Source code for rai_toolbox.perturbations.init

# Subject to FAR 52.227-11 – Patent Rights – Ownership by the Contractor (May 2014).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from typing import Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import Generator, Tensor, default_generator

from rai_toolbox._utils import (
    to_batch as _to_batch,
    validate_param_ndim as _validate_param_ndim,

[docs] @torch.no_grad() def uniform_like_l1_n_ball_( x: Tensor, epsilon: float = 1.0, param_ndim: Union[int, None] = -1, generator: Generator = default_generator, ) -> None: r"""Uniform sampling of an :math:`\epsilon`-sized `n`-ball for :math:`L^1`-norm, where `n` is controlled by `x.shape` and `param_ndim`. The result overwrites `x` in-place. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor, shape-(N, D, ...) The tensor from which to generate a new random tensor, i.e., returns a tensor of similar shape and on the same device. By default, each of the `N` shape-`(D, ...)` subtensors are initialized independently. See `param_ndim` to control this behavior. epsilon : float, optional (default=1) Determines the radius of the ball. param_ndim : int | None, optional (default=-1) Determines the dimensionality of the subtensors that are sampled by this function. - A positive number determines the dimensionality of each subtensor to be drawn and packed into the shape-`(N, D, ...)` resulting tensor. - A negative number determines from the dimensionality of the subtensor in terms of the offset of `x.ndim`. E.g. -1 indicates that `x` is arranged in a batch-style, and that `N` independent shape-`(D, ...)` tensors will be sampled. - `None` means that a single tensor of shape-`(N, D, ...)` is sampled. Returns ------- x : Tensor, shape-(N, D, ...) The input tensor, which has been modified in-place. References ---------- .. [1] Rauber et al., 2020, Foolbox Native: Fast adversarial attacks to benchmark the robustness of machine learning models in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX .. [2] Examples -------- >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.perturbations.init import uniform_like_l1_n_ball_ Drawing two shape-`(3,)` tensors from an :math:`\epsilon=2` sized :math:`L^1` 3D-ball. >>> x = tr.zeros(2, 3) >>> uniform_like_l1_n_ball_(x, epsilon=2.0) # default: param_ndim=-1 >>> x tensor([[0.3301, 0.8459, 0.7071], [0.3470, 0.5077, 0.0977]]) >>> tr.linalg.norm(x, dim=1, ord=1) < 2.0 tensor([True, True]) Drawing one tensor shape-`(6,)` tensor from a :math:`\epsilon=2` sized :math:`L^1` 6D-ball, and storing it in `x` as a shape-`(2, 3)` tensor. We specify `param_ndim=2` (or `param_ndim=None`) to achieve this. >>> x = tr.zeros(2, 3) >>> uniform_like_l1_n_ball_(x, epsilon=2.0, param_ndim=2) >>> x tensor([[0.1413, 0.5270, 0.1570], [0.4817, 0.2760, 0.4076]]) >>> tr.linalg.norm(x, ord=1) < 2.0 tensor(True) """ _validate_param_ndim(param_ndim=param_ndim, p=x) value_check("epsilon", epsilon, min_=0.0, incl_min=False) tensor_kwargs = dict(dtype=x.dtype, device=generator.device) xflat = _to_batch(x, param_ndim=param_ndim).flatten(1) nbatch, ndim = xflat.shape u = torch.empty((nbatch, ndim), **tensor_kwargs) u.uniform_(generator=generator) v = u.sort(dim=1).values vp = ( torch.zeros((nbatch, 1), **tensor_kwargs), v[:, : ndim - 1], ), dim=1, ) assert v.shape == vp.shape z = v - vp sign = torch.empty((nbatch, ndim), **tensor_kwargs) sign.uniform_(-1, 1, generator=generator) sign = sign.sign() x.copy_(epsilon * (sign * z).reshape(x.shape))
