_enqueued()
def has_enqueued(self) -> bool:
"""`True` if this store has entries that have not yet been added to
Hydra's config store.
>>> from hydra_zen import ZenStore
>>> store = ZenStore(deferred_hydra_store=True)
>>> store.has_enqueued()
>>> store({"a": 1}, name)
>>> store.has_enqueued()
>>> store.add_to_hydra_store()
>>> store.has_enqueued()
return bool(self._queue)
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
"""`True` if entries have been added to this store, regardless of whether or
not they have been added to Hydra's config store"""
return bool(self._internal_repo)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._internal_repo)
def update(self, __other: "ZenStore") -> None:
"""Updates the store inplace with redundant entries being overwritten.
Can also be applied via the `|=` in-place operator.
>>> from hydra_zen import ZenStore
>>> def f(): ...
>>> def g(): ...
>>> s1 = ZenStore("s1")
>>> s2 = ZenStore("s2")
>>> s1(f) # store f in s1
>>> s2(g) # store g in s2
>>> s1.update(s2)
>>> s1 # s1 now has entries for both f and g
{None: ['f', 'g']}
Alternatively, the `|=` operator can be used to update a store inplace.
>>> s3 = ZenStore("s3")
>>> s3 |= s2
>>> s3
{None: ['g']}
if __other == self:
if not self._deferred_store:
def merge(
self: Self, __other: "ZenStore", store_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Self:
"""Create a new store by merging two stores.
The new store's default settings will reflect those of `self` in
`self.merge(other)`. This can also be applied via the `|` operator.
>>> from hydra_zen import ZenStore
>>> def f(): ...
>>> def g(): ...
>>> s1 = ZenStore("s1")
>>> s2 = ZenStore("s2")
>>> s1(f) # store f in s1
>>> s2(g) # store g in s2
>>> s3 = s1.merge(s2)
>>> s3
{None: ['f', 'g']}
Alternatively, the `|` operator can be used to merge stores.
>>> s4 = s1 | s2
>>> s4
{None: ['f', 'g']}
cp = self.copy(store_name)
return cp
def __or__(self: Self, other: "ZenStore") -> Self:
return self.merge(other)
def __ior__(self: Self, other: "ZenStore") -> Self:
return self
def __getitem__(self, key: tuple[GroupName, NodeName]) -> Node: ...
def __getitem__(self, key: GroupName) -> dict[tuple[GroupName, NodeName], Node]: ...
def __getitem__(self, key: Union[GroupName, tuple[GroupName, NodeName]]) -> Node:
"""Access a entry's config node by specifying `(group, name)`. Or, access a
mapping of `(group, name) -> node` for all nodes in a specified group,
including nodes within subgroups.
See Also
>>> from hydra_zen import store
>>> store(dict(x=1), name="a", group="fruit")
>>> store(dict(x=2), name="b", group="fruit/apple")
>>> store(dict(x=3), name="c", group="fruit/apple")
>>> store(dict(x=4), name="d", group="fruit/orange")
>>> store(dict(x=5), name="e", group="veggie")
Accessing an individual entry's config node.
>>> store["fruit/apple", "b"]
{'x': 2}
Accessing all config nodes under the "fruit/apple" group
>>> store["fruit/apple"]
{('fruit/apple', 'b'): {'x': 2}, ('fruit/apple', 'c'): {'x': 3}}
Accessing all config nodes under the "fruit" group
>>> store["fruit"]
{('fruit', 'a'): {'x': 1},
('fruit/apple', 'b'): {'x': 2},
('fruit/apple', 'c'): {'x': 3},
('fruit/orange', 'd'): {'x': 4}}
# store[group] ->
# {(group, name): node1, (group, name2): node2, (group/subgroup, name3): node3}
# store[group, name] -> node
if isinstance(key, str) or key is None:
key_not_none = key is not None
key_w_ender = key + "/" if key is not None else "<ZEN_NEVER>"
return {
(group, name): _resolve_node(entry, copy=False)["node"]
for (group, name), entry in self._internal_repo.items()
if group == key
or (
key_not_none and group is not None and group.startswith(key_w_ender)
return _resolve_node(self._internal_repo[key], copy=False)["node"]
def __delitem__(self, key: tuple[GroupName, NodeName]) -> None:
del self._internal_repo[key]
def delete_entry(self, group: GroupName, name: NodeName) -> None:
del self[group, name]
def get_entry(self, group: GroupName, name: NodeName) -> StoreEntry:
"""Access a store entry, which is a mapping that specifies the entry's
name, group, package, provider, and node.
group : str | None
name : str
- name: NodeName
- group: GroupName
- package: Optional[str]
- provider: Optional[str]
- node: ConfigType
Mutating the returned mapping will not affect the store's internal entry.
