Source code for rai_toolbox.optim.lp_space

# Subject to FAR 52.227-11 – Patent Rights – Ownership by the Contractor (May 2014).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import Generator, Tensor, default_generator
from torch.optim import SGD
from typing_extensions import Final

from rai_toolbox._typing import Optimizer as Opt, OptimizerType, OptimParams, Partial
from rai_toolbox._utils import check_param_group_value, value_check

from .misc import TopQGradientOptimizer
from .optimizer import (

__all__ = [
_TINY = torch.finfo(torch.float32).tiny

class _HasEpsilon(DatumParamGroup):
    epsilon: float

class _LpNormOptimizer(ParamTransformingOptimizer):
    r"""A base optimizer whose step normalizes based on the p-norm:

    .. math::

       ||x||_p = (|x|_1^{p}, ...,  |x|_n^{p})^{1/p}

    When performing gradient-based updates to the optimizer's parameters,
    the gradients are normalized by the p-norm.

    _p: Union[int, float]

    def __init__(
        params: OptimParams,
        InnerOpt: Union[Partial[Opt], OptimizerType] = SGD,
        param_ndim: Optional[int] = -1,
        defaults: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        grad_scale: float = 1.0,
        grad_bias: float = 0.0,
        div_by_zero_eps: float = _TINY,
        params : Sequence[Tensor] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]
            Iterable of parameters or dicts defining parameter groups.

        InnerOpt : Type[Optimizer] | Partial[Optimizer], optional (default=`torch.nn.optim.SGD`)
            The optimizer that updates the parameters after their gradients have
            been transformed.

        param_ndim : Optional[int]
            Determines how a parameter and its gradient is temporarily reshaped prior
            to being passed to both `_pre_step_transform_` and `_post_step_transform_`.
            By default,the transformation broadcasts over the tensor's first dimension
            in a batch-like style. This can be specified per param-group

            - A positive number determines the dimensionality of the tensor that the transformation will act on.
            - A negative number indicates the 'offset' from the dimensionality of the tensor (see "Notes" for examples).
            - `None` means that the transformation will be applied directly to the tensor without any broadcasting.

            See `ParamTransformingOptimizer` for more details and examples.

        grad_scale : float, optional (default=1.0)
            Multiplies each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is
            performed. This can be specified per param-group.

        grad_bias : float, optional (default=0.0)
            Added to each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is
            performed. This can be specified per param-group.

        defaults : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
            Specifies default parameters for all parameter groups.

        div_by_zero_eps : float, optional (default=`torch.finfo(torch.float32).tiny`)
            A lower bound used to clamp the normalization factor to prevent div-by-zero.

        **inner_opt_kwargs : Any
            Named arguments used to initialize `InnerOpt`.
        if not hasattr(self, "_p"):
            raise TypeError(f"{type(self).__name__} must have the attribute `_p` set.")
            if not isinstance(self.p, (int, float)):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"{type(self).__name__}.p must be an int or float, got {self.p}"


        self.div_by_zero_eps = value_check("div_by_zero_eps", div_by_zero_eps, min_=0.0)

    def p(self) -> Union[float, int]:
        return self._p

    def per_datum_norm(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return torch.norm(x, p=self.p, dim=1)

    def _pre_step_transform_(self, param: Tensor, **_unused_kwargs) -> None:
        if param.grad is None:  # pragma: no cover

        g = param.grad.flatten(1)
        g_norm = self.per_datum_norm(g).view(-1, *([1] * (param.ndim - 1)))
        param.grad /= torch.clamp(g_norm, self.div_by_zero_eps, None)

