
hydra_zen.builds(hydra_target, /, *pos_args, zen_partial=None, zen_wrappers=(), zen_meta=None, populate_full_signature=False, zen_exclude=(), hydra_recursive=None, hydra_convert=None, hydra_defaults=None, builds_bases=(), zen_dataclass=None, **kwargs_for_target)#

builds(target, *args, **kw) returns a Hydra-compatible config that, when instantiated, returns target(*args, **kw).

I.e., instantiate(builds(target, *args, **kw)) == target(*args, **kw)

Consult the Notes section for more details, and the Examples section to see the various features of builds in action.

hydra_targetT (Callable)

The target object to be configured. This is a required, positional-only argument.


Positional arguments passed as <hydra_target>(*pos_args, ...) upon instantiation.

Arguments specified positionally are not included in the config’s signature and are stored as a tuple bound to in the _args_ field.


The keyword arguments passed as <hydra_target>(..., **kwargs_for_target) upon instantiation.

The arguments specified here determine the signature of the resulting config, unless populate_full_signature=True is specified (see below).

Named parameters of the forms that have the prefixes hydra_, zen_ or _zen_ are reserved to ensure future-compatibility, and thus cannot be specified by the user.


If True, then the resulting config will instantiate as functools.partial(<hydra_target>, *pos_args, **kwargs_for_target). Thus this enables the partial-configuration of objects.

Specifying zen_partial=True and populate_full_signature=True together will populate the config’s signature only with parameters that: are explicitly specified by the user, or that have default values specified in the target’s signature. I.e. it is presumed that un-specified parameters that have no default values are to be excluded from the config.

zen_wrappersNone | Callable | Builds | InterpStr | Sequence[None | Callable | Builds | InterpStr]

One or more wrappers, which will wrap hydra_target prior to instantiation. E.g. specifying the wrappers [f1, f2, f3] will instantiate as:

f3(f2(f1(<hydra_target>)))(*args, **kwargs)

Wrappers can also be specified as interpolated strings [2] or targeted configs.

zen_metaOptional[Mapping[str, SupportedPrimitive]]

Specifies field-names and corresponding values that will be included in the resulting config, but that will not be used to instantiate <hydra_target>. These are called “meta” fields.

populate_full_signaturebool, optional (default=False)

If True, then the resulting config’s signature and fields will be populated according to the signature of <hydra_target>; values also specified in **kwargs_for_target take precedent.

This option is not available for objects with inaccessible signatures, such as NumPy’s various ufuncs.

zen_excludeCollection[str | int] | Callable[[str], bool], optional (default=[])

Specifies parameter names and/or indices, or a function for checking names, to exclude those parameters from the config-creation process.

Note that inherited fields cannot be excluded.

A dictionary that modifies hydra-zen’s value and type conversion behavior. Consists of the following optional key-value pairs (hydra_zen.typing.ZenConvert):

  • dataclassbool (default=True):

    If True any dataclass type/instance without a _target_ field is automatically converted to a targeted config that will instantiate to that type/instance. Otherwise the dataclass type/instance will be passed through as-is.

  • flat_target: bool (default=True)

    If True (default), builds(builds(f)) is equivalent to builds(f). I.e. the second builds call will use the _target_ field of its input, if it exists.

builds_basesTuple[Type[DataClass], …]

Specifies a tuple of parent classes that the resulting config inherits from.

hydra_recursiveOptional[bool], optional (default=True)

If True, then Hydra will recursively instantiate all other hydra-config objects nested within this config [3].

If None, the _recursive_ attribute is not set on the resulting config.

hydra_convertOptional[Literal[“none”, “partial”, “all”, “object”]], optional (default=”none”)

Determines how Hydra handles the non-primitive, omegaconf-specific objects passed to <hydra_target> [4].

  • "none": No conversion occurs; omegaconf containers are passed through (Default)

  • "partial": DictConfig and ListConfig objects converted to dict and

list, respectively. Structured configs and their fields are passed without conversion. - "all": All passed objects are converted to dicts, lists, and primitives, without a trace of OmegaConf containers. - "object": Passed objects are converted to dict and list. Structured Configs are converted to instances of the backing dataclass / attr class.

If None, the _convert_ attribute is not set on the resulting config.

hydra_defaultsNone | list[str | dict[str, str | list[str] | None ]], optional (default = None)

A list in an input config that instructs Hydra how to build the output config [6] [7]. Each input config can have a Defaults List as a top level element. The Defaults List itself is not a part of output config.


A dictionary that can specify any option that is supported by dataclasses.make_dataclass() other than fields. The default value for unsafe_hash is True.

target can be specified as a string to override the _target_ field set on the dataclass type returned by builds.

The module field can be specified to enable pickle compatibility. See hydra_zen.typing.DataclassOptions for details.

frozenbool, optional (default=False)

Deprecated since version 0.9.0: frozen will be removed in hydra-zen 0.10.0. It is replaced by zen_dataclass={'frozen': <bool>}.

If True, the resulting config will create frozen (i.e. immutable) instances. I.e. setting/deleting an attribute of an instance will raise dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError at runtime.