Mutating a node in the returned entry may have unintended consequences and
is not advised.
>>> from hydra_zen import store, ZenStore
>>> store(dict(x=1), name="a", group="fruit")
>>> store.get_entry("fruit", "a")
{'name': 'a',
'group': 'fruit',
'package': None,
'provider': None,
'node': {'x': 1}}
return _resolve_node(self._internal_repo[(group, name)], copy=True)
def _set_entry(self, __entry: StoreEntry, overwrite: bool) -> None:
_group = __entry["group"]
_name = __entry["name"]
if not overwrite and (_group, _name) in self._internal_repo:
raise ValueError(
f"(name={__entry['name']} group={__entry['group']}): "
f"Store entry already exists. Use a store initialized "
f"with `ZenStore(overwrite_ok=True)` to overwrite config store "
self._internal_repo[_group, _name] = __entry
self._queue.add((_group, _name))
if not self._deferred_store:
def __contains__(self, key: Union[GroupName, tuple[GroupName, NodeName]]) -> bool:
"""Checks if group or (group, node-name) exists in zen-store."""
if key is None:
return any(k[0] is None for k in self._internal_repo) # pragma: no branch
elif isinstance(key, str):
key_w_end: str = key + "/"
return any(
key == group or group.startswith(key_w_end)
for group, _ in self._internal_repo
if group is not None
return key in self._internal_repo
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[StoreEntry, None, None]:
"""Yields all entries in this store.
Mutating the returned mappings will not affect the store's internal entries.
Mutating a node in an entry may have unintended consequences and is not advised.
>>> from hydra_zen import store
>>> store(dict(x=1), name="a", group="fruit")
>>> store(dict(x=2), name="b", group="fruit/orange")
>>> store(dict(x=3), name="c", group="veggie")
>>> list(store)
[{'name': 'a',
'group': 'fruit',
'package': None,
'provider': None,
'node': {'x': 1}},
{'name': 'b',
'group': 'fruit/orange',
'package': None,
'provider': None,
'node': {'x': 2}},
{'name': 'c',
'group': 'veggie',
'package': None,
'provider': None,
'node': {'x': 3}}]
yield from (_resolve_node(v, copy=True) for v in self._internal_repo.values())
def add_to_hydra_store(self, overwrite_ok: Optional[bool] = None) -> None:
"""Adds all of this store's enqueued entries to Hydra's global config store.
This method need not be called for a store initialized as
overwrite_ok : Optional[bool]
If `False`, this method raises `ValueError` if an entry in Hydra's config
store will be overwritten. Defaults to the value of `overwrite_ok`
specified when initializing this store.
>>> from hydra_zen import ZenStore
>>> store1 = ZenStore()
>>> store2 = ZenStore()
>>> store1({'a': 1}, name="x")
>>> store1.add_to_hydra_store()
>>> store2({'a': 2}, name="x")
>>> store2.add_to_hydra_store()
ValueError: (name=x group=None): Hydra config store entry already exists. Specify `overwrite_ok=True` to enable replacing config store entries
>>> store2.add_to_hydra_store(overwrite_ok=True) # successfully overwrites entry
_store = ConfigStore.instance().store
for key in tuple(self._queue):
entry = _resolve_node(self._internal_repo[key], copy=False)
if (
overwrite_ok is False
or (overwrite_ok is None and not self._overwrite_ok)
and self._exists_in_hydra_store(
name=entry["name"], group=entry["group"]
# It is okay if we are overwriting Hydra's default store
and not (
(entry["name"], entry["group"]) == ("config", "hydra")
and ConfigStore.instance().repo["hydra"]["config.yaml"].provider
== "hydra"
raise ValueError(
f"(name={entry['name']} group={entry['group']}): "
f"Hydra config store entry already exists. Specify "
f"`overwrite_ok=True` to enable replacing config store entries"
def _exists_in_hydra_store(
name: NodeName,
group: GroupName,
hydra_store: ConfigStore = ConfigStore().instance(),
) -> bool:
repo = hydra_store.repo
if group is not None:
for group_name in group.split("/"):
repo = repo.get(group_name)
if repo is None:
return False
return name + ".yaml" in repo
store: ZenStore = ZenStore(