[docs] class SignedGradientOptim(ParamTransformingOptimizer): r"""A gradient-tranforming optimizer that takes the elementwise sign of a parameter's gradient prior to using `InnerOp.step` to update the corresponding parameter. See Also -------- L1NormedGradientOptim L2NormedGradientOptim ParamTransformingOptimizer """
[docs] def __init__( self, params: OptimParams, InnerOpt: Union[Partial[Opt], OptimizerType] = SGD, *, grad_scale: float = 1.0, grad_bias: float = 0.0, defaults: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, param_ndim: Optional[int] = None, **inner_opt_kwargs, ) -> None: r""" Parameters ---------- params : Sequence[Tensor] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]] Iterable of parameters or dicts defining parameter groups. InnerOpt : Type[Optimizer] | Partial[Optimizer], optional (default=`torch.nn.optim.SGD`) The optimizer that updates the parameters after their gradients have been transformed. grad_scale : float, optional (default=1.0) Multiplies each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is performed. This can be specified per param-group. grad_bias : float, optional (default=0.0) Added to each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is performed. This can be specified per param-group. defaults : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] Specifies default parameters for all parameter groups. param_ndim : Optional[int] Controls how `_pre_step_transform_` is broadcast onto the gradient of a given parameter. This has no effect for `SignedGradientOptim`. **inner_opt_kwargs : Any Named arguments used to initialize `InnerOpt`. Examples -------- Let's create use `SignedGradientOptim` along with a SGD-step with a learning rate of `1.0`. >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.optim import SignedGradientOptim Creating a parameter for our optimizer to update, and our optimizer. >>> x = tr.tensor([-1.5, 1.5], requires_grad=True) >>> optim = SignedGradientOptim([x], InnerOpt=tr.optim.SGD, lr=1.0) Performing a simple calculation with `x` and performing backprop to create a gradient. >>> (tr.tensor([-2.0, 20.0]) * x).sum().backward() >>> x.grad # the original gradient tensor([-2., 20.]) Performing a step with our optimizer transforms the gradient in-place, and then updates the parameter using `SGD([x], lr=1.0).step()`. >>> optim.step() >>> x.grad # the normalized gradient tensor([-1., 1.]) >>> x # the updated parameter tensor([-0.5000, 0.5000], requires_grad=True) """ super().__init__( params, InnerOpt, param_ndim=param_ndim, grad_scale=grad_scale, grad_bias=grad_bias, defaults=defaults, **inner_opt_kwargs, )
def _pre_step_transform_(self, param: Tensor, **_unused_kwargs) -> None: if param.grad is None: # pragma: no cover return torch.sign(param.grad, out=param.grad)
[docs] class L1NormedGradientOptim(_LpNormOptimizer): r"""A gradient-tranforming optimizer that normalizes the gradient by its :math:`L^1`-norm prior to using `InnerOp.step` to update the corresponding parameter. See Also -------- L2NormedGradientOptim SignedGradientOptim ParamTransformingOptimizer Examples -------- Let's create an optimizer that normalizes all parameter gradients using their :math:`L^1`-norm, and then updates the parameters with a standard SGD-step with a learning rate of `1.0`. >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.optim import L1NormedGradientOptim Creating a parameter for our optimizer to update, and our optimizer. We want the norm to be computed over the entire gradient tensor – without broadcasting – so we specify `param_ndim=None`. >>> x = tr.tensor([-1.0, 1.0], requires_grad=True) >>> optim = L1NormedGradientOptim([x], param_ndim=None, InnerOpt=tr.optim.SGD, lr=1.0) Performing a simple calculation with `x` and performing backprop to create a gradient. >>> (tr.tensor([2.0, 2.0]) * x).sum().backward() >>> x.grad # the un-normed gradient tensor([2., 2.]) Performing a step with our optimizer transforms the gradient in-place, and then updates the parameter using `SGD([x], lr=1.0).step()`. >>> optim.step() >>> x.grad # the normalized gradient tensor([0.5000, 0.5000]) >>> x # the updated parameter tensor([-1.5000, 0.5000], requires_grad=True) """ _p: Final = 1