Deprecated since version 0.9.0: dataclass_name will be removed in hydra-zen 0.10.0. It is replaced by zen_dataclass={'cls_name': <str>}.

If specified, determines the name of the returned class object.

ConfigType[Builds[Type[T]]] | Type[PartialBuilds[Type[T]]]

A dynamically-generated structured config (i.e. a dataclass type) that describes how to build hydra_target.


The provided configured value cannot be serialized by Hydra, nor does hydra-zen provide specialized support for it. See Configuration-Value Types Supported by Hydra and hydra-zen for more details.

See also


Instantiates a configuration created by builds, returning the instantiated target.


Returns a new builds function with customized default values.


Creates a general config with customized field names, default values, and annotations.


Returns the target-object from a targeted structured config.


Produces a config that, when instantiated by Hydra, “just” returns the un-instantiated target-object.


Serialize a config as a yaml-formatted string.


The following pseudo code conveys the core functionality of builds:

from dataclasses import make_dataclass

def builds(self,target, populate_full_signature=False, **kw):
    # Dynamically defines a Hydra-compatible dataclass type.
    # Akin to doing:
    # @dataclass
    # class Builds_thing:
    #     _target_: str = get_import_path(target)
    #     # etc.

    _target_ = get_import_path(target)

    if populate_full_signature:
        sig = get_signature(target)
        kw = {**sig, **kw}  # merge w/ preference for kw

    type_annots = [get_hints(target)[k] for k in kw]

    fields = [("_target_", str, _target_)]
    fields += [
        for hint, (field_name, v) in zip(type_annots, kw.items())

    Config = make_dataclass(f"Builds_{target}", fields)
    return Config

The resulting “config” is a dynamically-generated dataclass type [5] with Hydra-specific attributes attached to it [1]. It possesses a _target_ attribute that indicates the import path to the configured target as a string.

Using any of the zen_xx features will result in a config that depends explicitly on hydra-zen. I.e. hydra-zen must be installed in order to instantiate the resulting config, including its yaml version.

For details of the annotation SupportedPrimitive, see Configuration-Value Types Supported by Hydra and hydra-zen.

Type annotations are inferred from the target’s signature and are only retained if they are compatible with Hydra’s limited set of supported annotations; otherwise an annotation is automatically ‘broadened’ until it is made compatible with Hydra.

builds provides runtime validation of user-specified arguments against the target’s signature. E.g. specifying mis-named arguments or too many arguments will cause builds to raise.



These examples describe:

  • Basic usage

  • Creating a partial config

  • Auto-populating parameters

  • Composing configs via inheritance

  • Runtime validation performed by builds

  • Using meta-fields

  • Using zen-wrappers

  • Creating a pickle-compatible config

  • Creating a frozen config

  • Support for partial’d targets

A helpful utility for printing examples

>>> from hydra_zen import builds, instantiate, to_yaml
>>> def pyaml(x):
...     # for pretty printing configs
...     print(to_yaml(x))

Basic Usage

Lets create a basic config that describes how to ‘build’ a particular dictionary.

>>> Conf = builds(dict, a=1, b='x')

The resulting config is a dataclass with the following signature and attributes:

>>> Conf  # signature: Conf(a: Any = 1, b: Any = 'x')
<class 'types.Builds_dict'>
>>> pyaml(Conf)
_target_: builtins.dict
a: 1
b: x

The instantiate function is used to enact this build – to create the dictionary.

>>> instantiate(Conf)  # calls: `dict(a=1, b='x')`
{'a': 1, 'b': 'x'}

The default parameters that we provided can be overridden.

>>> new_conf = Conf(a=10, b="hi")  # an instance of our dataclass
>>> instantiate(new_conf)  # calls: `dict(a=10, b='hi')`
{'a': 10, 'b': 'hi'}

Positional arguments are supported.

>>> Conf = builds(len, [1, 2, 3])
>>> Conf._args_  # type: ignore
[1, 2, 3]
>>> instantiate(Conf)

Creating a Partial Config

builds can be used to partially-configure a target. Let’s create a config for the following function

>>> def a_two_tuple(x: int, y: float): return x, y

such that we only configure the parameter x.

>>> PartialConf = builds(a_two_tuple, x=1, zen_partial=True)  # configures only `x`
>>> pyaml(PartialConf)
_target_: __main__.a_two_tuple
_partial_: true
x: 1

Instantiating this config will return functools.partial(a_two_tuple, x=1).

>>> partial_func = instantiate(PartialConf)
>>> partial_func
functools.partial(<function a_two_tuple at 0x00000220A7820EE0>, x=1)

And thus the remaining parameter can be provided post-instantiation.

>>> partial_func(y=22.0)  # providing the remaining parameter
(1, 22.0)

Auto-populating parameters

The configurable parameters of a target can be auto-populated in our config. Suppose we want to configure the following function.

>>> def bar(x: bool, y: str = 'foo'): return x, y

The following config will have a signature that matches f; the annotations and default values of the parameters of f are explicitly incorporated into the config.