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def uniform_like_l2_n_ball_( x: Tensor, epsilon: float = 1.0, param_ndim: Union[int, None] = -1, generator: Generator = default_generator, ) -> None: r"""Uniform sampling within an :math:`\epsilon`-sized `n`-ball for :math:`L^2`-norm, where `n` is controlled by `x.shape` and `param_ndim`. The result overwrites `x` in-place. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor, shape-(N, D, ...) The tensor to generate a new random tensor from, i.e., returns a tensor of similar shape and on the same device. By default, each of the `N` shape-`(D, ...)` subtensors are initialized independently. See `param_ndim` to control this behavior. epsilon : float, optional (default=1) Determines the radius of the ball. param_ndim : int | None, optional (default=-1) Determines the dimensionality of the subtensors that are sampled by this function. - A positive number determines the dimensionality of each subtensor to be drawn and packed into the shape-`(N, D, ...)` resulting tensor. - A negative number determines from the dimensionality of the subtensor in terms of the offset of `x.ndim`. E.g. -1 indicates that `x` is arranged in a batch-style, and that `N` independent shape-`(D, ...)` tensors will be sampled. - `None` means that a single tensor of shape-`(N, D, ...)` is sampled. generator : torch.Generator, optional (default=`torch.default_generator`) Controls the RNG source. Returns ------- x : Tensor, shape-(N, D, ...) The input tensor, which has been modified in-place. References ---------- .. [1] Rauber et al., 2020, Foolbox Native: Fast adversarial attacks to benchmark the robustness of machine learning models in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX .. [2] Voelker et al., 2017, Efficiently sampling vectors and coordinates from the n-sphere and n-ball .. [3] Roberts, Martin, 2020, How to generate uniformly random points on n-spheres and in n-balls Examples -------- >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.perturbations.init import uniform_like_l2_n_ball_ Drawing two shape-`(3,)` tensors from an :math:`\epsilon=2`-sized :math:`L^2` 3D-ball. >>> x = tr.zeros(2, 3) >>> uniform_like_l2_n_ball_(x, epsilon=2.0, param_ndim=1) >>> x tensor([[0.3030, 1.4269, 0.3927], [1.4015, 0.4913, 1.3028]]) >>> tr.linalg.norm(x, dim=1, ord=2) < 2.0 tensor([True, True]) Drawing one shape-`(6, )` tensor from a :math:`\epsilon=2`-sized :math:`L^2` 6D-ball, and storing it in `x` as a shape-`(2, 3)` tensor. We specify `param_ndim=2` (or `param_ndim=None`) to achieve this. >>> x = tr.zeros(2, 3) >>> uniform_like_l2_n_ball_(x, epsilon=2.0, param_ndim=2) >>> x tensor([[-0.6903, -0.8597, 0.0109], [ 0.0906, -0.2387, -0.3059]]) >>> tr.linalg.norm(x, ord=2) < 2.0 tensor(True) """ _validate_param_ndim(param_ndim=param_ndim, p=x) value_check("epsilon", epsilon, min_=0.0, incl_min=False) xflat = _to_batch(x, param_ndim=param_ndim).flatten(1) nbatch, ndim = xflat.shape z = torch.empty((nbatch, ndim + 2), dtype=xflat.dtype, device=generator.device) z.normal_(generator=generator) r = z.norm(p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True) x.copy_(epsilon * (z / r)[:, :ndim].reshape(x.shape))
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def uniform_like_linf_n_ball_( x: Tensor, epsilon: float = 1.0, param_ndim: Optional[int] = None, generator: Generator = default_generator, ) -> None: r"""Uniform sampling within an :math:`\epsilon`-sized `n`-ball for :math:`L^{\infty}`-norm. The result overwrites `x` in-place. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor, shape-(N, D, ...) The tensor to generate a new random tensor from, i.e., returns a tensor of similar shape and on the same device. epsilon : float, optional (default=1) Determines the radius of the ball. param_ndim : Optional[int] Unused. Included for parity with other init functions. generator : torch.Generator, optional (default=`torch.default_generator`) Controls the RNG source. Returns ------- x : Tensor, shape-(N, D, ...) The input tensor, which has been modified in-place. Examples -------- >>> import torch as tr >>> from rai_toolbox.perturbations.init import uniform_like_linf_n_ball_ >>> x = tr.zeros(2, 3) >>> uniform_like_linf_n_ball_(x, epsilon=2.0) >>> x tensor([[ 1.7092, -1.8723, -0.0806], [-1.4680, -1.8782, -0.1998]]) >>> x.abs() < 2. tensor([[True, True, True], [True, True, True]]) """ del param_ndim value_check("epsilon", epsilon, min_=0.0, incl_min=False) new = torch.empty_like(x, dtype=x.dtype, device=generator.device) new.uniform_(-epsilon, epsilon, generator=generator) x.copy_(new)