[docs] class L2NormedGradientOptim(_LpNormOptimizer): r"""A gradient-tranforming optimizer that normalizes the gradient by its :math:`L^2`-norm prior to using `InnerOp.step` to update the corresponding parameter. The transformation is applied to the gradient in accordance with `param_ndim`. See Also -------- L1NormedGradientOptim SignedGradientOptim ParamTransformingOptimizer Examples -------- Let's create an optimizer that normalizes all parameter gradients using their :math:`L^2`-norm, and then updates the parameters with a standard SGD-step with a learning rate of `1.0`. >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.optim import L2NormedGradientOptim Creating a parameter for our optimizer to update, and our optimizer. We want the norm to be computed over the entire gradient tensor – without broadcasting – so we specify `param_ndim=None`. >>> x = tr.tensor([-1.0, 1.0], requires_grad=True) >>> optim = L2NormedGradientOptim([x], param_ndim=None, InnerOpt=tr.optim.SGD, lr=1.0) Performing a simple calculation with `x` and performing backprop to create a gradient. >>> (tr.tensor([2.0, 2.0]) * x).sum().backward() >>> x.grad # the un-normed gradient tensor([2., 2.]) Performing a step with our optimizer transforms the gradient in-place, and then updates the parameter using `SGD([x], lr=1.0).step()`. >>> optim.step() >>> x.grad # the normalized gradient tensor([0.7071, 0.7071]) >>> x # the updated parameter tensor([-1.7071, 0.2929], requires_grad=True) """ _p: Final = 2
[docs] class L2ProjectedOptim(L2NormedGradientOptim): r"""A gradient-tranforming optimizer that constrains the updated parameters to lie within an :math:`\epsilon`-sized ball in :math:`L^2` space centered on the origin. A step with this optimizer normalizes the gradient by its :math:`L^2`-norm prior to using `InnerOp.step` to update the corresponding parameter. Each parameter is then projected into the constraint set. The transformation/projection is applied to the gradient/parameter in accordance with `param_ndim`. See Also -------- L2NormedGradientOptim LinfProjectedOptim ParamTransformingOptimizer """
[docs] def __init__( self, params: OptimParams, InnerOpt: Union[Partial[Opt], OptimizerType] = SGD, *, epsilon: float = REQUIRED, param_ndim: Union[int, None] = -1, grad_scale: float = 1.0, grad_bias: float = 0.0, defaults: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, div_by_zero_eps: float = _TINY, **inner_opt_kwargs, ): r""" Parameters ---------- params : Sequence[Tensor] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]] Iterable of parameters or dicts defining parameter groups. InnerOpt : Type[Optimizer] | Partial[Optimizer], optional (default=`torch.nn.optim.SGD`) The optimizer that updates the parameters after their gradients have been transformed. epsilon : float Specifies the size of the L2-space ball that all parameters will be projected into, post optimization step. param_ndim : Union[int, None], optional (default=-1) Determines how a parameter and its gradient is temporarily reshaped prior to being passed to both `_pre_step_transform_` and `_post_step_transform_`. By default,the transformation broadcasts over the tensor's first dimension in a batch-like style. This can be specified per param-group - A positive number determines the dimensionality of the tensor that the transformation will act on. - A negative number indicates the 'offset' from the dimensionality of the tensor (see "Notes" for examples). - `None` means that the transformation will be applied directly to the tensor without any broadcasting. See `ParamTransformingOptimizer` for more details and examples. grad_scale : float, optional (default=1.0) Multiplies each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is performed. This can be specified per param-group. grad_bias : float, optional (default=0.0) Added to each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is performed. This can be specified per param-group. defaults : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] Specifies default parameters for all parameter groups. div_by_zero_eps : float, optional (default=`torch.finfo(torch.float32).tiny`) A lower bound used to clamp the normalization factor to prevent div-by-zero. **inner_opt_kwargs : Any Named arguments used to initialize `InnerOpt`. Examples -------- Let's create an optimizer that normalizes all parameter gradients using their :math:`L^2`-norm, and then updates the parameters with a standard SGD-step with a learning rate of `1.0`. After the step, each parameter will be projected into a :math:`L^2`-ball of radius `0.8`. >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.optim import L2ProjectedOptim Creating a parameter for our optimizer to update, and our optimizer. We want the norm to be computed over the entire gradient tensor – without broadcasting – so we specify `param_ndim=None`. This also controls the projection behavior. >>> x = tr.tensor([-1.0, 1.0], requires_grad=True) >>> optim = L2ProjectedOptim([x], param_ndim=None, InnerOpt=tr.optim.SGD, lr=1.0, epsilon=0.8) Performing a simple calculation with `x` and performing backprop to create a gradient. >>> (tr.tensor([2.0, 2.0]) * x).sum().backward() >>> x.grad # the un-normed gradient tensor([2., 2.]) Performing a step with our optimizer transforms the gradient in-place, updates the parameter using `SGD([x], lr=1.0).step()`, and then projects the parameter into the constraint set. >>> optim.step() >>> x.grad # the normalized gradient tensor([0.7071, 0.7071]) >>> x # the updated parameter tensor([-0.7885, 0.1353], requires_grad=True) >>> x.norm(p=2).item() # `x` lies on the L2-ball of radius 0.8 0.800000011920929 """ if defaults is None: defaults = {} defaults.setdefault("epsilon", epsilon) super().