>>> # signature: `Builds_bar(x: bool, y: str = 'foo')`
>>> Conf = builds(bar, populate_full_signature=True)
>>> pyaml(Conf)
_target_: __main__.bar
x: ???
'y': foo

zen_exclude can be used to name parameter to be excluded from the auto-population process:

>>> Conf2 = builds(bar, populate_full_signature=True, zen_exclude=["y"])
>>> pyaml(Conf2)
_target_: __main__.bar
x: ???

to exclude parameters by index:

>>> Conf2 = builds(bar, populate_full_signature=True, zen_exclude=[-1])
>>> pyaml(Conf2)
_target_: __main__.bar
x: ???

or to specify a pattern - via a function - for excluding parameters:

>>> Conf3 = builds(bar, populate_full_signature=True,
...                zen_exclude=lambda name: name.startswith("x"))
>>> pyaml(Conf3)
_target_: __main__.bar
'y': foo

Annotations will be used by Hydra to provide limited runtime type-checking during instantiation. Here, we’ll pass a float for x, which expects a boolean value.

>>> instantiate(Conf(x=10.0))  # type: ignore
ValidationError: Value '10.0' is not a valid bool (type float)
    full_key: x

Composing configs via inheritance

Because a config produced via builds is simply a class-object, we can compose configs via class inheritance.

>>> ParentConf = builds(dict, a=1, b=2)
>>> ChildConf = builds(dict, b=-2, c=-3, builds_bases=(ParentConf,))
>>> instantiate(ChildConf)
{'a': 1, 'b': -2, 'c': -3}
>>> issubclass(ChildConf, ParentConf)

Runtime validation performed by builds

Misspelled parameter names and other invalid configurations for the target’s signature will be caught by builds so that such errors are caught prior to instantiation.

>>> def func(a_number: int): pass
>>> builds(func, a_nmbr=2)  # misspelled parameter name
TypeError: Building: func ..
>>> builds(func, 1, 2)  # too many arguments
TypeError: Building: func ..
>>> BaseConf = builds(func, a_number=2)
>>> builds(func, 1, builds_bases=(BaseConf,))  # too many args (via inheritance)
TypeError: Building: func ..
>>> # value type not supported by Hydra
>>> builds(int, (i for i in range(10)))  # type: ignore
hydra_zen.errors.HydraZenUnsupportedPrimitiveError: Building: int ..

Using meta-fields

Meta-fields are fields that are included in a config but are excluded by the instantiation process. Thus arbitrary metadata can be attached to a config.

Let’s create a config whose fields reference a meta-field via relative-interpolation [2].

>>> Conf = builds(dict, a="${.s}", b="${.s}", zen_meta=dict(s=-10))
>>> instantiate(Conf)
{'a': -10, 'b': -10}
>>> instantiate(Conf, s=2)
{'a': 2, 'b': 2}

Using zen-wrappers

Zen-wrappers enables us to make arbitrary changes to <hydra_target>, its inputs, and/or its outputs during the instantiation process.

Let’s use a wrapper to add a unit-conversion step to a config. We’ll modify a config that builds a function, which converts a temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius, and add a wrapper to it so that it will convert from Fahrenheit to Kelvin instead.

>>> def faren_to_celsius(temp_f):  # our target
...     return ((temp_f - 32) * 5) / 9
>>> def change_celcius_to_kelvin(celc_func):  # our wrapper
...     def wraps(*args, **kwargs):
...         return 273.15 + celc_func(*args, **kwargs)
...     return wraps
>>> AsCelcius = builds(faren_to_celsius)
>>> AsKelvin = builds(faren_to_celsius, zen_wrappers=change_celcius_to_kelvin)
>>> instantiate(AsCelcius, temp_f=32)
>>> instantiate(AsKelvin, temp_f=32)

Creating a pickle-compatible config

The dynamically-generated classes created by builds can be made pickle-compatible by specifying the name of the symbol that it is assigned to and the module in which it was defined.

# contents of mylib/foo.py
from pickle import dumps, loads

DictConf = builds(dict,
                    zen_dataclass={'module': 'mylib.foo',
                                    'cls_name': 'DictConf'})

assert DictConf is loads(dumps(DictConf))

Creating a frozen config

Let’s create a config object whose instances will by “frozen” (i.e., immutable).

>>> RouterConfig = builds(dict, ip_address=None, zen_dataclass={'frozen': True})
>>> my_router = RouterConfig(ip_address="")  # an immutable instance

Attempting to overwrite the attributes of my_router will raise.

>>> my_router.ip_address = ""
FrozenInstanceError: cannot assign to field 'ip_address'

Support for partial’d targets

Specifying builds(functools.partial(<target>, ...), ...) is supported; builds will automatically “unpack” a partial’d object that is passed as its target.

>>> import functools
>>> partiald_dict = functools.partial(dict, a=1, b=2)
>>> Conf = builds(partiald_dict)  # signature: (a = 1, b = 2)
>>> instantiate(Conf)  # equivalent to calling: `partiald_dict()`
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> instantiate(Conf(a=-4))  # equivalent to calling: `partiald_dict(a=-4)`
{'a': -4, 'b': 2}