__init__( params, InnerOpt=InnerOpt, defaults=defaults, param_ndim=param_ndim, grad_scale=grad_scale, grad_bias=grad_bias, div_by_zero_eps=div_by_zero_eps, **inner_opt_kwargs, ) check_param_group_value("epsilon", self.param_groups, min_=0.0)
def _post_step_transform_(self, param: Tensor, optim_group: _HasEpsilon) -> None: """Applies an in-place projection on the given parameter""" param.renorm_(p=self.p, dim=0, maxnorm=optim_group["epsilon"])
[docs] class LinfProjectedOptim(SignedGradientOptim): r"""A gradient-tranforming optimizer that constrains the updated parameter values to fall within :math:`[-\epsilon, \epsilon]`. A step with this optimizer takes the elementwise sign of a parameter's gradient prior to using `InnerOp.step` to update the corresponding parameter. The updated parameter is then clamped elementwise to :math:`[-\epsilon, \epsilon]`. See Also -------- L2NormedGradientOptim LinfProjectedOptim ParamTransformingOptimizer """
[docs] def __init__( self, params: OptimParams, InnerOpt: Union[Partial[Opt], OptimizerType] = SGD, *, epsilon: float = REQUIRED, param_ndim=None, grad_scale: float = 1.0, grad_bias: float = 0.0, defaults: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **inner_opt_kwargs, ): r""" Parameters ---------- params : Sequence[Tensor] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]] Iterable of parameters or dicts defining parameter groups. InnerOpt : Type[Optimizer] | Partial[Optimizer], optional (default=`torch.nn.optim.SGD`) The optimizer that updates the parameters after their gradients have been transformed. epsilon : float Specifies the size of the L2-space ball that all parameters will be projected into, post optimization step. param_ndim : Optional[int] Clamp is performed elementwise, and thus `param_ndim` need not be adjusted. grad_scale : float, optional (default=1.0) Multiplies each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is performed. This can be specified per param-group. grad_bias : float, optional (default=0.0) Added to each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is performed. This can be specified per param-group. defaults : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] Specifies default parameters for all parameter groups. **inner_opt_kwargs : Any Named arguments used to initialize `InnerOpt`. Examples -------- Let's use `LinfProjectedOptim` along with a standard SGD-step with a learning rate of `1.0`. After the step, each parameter will have its values clamped to :math:`[-1.8, 1.8]`. >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.optim import L2ProjectedOptim Creating a parameter for our optimizer to update, and our optimizer. We specify `epsilon=1.8` so that the parameters are projected to the desired domain. >>> x = tr.tensor([-1.0, 0.5], requires_grad=True) >>> optim = LinfProjectedOptim([x], epsilon=1.8, InnerOpt=tr.optim.SGD, lr=1.0) Performing a simple calculation with `x` and performing backprop to create a gradient. >>> (tr.tensor([2.0, -2.0]) * x).sum().backward() >>> x.grad # the un-normed gradient tensor([2., -2.]) Performing a step with our optimizer transforms the gradient in-place, updates the parameter using `SGD([x], lr=1.0).step()`, and then projects the parameter into the constraint set. >>> optim.step() >>> x.grad # the normalized gradient tensor([1.0, -1.0]) >>> x # the updated parameter tensor([-1.8000, 1.5000], requires_grad=True) """ if defaults is None: defaults = {} defaults.setdefault("epsilon", epsilon) super().__init__( params, InnerOpt=InnerOpt, defaults=defaults, param_ndim=param_ndim, grad_scale=grad_scale, grad_bias=grad_bias, **inner_opt_kwargs, ) check_param_group_value("epsilon", self.param_groups, min_=0.0)
def _post_step_transform_(self, param: Tensor, optim_group: _HasEpsilon) -> None: epsilon = optim_group["epsilon"] param.clamp_(min=-epsilon, max=epsilon)
[docs] class L1qNormedGradientOptim(ChainedParamTransformingOptimizer): r"""A gradient-transforming optimizer that sparsifies a parameter's gradient and normalizes the gradient to have an :math:`L^1`-norm of `grad_scale`, prior to updating the parameter using `InnerOpt.step`. The sparsification process retains only the signs (i.e., :math:`\pm 1`) of the gradient's elements. The transformation is applied to the gradient in accordance with `param_ndim`. See Also -------- L1NormedGradientOptim L2NormedGradientOptim TopQGradientOptimizer ParamTransformingOptimizer """
[docs] def __init__( self, params: OptimParams, InnerOpt: Union[Partial[Opt], OptimizerType] = SGD, *, q: float = REQUIRED, dq: float = 0.0, param_ndim: Union[int, None] = -1, grad_scale: float = 1.0, grad_bias: float = 0.0, defaults: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, div_by_zero_eps: float = _TINY, generator: Generator = default_generator, **inner_opt_kwargs, ): r""" Parameters ---------- params : Sequence[Tensor] | Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]] Iterable of parameters or dicts defining parameter groups. InnerOpt : Type[Optimizer] | Partial[Optimizer], optional (default=`torch.nn.optim.SGD`) The optimizer that updates the parameters after their gradients have been transformed. q : float Specifies the (fractional) percentile of absolute-largest gradient elements to retain when sparsifying the gradient. E.g., `q=0.9` means that only the gradient elements within the 90th-percentile will be retained. Must be within `[0.0, 1.0]`. The sparsification is applied to the gradient in accordance to `param_ndim`. dq : float, optional (default=0.0) If specified, the sparsity factor for each gradient transformation will be drawn from a uniform distribution over :math:`[q - dq, q + dq] \in [0.0, 1.0]`. param_ndim : Union[int, None], optional (default=-1) Determines how a parameter and its gradient is temporarily reshaped prior to being passed to both `_pre_step_transform_` and `_post_step_transform_`. By default,the transformation broadcasts over the tensor's first dimension in a batch-like style. This can be specified per param-group - A positive number determines the dimensionality of the tensor that the transformation will act on. - A negative number indicates the 'offset' from the dimensionality of the tensor (see "Notes" for examples). - `None` means that the transformation will be applied directly to the tensor without any broadcasting. See `ParamTransformingOptimizer` for more details and examples. grad_scale : float, optional (default=1.0) Multiplies each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is performed. This can be specified per param-group. grad_bias : float, optional (default=0.0) Added to each gradient in-place after the in-place transformation is performed. This can be specified per param-group. defaults : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] Specifies default parameters for all parameter groups. div_by_zero_eps : float, optional (default=`torch.finfo(torch.float32).tiny`) A lower bound used to clamp the normalization factor to prevent div-by-zero. generator : torch.Generator, optional (default=`torch.default_generator`) Controls the RNG source. **inner_opt_kwargs : Any Named arguments used to initialize `InnerOpt`. Examples -------- Let's use `L1qNormedGradientOptim` along with a standard SGD-step with a learning rate of `1.0`. We'll sparsify the gradient to retain the top 70% elements of the tensor, and we'll normalize the sparse gradient to have a :math:`L^1`-norm of `1.8`. >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.optim import L1qNormedGradientOptim Creating a parameter for our optimizer to update, and our optimizer. We specify `param_ndim=None` so that the sparsification/normalization occurs on the gradient without any broadcasting. >>> x = tr.tensor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], requires_grad=True) >>> optim = L1qNormedGradientOptim( ... [x], ... q=0.30, ... grad_scale=1.8, ... InnerOpt=tr.optim.SGD, ... lr=1.0, ... param_ndim=None, ... ) Performing a simple calculation with `x` and performing backprop to create a gradient. >>> x.backward(gradient=tr.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])) >>> x.grad # the original gradient tensor([0., 1., 2.]) Performing a step with our optimizer sparsifies and normalizes the gradient in-place, and then updates the parameter using `SGD([x], lr=1.0).step()`. >>> optim.step() >>> x.grad # the signed, sparsified, and normalized gradient tensor([0.0000, 0.9000, 0.9000]) >>> x # the updated parameter tensor([1.0000, 0.1000, 0.1000], requires_grad=True) """ super().__init__( partial(TopQGradientOptimizer, q=q, dq=dq, generator=generator), SignedGradientOptim, partial(L1NormedGradientOptim, div_by_zero_eps=div_by_zero_eps), params=params, InnerOpt=InnerOpt, defaults=defaults, param_ndim=param_ndim, grad_scale=grad_scale, grad_bias=grad_bias, **inner_opt_kwargs, )